Who's the NPC you certanly will NEVER marry ?


Every single one of them, I will only put up with Krobus as a housemate as I like his room which is good for all that weird furniture, then I will evict Krobus when I have had enough of his antics.
Are you sure he married Krobus?

Because moving in Krobus as a roommate is vanilla behavior. It's like marriage, but you can't have kids with him and you hug instead of kiss.
I'm definitely not certain by any means. I do know there were a few videos where DF went around marrying and divorcing every person in SDV. However, you may be correct with Krobus because he may only be flagged as a "roommate."


With the girls I'd say Maru and Emily mostly. Neither are my type, Emily is a bit too... out there. I cant really put my finger on Maru though. She's cool, but just not interested in anything beyond that.
With the guys I'd say Alex, Sam, Clint and Shane. Alex is a bro, Sam has a lot of maturing to do, Clint is lovesick for Emily so that would never work out anyway, and Shane... oi where do I even start with Shane?


Sebastian, because he smokes. That's just a turn off for me, even in a game. I'm not so fond of Leah and Emily as marriage candidates either, but I'm willing to give them a chance.
Maru, Emily, Elliott and Harvey. Maru, Emily and Elliott just don't suit my personal taste and Harvey lacks character, especially early on in the game. Even after seeing most of his heart events it feels like there's a disconnect when it comes to his personality.
Harvey, Shane, and Penny for sure. Maybe it's just because I haven't really hung out with them much, but each has something about them I just do not like.

Harvey is just so... bland.
Shane is as cuddly as a porcupine. Likely does have a warm fuzzy heart buried under it all, but first impressions are important with me and he's always just straight up nuked his.
Penny... I can tell there's problems there. Problems I don't know, but don't like.
You know what I'm gonna say.
Sam. His heart events don't really draw me in. They feel very uninspired for me compared to the other bachelors. Except for the band concert, but that's about it. Plus it didn't help that one of his heart events needs you to take the blame so you don't lose friendship points with him. I'll probably only marry him just for the sake of viewing his 14-heart event.


With the girls I'd say Maru and Emily mostly. Neither are my type, Emily is a bit too... out there. I cant really put my finger on Maru though. She's cool, but just not interested in anything beyond that.
With the guys I'd say Alex, Sam, Clint and Shane. Alex is a bro, Sam has a lot of maturing to do, Clint is lovesick for Emily so that would never work out anyway, and Shane... oi where do I even start with Shane?
This yes that are all good reasons to refuse to marry them !

I sincerelly can understand more the problem with Maru and Sam, instead with Shane...
...well, he is a particoular case... :proud:


Probably Elliot, something about him really annoys me. Every time I talked to him it seemed like he thought that he was better than me. Especially when I was married to Leah on a playthrough and he kept asking after her (I later divorced her for Abigail). But my true enemy is Hailey.
Yes, also for me, the first times I've played the game,
talk to Elliot was like talking to a vain peacock :laugh: .

But then I beginned to appreciate a little bit more his personality.


Sebastian, because he smokes. That's just a turn off for me, even in a game. I'm not so fond of Leah and Emily as marriage candidates either, but I'm willing to give them a chance.
I'm surely agree with fact of the smoking, and also with the case of Emily, (not Leah), at the beginning I couldn't even image that she was a marriage candidate !