helloo can i request this mod :)
Have you been successful in finding an update for Hearts and Gifts Dialogue Display? It’s one of my most essential mods ;(Anyone knows if these have Updates in the making or could update them?
I don't know if it still works, but...
Modding Help - Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.4 | Page 9 | Chucklefish Forums
Another request for all the wonderful modders out there: Companion NPCs Thanks to everyone working so hard!
15:20:47 | INFO | Content Patcher | Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - CP Elven Krobus - For mod authors, see how to update a mod: |
Hi! The Stardew Valley Discord mods recently got in contact with Supert, and they currently have no plans on updating, and as for their exact words they "give full permission for someone else to update [it] and post [it] as they like" - it referring to both AGE and Date Night. I was the one who coded the Date Night Free Love Patch that SUPERT currently has on Date Night's official page, so I'm working on killing all the bugs from the new update and posting it soonish as Date Night continued. There shouldn't be any major changes to start out, just getting rid of a lot of the pre-existing bugs (kiss sprites, wallpapers being given as gifts, etc.) and potentially converting the dialogue format to i18n. I hope to have it out later this week, if not tomorrow or Wednesday if everything goes well and I have the time. (It'll probably be sooner if I forego i18ning, but I had to clean up a lot of the dynamic token stuff!)Hi!
Can You make an update for Date Night?
It seems @LiveonSuperT. is very busy and will not update it so soon...
I'd need permission from the author to do that, but it's easy to do it yourself for personal use.Hi guys so.. I've got a mod and its not working with portaiture. it requires PyTK but obviously that's outdated would anyone be able to fix this mod??
hiya ive tried this and its not working hmm im not sure whyI'd need permission from the author to do that, but it's easy to do it yourself for personal use.
- Open the mod's assets folder
- Copy OhioSebastian.png
- Create a OhioSebastian folder inside Portraiture/Portraits
- Paste OhioSebastian.png there
- Rename OhioSebastian.png to Sebastian.png
Thanks for sharing! It's sad that CP Elven Krobus doesn't work anymore.I'm not sure but now I want to do some investigating ;~; I'd be so freaking happy to have these back..especially with roommate krobus :(
Edit: It requires "Standardized Krobus" which was last updated here as far as I can tell:
Will do some testing and see what I find and report back~
Update 1:
Elven skin did not show up, SMAPI Log did show the following:
15:20:47 INFO Content Patcher Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - CP Elven Krobus - For mod authors, see how to update a mod:
Update 2: Realized that the link you shared was for a spouse room for Krobus based upon Underdark Sewer. Found this link for the latest unofficial update of sewer underdark which I'll also test:
Update 3: Underdark sewer appears to work based on my minimal ability to explore the area!! I'm unable to test the roommate/spouse room so I can't say much about that other than SMAPI saying it requires the following:
CP Elven Krobus still not working but I'm trying to figure out how that works with the content files.
Final Update: Unnofficial Underdark sewer works but seems CP Elven Krobus/Standard Krobus doesn't work. Wasn't able to test if the spouse room works. Not sure how to play around with mods to fix whatever is wrong but at least happy to help in the way I know how lol.
what exactly happened, did he look like the vanilla version when you switched to the OhioSebastian portraits or were you unable to switch?hiya ive tried this and its not working hmm im not sure why
This mod might help you! It has a lot of options to choose, and I use it myself.Hi can someone upload this mod The fair version please
Do we know anyone else in the community who may know them but not frequent these forums? Have we tried reaching out on some discord servers, like DSV, ES etc? If not, I don’t mind trying.I have had zero luck getting in touch with Minerva or Eemie, I'm afraid. Minerva doesn't accept messages on Discord or reply on her blog. Eemie has no direct contact information that I have been able to discover.
I'm not at the giving up stage yet. Discord says that Eemie pops in once in a blue moon, so that's probably our best shot.