As teebenji said, Yri and Yellog are two different people but I don't blame you for getting confused! Yri has made mods inspired by Yellog to match Yellog's buildings and their aesthetic. Yri is still active in the community as far as I know, Yri is just on a break atm (so no point in converting Yri's mods imo). Yellog on the other hand has been inactive for a few years, and their mods have not been updated anywhere from 2 to 4+ years (not to mention that their CP mods have been broken for quite a while in later versions of Stardew). Considering their mods are abandoned and broken, I wanted to convert their mods to AT and update them to work with 1.6. But before that I want to make sure they allow conversions/updates but their original mods posted on Nexus have been deleted so I can't check the permissions. I even tried using wayback machine to access the archived page, but the drop downs don't work, meaning I can't open the permission drop down to see the permissions they gave for their mods.Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know this. Thank you for your correction. I thought it's the same author, because I have the Project Yellog Town Overhaul mod, the Project Yellog Ridgeside mod and the Project Yellog Museum Expansion mod and the author of all this mods is Yri.