What is your dream job?


I was going to ask what everyone wanted to be when they got out of school, but then I realized that not everyone is a 14 year old girl like me. So, if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? That’s more inclusive, right?
Ever since I was a very small child I wanted to be a paleontologist. I'm a junior in HS now, so I'm starting to take steps to become what I've always dreamed of! I've emailed a local professional paleontologist. He has a PHD. I can't believe he actually responded to my email! One day I'll get there!


I think I still dream sometimes of being a high school math, physics, and Spanish teacher. I'm not sure it was a good idea for my dad to tell me "It's hard to raise a family on a teacher's salary," even though there has never been a moment (since 1984) I have hated being a civil engineer.


Well, as a kid .. i realy had no idea or plans what i'm gonna to be. When i think about it, i never knew what i'm good for or what i should do. I got somekind of job at a lawer or in the finance-sector ... Afters years of sadness and grumpyness .. i changed in the health-sector ...

My dreamjob ... mh i don't know. Living alone on a mountain, selfcare ... no people .. just cows or some kind of animals around me ... oooh :)


Ughh there are so many good jobs out there... But if the time was right, I had the motivation, the money, and there was nothing holding me back, I'd narrow it down to...

A detective.
A 911 dispatcher. (Or 112 for those in other parts of the world)
A Journalist.
Or a member of the paparazzi- (I do not condone the invasion of other's privacy even if they are famous... but if I didn't have morals, it'd be kinda fun ok-)

I don't plan to strive for any of these careers, I want a more settled job for the long term, but if I was flying by the seat of my pants, or feel I had the guts, I might at least think about it lol.


I've emailed a local professional paleontologist. He has a PHD. I can't believe he actually responded to my email!
Possibly not common knowledge - people often really enjoy talking about what they do to someone interested in pursuing their profession. Especially PhD's who aren't famous. And you might be surprised when you ask them about what makes their job interesting for them. Glad you found someone who will talk to you and good luck following your dream!


Well in Canada you certainly wont have a shortage or freshwater to study or navigate :fish:

As for me... After wanting to become a crapton of things in my childhood, I eventually went on to study geology (because shiny geometric minerals), hoping to become a museum curator or field guide or something of the sort. I came this close to secure a job in a well known space museum in my town (I'm pretty knowledgeable in astronomy as well), but by this point I had discovered that the career paths in geology weren't that great and that academia (and university as a whole) just wasn't for me. So I dropped out halfway through my Master's degree and went out looking for a job. I ended up as a wall climbing monitor, then instructor. It was a very refreshing (and very needed) change of pace, and I was having a blast anyways. I could write an essay about all the positive this job brought me on a personal and professional level, but lets just say that at that point I was pretty much having what I could consider a dream job.

Two years in, I had an unfortunate experience that made me realise that I needed some better plans for the future. As fun as it was, I knew wasn't going to work there for my entire life. So that was the little push I needed to act on that old dream of mine of becoming a florist. (I could (and would) have done it earlier if it wasn't for the fact that I was still traumatised by my time in uni and didn't drop out of school just to go back to it. Had I known just how different trade schools are...) So that's what I am now and it's very fun. It's very down-to-earth so not super taxing mentally, I get to live off that creative side of mine, share my knowledge about houseplants, being active and it's somewhat varied as there are a lot of different tasks one can do. It can be a bit boring on very calm days, it's physically taxing and doesn't pay extremely well, but I'm fine with that. I like what I'm doing as a living :smile:

(I don't know why I went on a tangent like that, I guess I just like to talk about my life. But I have so many interesting stories to share!)
Does it count if you already do some of it? I'm a filmmaker, but in the southwest of England, it's kinda hard to find jobs, since it gravitates around London. I do enjoy Voice acting on weekends through Discord with friends.


Local Legend
That actually looks pretty cool! I like chem and that sort of stuff too. I'm in Canada, so we still have the Great Lakes but I'm in the west so it's far. Still something I could look into thought!
Yeah, there are pretty calm waters east side of Vancouver island as long as you stay away from the smaller islands and the currents around them (I also live in west Canada).


My dream job was always performing. I've gotten to do that, and I love entertaining. Unfortunately I've been on a performance hiatus due to COVID and the fact that I don't have a proper setup for doing it online. But I am working on getting my Twitch channel set up to stream Stardew Valley and possibly some crafting. So I guess you could say I'm evolving? 😎

My non-performer work for the last 11 years has been performance adjacent. I was the front of house manager for a small theater in downtown Minneapolis for about 9 years and I loved my job. I'm currently supervisor and group sales specialist in ticket services for the Minnesota Orchestra, which I also love.