What are you currently playing?


On my Switch, I played a little bit of the original Final Fantasy VII last night, and then played Maneater until I fell asleep.

I’m stuck in a dilemma of if I want to play Stardew on my Switch or PC right now… I simply cannot decide lol


I've recently gotten back into Minecraft, I've been working on a single player save and a save with a few friends.
Hades! As someone who doesn't like roguelikes, I absolutely adore this game. Plus, the story is great and the character design is awesome. I've put over 100 hours into the game and am still getting new story/fully voice acted conversations. It's a masterpiece

Lew Zealand

Horizon Zero Dawn and The Frozen Wilds expansion
Slime Rancher

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Stardew Valley
Rocket League

Continuing ...ish:
Cyberpunk 2077
Doom (2016)
Jedi: Fallen Order

Continuing ..ish is like aspirational vegetables. I want to like them. They are good for me. I don't not like them. But... other stuff better, more compelling. Exhibit 1: Kale

And a big thank you :heart: to whoever started another thread here about other games to play to which yet another someone :heart: replied Slime Rancher. Thus reminding me I was mostly done and needed to finish the story. It's bittersweet and has a very lovely ethos. The feel of this game, especially as you approach the end is unlike any other I've played. It's quite a special game in it's own way. It makes me moody.

In a very good way. :heart:


I use to love playing new stye boutique fashion Forward on the 3ds, I even liked the older 2d one from the early 2000s, I don't know what ever happened to that game and why nintendo won't recreate it for the switch with newer fashion. I see they have some fashion games but I'm very sceptical when buying games ment for girls, they are usually cheap, basic, repetitive, the most crap of all crap games, broken, glichy, a dumpster fire and a massive waste of money. And when ever you find a game/app with awesome fashion concepts in it, its also a very seedy social game were people want to hook up all the time, thats ok for them, they can do what they want as long as no one is getting abused, its just not for me, I'm taken. Anyway none of those app games are the same as new style boutique fashion Forward. I think it might have been the only game for girls, women and femine people that was made with love and effort that ever existed.
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Lew Zealand

Bobbi plays in Rocket League correct? I didn't realize it was a game, cool crossover! I was curious about how it's played etc so I can look into the game.
Farmer Bobbi from Flim Flam Farm (but not necessarily Beachy Keen Bobbi) is/was a minor league Rocket League veteran in a real setting, not as Farmer Bobbi playing a video game. And I totally incorporated my IRL bad attitude which comes up (super only occasionally, amazingly rare...). That first bit in the story is straight from many times playing against bots (not against online players) because the bots on your team do amazingly stupid things and well... bashing them afterwards just feels good. Yes, taking frustration out on a virtual animated AI. Very mature.

Rocket League is basically football/soccer in an enclosed field using rocket-powered cars and a giant oversized ball. It was literally love at first sight for me and what got me back into PC gaming. Usually an e-sports, 5 minute, 2-4 players/side match you play against other people online but I have a problem with the online play that's specific to me.

Mom always mentions I had very mild cerebral palsy yet I had no real evidence of that other than maybe occasional breathing hitches. Until. When playing RL online I put a lot of pressure on myself not to mess things up for my teammates, so I get nervous. And during a match my right hand just starts to flap away on its own and I had no control over it. I forced myself to calm down and got my Dr. Strange mind control over it again, but it's happened again from time to time when I forget to relax a bit. Less of a problem now that I keep it in mind but it kind of kills the enjoyment of the game online so I play offline with bots most of the time. Of course bots aren't as good as IRL players but I view it as training. Again, a very specific-to-me problem.


As a parent of kids under 10, I generally don't have a lot of free time! However, other than SV, my other go-to game is the Beat Saber (on PSVR). Nice to get the blood flowing while having fun and listening to upbeat music! Plus it's the one game that even my husband likes and will set aside time for.

Lew Zealand

Harvest Moon: One World, Slime Rancher, Little Dragon’s Cafe, and My Time at Portia. I’m waiting for My Time at Sandrock to release on consoles, but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen anytime soon.
Slime Rancher :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
My Time at Portia :thumbsup::thumbsup:

My Time at Sandrock - <checks Steam wishlist>. Release Date: May 26, 2022!!!

MTaP was not my favorite game but I did enjoy it once I got into the flow of things and realized it could never be a Stardew Valley 2. Accept it on it's own terms. Sorry to hear you'll be waiting longer for MTaS on console, but MTaP was a relatively long game for me so if you're still in the midst of playing it, you've got a lot of fun ahead, hopefully to tide you over until that console release.


Has anybody played the new Kirby game yet? I wasn't a big fan of the first one that came out on the Switch but the new one looks like it has potential.

I've been meaning to play My Time at Portia but still haven't gotten around to it.