What is your dream job?


my dream job would be composing music and singing, though this does go against my introvert tendencies. My life up to now has not at all been in that direction, but I just quit my job and am going back to school to get some practical knowledge on more generally "creative" skills before throwing myself head-on into a music program (that i hope will accept me!). here's to pursuing your dreams no matter what age you are... mind you, I'm not THAT old, but I'm not a spritely teen anymore. :P


that's amazing @Potatoes! Not sure if there's a way to make content online of you making art and then set up an online store to sell (on Etsy perhaps?) but it might be a way to make extra moolah perhaps? I binge on people making art on IG all the time.... that and watching people clean carpets.....
I’ve sold some stuff on RedBubble and through my IG for a while, as well as selling stuff at local shows around town, I think there’s just not a lot of money in art for most peopl, that’s ok, as long as I get to draw I’m pretty happy. Also it’s amazing the weird videos people will put on the internet that we binge sometime…


I’ve sold some stuff on RedBubble and through my IG for a while, as well as selling stuff at local shows around town, I think there’s just not a lot of money in art for most peopl, that’s ok, as long as I get to draw I’m pretty happy. Also it’s amazing the weird videos people will put on the internet that we binge sometime…
Very cool! I totally agree! Art (and music!) is really about the satisfaction of creation and finding people who vibe with it. :smile:

re: weird videos, yes, there is some very strange content out their. including close-ups of people getting their pores cleaned/pimples popped. this is what happens when I let reels on IG take me for a ride... 🤦‍♀️


Probably a book reviewer or dessert taste tester.
We have a big paper tree at work, and every season we put up a bunch of leaves that people will write things down on. Last year one of the writing prompts was, "What is your dream" and someone wrote down, "Professional Ice Cream Eater.' That makes me think Dessert Taste Tester is a totally legitimate job!!


I would like to make my own video games and sell them online. I feel pretty far from that goal, but I have slowly been pursuing it since Feb 2021. I'm pretty limited physically due to stuff, so I have the time since I'm at home. I never had the opportunity to learn basic coding while in school, or anything computer related except for typing classes. I feel I have come a long way from when I started this, but I still have a long way to go. My pixel art is improving, so there's that if nothing else. I enjoy all of it. Just wish I had a friend or sibling into this kind of thing though for a little help.
Career aspirations for my next three lifes (or more):
1. Embroiderer & embroidery designer
2. Theatre actor
3. Costume designer
3. Textile artist
5. Game designer
6. Witch
7. Illustrator
8. Vagabond
9. Landscape gardener (one of the professions I'm even trained in, but never really worked in)


I was going to ask what everyone wanted to be when they got out of school, but then I realized that not everyone is a 14 year old girl like me. So, if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? That’s more inclusive, right?
I think my ideal job would be a football manager or mabye something to do with Computers but i really dont know . i am the kind of person to pick up hobbies and interests all the time but football (soccer for some people) and computers have been interests my whole life . I would love to be some sort of influencer like a Youtuber or something i would love to have a community to interact with . But yeah i dont really know what i want to be long term. (18 in less then a month :grin::grin::grin::grin:)

Lew Zealand

Petter of cats probably. That is a job, right?
The cats sure think so. But the problem arises when it comes to financial compensation as Cats don't have pockets to carry money around in, and most don't have the thumbs needed to use a computer space bar so the able-thumbed ones respectfully use computers with their butts like the rest which makes Zelle and Venmo transfers rather imprecise.


When I was in middle and high school I wanted to be a game developer. Then I went to game design school and over there they inforced crunch culture :sick:
I ended up making a few serious games (aka: training and educational games) for another university , took another course and started doing freelance translations. Now, along with the translations I also started teaching English -- actually yesterday it was my first class! Ages 5 to 8. One of the girls asked me to play roblox with her and now I'm getting ideas of making small roblox games or minecraft activities for them to play outside the class if they want...

Without hesitation, a farm vet. I love horses but not into being a farrier.
There are two career paths you can follow: there are veterinarians specializing in large animals and farm animals, and there is also animal husbandry. My dad taught the latter at the university, it is basically preparing animal feed and making sure they are having a healthier life and happy, so you won't have to worry about antibiotics and the such. I recall he used to teach how to calculate the materials used for the feed and then raise chickens with the students. He retired last year, but it seems to be a laid-back and profitable job.


The cats sure think so. But the problem arises when it comes to financial compensation as Cats don't have pockets to carry money around in, and most don't have the thumbs needed to use a computer space bar so the able-thumbed ones respectfully use computers with their butts like the rest which makes Zelle and Venmo transfers rather imprecise.
If only cuteness was a currency, I'd be a millionaire by the end of the day.

In the meantime, I'll practice by petting all cats I come across 😍