Unofficial mod updates


it's been a hot minute since anyone asked about this mod and it's one i'm really keen on having, but is anyone up to getting safe lightning up to date with 1.6? shockah has said they won't be updating it (for now, going through burnout) and for anyone interested in doing so to contact them! and if possible, maybe a new feature could be to get that really loud and jarring strike that means something's hit to be quieter or toggled off? i'm real sensitive to noises on the sharper end of the spectrum and that sound almost hurts to hear. :(

if i had any coding experience, i'd tackle this myself but alas. in that vein, i just wanna say i've been lurking mostly but really, REALLY appreciative of all you guys busting your butts to get so many of these mods working for the new update. you guys are the bee's knees, truly. :heart:


This one is for Adventurer's Guild Expanded.

First, obviously I take no credit whatsoever, all work is by the author @LiveonSuperT. Secondly, the patch was suggested below by @LikeFrogs, and I used @darthalex2014’s script to do it. Finally, this version is licensed as GPL-3.0.

Check my post there for more info
Can You make an update for Date Night?
It seems @LiveonSuperT. is very busy and will not update it so soon...



Does anyone know if there is an option to remove the tiles from the kitchen? It doesn't allow me to build one of the new rooms (Dining room).

Im using small beach map from Pathoschild.

In the image (when I buy the dining room) it says to remove all the elements of the renovation area, but I have nothing there, only the default kitchen, that's why I thought it was from the mod but he answer me that is not.

I have the LetsMoveit and BuildonAnyTile mods but they dont work on those tiles.

Thank you :)



I have updated my CP version of Prismuth's Compact Bathroom for 1.6+

If you find Spouse Rooms/Cellar stairs disappearing then use my Farmhouse Fixes mod which stops that from happening

Hello, thank you for updating this mod! I just downloaded your version, but I encountered an issue where my character gets stuck in an unknown area after clicking on the "bathroom door". Additionally, after the second house upgrade, the entrance to the bathroom—the door—didn't appear in any of the rooms. I checked the SMAPI log and there were no reported issues. I'm not using any custom houses apart from this mod, so I'm wondering if you could possibly fix this problem? I would really appreciate it!, Thank you so much!!


What do you mean? Save Anywhere does work for 1.6 (Save Anywhere Redux v.3.3.0) It is recomendable to use with Advanced Save Backup
I have the same issues a lot of people have in the posts and bugs section. It actually skips a day everytime I save the game. (Also tried it with nearly no mods, so its not the fault of another mod.)
And multiplayer also does not work at all, I get a blackscreen in my multiplayer world before I can even save the game. (Not the most important point, but also a "sad" bug for me because I want to play SDV with my friends.)


What do you like about Sauvignon? I ask because I have done a couple of the unofficial versions of the mod, but this time it requires a total redesign as it uses outdated methods to get the building into the game. Since if needs so much work I was considering doing a who new mod from the ground up based upon Savignon, but I am not sure what parts of the mod are most liked.
I'd love to see an update to sauvignon (or simply a new mod in this vein) - for me my favorite part is having a dedicated building for artisan work that isn't just the basement or another shed!


I have the same issues a lot of people have in the posts and bugs section. It actually skips a day everytime I save the game. (Also tried it with nearly no mods, so its not the fault of another mod.)
And multiplayer also does not work at all, I get a blackscreen in my multiplayer world before I can even save the game. (Not the most important point, but also a "sad" bug for me because I want to play SDV with my friends.)

As Aredjay said: "The mod **doesn't** skip a day on save, the animation is just confusing." But I'm so sorry you having that problem, and I think they are trying to change/fix that. And I don't play on multiplayer so I don't know about it. Let's hope they can fix those bugs soon.

If you interested, I can recommend MultiSave but since aedenthorn retired from modding, here is an unofficial version for 1.6. it should work with multiplayer.



I was wondering if anyone could update Romanceable Rasmodius to 1.6? It seems some parts of the mod work but there's still things broken by the update. I must preface this by saying I don't use SVE and don't wanna start, please and thank you.
The mod author doesn't seem to be active I haven't tried this mod yet but I found it while looking through the posts of the romanceable rasmodius mod. It's a pretty new mod and I think there are some bugs from looking through the posts, but the bugs and the mod are getting worked on, so this is a great alternative to the original RR mod!


And one vote more for Stack Split Redux.
Hey there!

I've implemented Stack Split Redux functionalities into my redux version of Stack Everything because I believe they complement each other perfectly. I've released this as a beta version for now, so if there are any issues, you can easily revert to the stable version. From my testing, everything seems to be working smoothly.

I plan to rewrite the code before the official release to ensure improvements and eliminate unnecessary code. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look and test it out!

You can download the beta version from here or at
Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
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As Aredjay said: "The mod **doesn't** skip a day on save, the animation is just confusing." But I'm so sorry you having that problem, and I think they are trying to change/fix that. And I don't play on multiplayer so I don't know about it. Let's hope they can fix those bugs soon.

If you interested, I can recommend MultiSave but since aedenthorn retired from modding, here is an unofficial version for 1.6. it should work with multiplayer.
Sure, sometimes it is only the confusing animation, but sometimes it really skips a day sadly. But yes, they are working on it.


Anyone who knows what they're doing able to update these mods? "Pick Your Enchantment"
(This one is probably a long shot as it seems like a tricky mod that needed another mod to work that is also abandoned, unless the new 1.6 code as changed that) "Automators"
(This one actually seems to not be too broken, the item just isn't in the game but the rest of the code works, I think some of the item ids just need renaming in the code to make it work, plus adding an easier way to change the recipe. I would do this one myself but I'm on Mac so I literally can't compile a .dll file)

