Who's the NPC you certanly will NEVER marry ?


I just find him rather annoying and bland. Plus the fact that at some point I was married to Emily and he is major crushing on her and I judt didn’t like that. He’s super sad constantly and kinda has no personality and I just can’t seem to even consider marrying him. Being his friend is already hard enough now I have to live with him??

I fucming hate maru

I kinda see him as the one guy that’s just kinda there. Although I admire him for his writing career since I myself want to be come an author it’s hard to find myself wanting to talk to him.

And if you really want an explanation for Maru’s case then fine
Maru is annoying. I don’t like the fact that she’s constantly talking about all her stupid science and revolts her entire personality around that. She never has nothing interesting to talk about and she is the favorite. I also don’t like her father but I’ll get into that some other time.

I wouldn’t marry Emily since I already divorced her. Once you marry her she gives you items but she doesn’t really tell you “oh I love you” or stuff like that. She’s the type of lover that gives gifts but I need validation which is why I like Sebastian so much. Aside from thag Emily is really cool person and a great friend and I find her love for stones and other such things interesting but her love type just doesn’t mix with mine. Also it’s really annoying once you divorce her because she talks about how much you broke her heart and she needs to move on- GET OVER JT ALREADY IT WAS ONE DIVORCE AND ONE CHILD 😭😭

Aside from them I wouldn’t care about the others. It’s not like I NEED to marry the other marriage candidates but I’m just not really interested in them and find most of them as friends in a small village. I am however stuck on Shane and Sebastian 😍
I wouldn’t mind marrying Sam but I see him as a older brother or a really close friend (he has a love for music and I can’t live without music so it just makes sense) penny is really shy and I wanna get to know her more and Alex is hot.

Lenora Rose

Alex and Sam.

Sam always seems like the youngest by far.

Abigail is like that 20-some who still likes all the cute holiday games and acting like a kid on special occasions, but she has a more mature side too, when she wants. Sam is the 18 year old who needs to go out to College in the real world to season up a bit. He's a great person but a kid.

Alex put me off with the sexist comments, and I really would rather see his arc go somewhere and let him try and go pro for real, even if he fails, not "grow out of it" before he even makes the attempt.

Lenora Rose

Alex and Sam.

Sam always seems like the youngest by far.

Abigail is like that 20-some who still likes all the cute holiday games and acting like a kid on special occasions, but she has a more mature side too, when she wants. Sam is the 18 year old who needs to go out to College in the real world to season up a bit. He's a great person but a kid.

Alex put me off with the sexist comments, and I really would rather see his arc go somewhere and let him try and go pro for real, even if he fails, not "grow out of it" before he even makes the attempt.
And unmodded Shane, but there are mods that fix his alcoholic arc at least enough to make it an arc and not a backslide.
Sam, Harvey, Abigail, and Leah.

I actually have married Sam before, but I wouldn’t do it again. He doesn’t change at all throughout the game and just seems like a child. Harvey is a little too awkward for my tastes. Abigail… I don’t know why. On one of my joke, non-serious profiles, I kept her fenced up in the kitchen with a bowl and a flower pot to relieve herself in. Leah just seems kind of self-centered. Not sure what makes me feel that way, but I do.
Elliot or Leah, because I don't like the idea of leaving their cottages empty. Harvey because he's the only doctor in town and needs to be in his apartment/office if anyone gets sick or hurt outside clinic hours. Shane needs to stay at marnie's to take care of his goddaughter. Sebastian, Maru, Sam, Abigail, Haley, and Alex all need to stay home with their family taking care of them as they seem like children who play in their rooms a lot. Haley needs Emily to take care of her.
That's why I only married Penny. But I won't marry her again.
So I guess...all of them?
When I wrote that in December of 2020 I had only done a few playthroughs. I've done several farms since then. I've married Emily, Leah, Alex, and had Krobus move in on various farms, as well as Penny on my first. I now think that if I keep playing this game for several more years, I will end up marrying every candidate at some point. I like to play the game differently each time and will like to see all the content eventually.


[Spoiler?] alright alright im breaking all the hearts of the sam and penny lovers, In one dialogue of vincent he says "He's so strong, I saw him lift Miss penny clear of the ground last night while climbing into a tree." so they were in a tree together?! so definitely the two of them i wouldn't marry


Shane was the first NPC I wanted to befriend, but I would not want to marry him. Spouses are spouses, not counselors. In my first and current save, I've ten hearted everybody but Sam, Harvey, Shane, and Seb.


I will never marry Abigail- she lets off a weird vibe and her eight heart is kinda weird in certain context. When I first got her to eight hearts just like penny’s boathouse scene, I put it off for over a year and by the time I did I was already married.
Haley- she’s plain rude and people do say she gets better but in my “main” farm I have so many prismatic shards so I always give people them because I’m slowly making it to perfection and I always forget about Haley. I lost a heart and a few shards because of her. She also doesn’t deserve the time some people put into her.

Emily- I know it says never and I already married her once but I’ll never do it again. She’s fine for a while but walking into the farmhouse at night and the only thing other than the fireplace you can see is her. Also she seems like the kind of annoying friend.

Also none of the bachelorettes because that goes against my personal morales. Also Shane I’ve heard gets really weird.


I've been on these forums for many years and don't remember seeing this post. But here is my answer. I'm a hetero-female, a retired one at that. So my choices would be males. All of the males seem like teens to me except Harvey. He's a doctor so he's older. All the rest have behaviors like my grandkids. I've only got three saves. The first one I married Alex. I was stumbling around trying to learn the game. I started over after three game-years and very little progress. Second and third saves have been Harvey. He's my guy.


Probably not going to marry any candidate that make it very clear that they cannot stay in the town any longer- the sooner that they can leave the better. Emily and Penny seems like the only ones who would be content to share a life with the farmer in Pelican Town (for the rest of their lives, if need be).


Probably not going to marry any candidate that make it very clear that they cannot stay in the town any longer- the sooner that they can leave the better. Emily and Penny seems like the only ones who would be content to share a life with the farmer in Pelican Town (for the rest of their lives, if need be).
Don't forget Leah: she flew from the big city to come to Pelican Town and she hints regulary that she'd like to spend time with the farmer at her cabin or at the farm.

I would think that Harvey also intends to stay in town.


Don't forget Leah: she flew from the big city to come to Pelican Town and she hints regulary that she'd like to spend time with the farmer at her cabin or at the farm.

I would think that Harvey also intends to stay in town.
I might've been over thinking it with Leah. In my mind, she left behind shackles in the city just to be caught again in a small town. That probably would not be the case, but I still would've felt guilty.
Also, I never brought it up, but no bachelors due to personal preference. But yes, you are correct about Harvey.


Local Legend
Probably Shane his room is just not nice and imo he shouldn’t have become romacable as it takes away from so much he worked towards.


Aah... Shane's room.

One of my farmer married him and everytime she comes near his room, she shakes her head: dirty footprints, beer cans everywhere (didn't he quit drinking???) :sweat:


Shane!! No matter how many people are simping for him, when I saw how his room would look once I married him, I got turned off real quick. It's not just for me lol


Aah... Shane's room.

One of my farmer married him and everytime she comes near his room, she shakes her head: dirty footprints, beer cans everywhere (didn't he quit drinking???) :sweat:
Oh, grody! Okay, forget everything I said. Orientations playing no part, Shane is my definitive answer to the question posed by the thread title.