What is your dream job?


Local Legend
Honestly? Computer Programmer.
I wanted to program until I took assembly/machine language. After that class, I no longer wanted to write programs.

(Also, I have a weird habit of making computers lock up/glitch/otherwise behave strangely - including Macs and UNIX that supposedly shouldn't do that. I didn't believe in fate, but it was really hard to keep going in the face of every single computer flipping me off.)


I was going to ask what everyone wanted to be when they got out of school, but then I realized that not everyone is a 14 year old girl like me. So, if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? That’s more inclusive, right?
Personally, I’d have to say a CFO. They get paid incredibly well, and I love working with data. Anything in finance, really. It’s always interested me. 😄
My dream job is to be a creative director in the fashion industry, combining art and innovation to design unique collections that inspire people worldwide.


I have quite a few ideas in mind of jobs that I think are nice, though my current job as a train driver is really pleasant without the ****ty management.

- Professional horse rider (for races and such)
- Farrier
- Veterinarian
- General Doctor (Or is it practitionner ? English isn't my first language)
- Ambulance driver
- Farmer (But at some sort of smaller scale, less crops and animals to tend to)
- Woodworker
- Architect (So I can finally wipe brutalism out of current taste and bring back victorian architecture)

And probably some other jobs that are not coming up in my head right now.