
Bugs that i have encountered so far:
1. The zoom and panning to move it from left to right is not working
2. Sometimes my game automatically close for no reason it seems like its not responding
3. The upper right is so big it occupies some of the screen while im playing
4. The fall leaves flying are not scattered consistently sometimes its only in the same spot
5. After i get all the items in the auto grabber when you looked at it i can still see egg color white in the grabber
6. Toolbar size seems to return to its default size everytime i resume my game even when i set it to a smaller one
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Type of phone: Samsung Tab A8 (SM-X205)
Details of your issue:
1. The HUD is too small. Before the update, it is bigger. Unfortunately, I don't have a screenshot before the update.
2. I also play using Dualshock 4. Before this, when I push the 'triangle' button, it will open the journal. However, now when I click the button, it will open the craft menu.
Any other info that might be relevant: Playing on mobile using a controller is quite inconvenience since you can't move items using the analog sticks. Fortunately, mine have a touchpad for me to drag the items. I will be glad if the dev could make it more convenience for those who use controller on mobile.



I’m on iOS 16.1.2, iPhone 13. My game has been crashing since last night, no obvious trigger (time, location, interaction, etc). Sometimes it’s instantaneous upon opening a save, sometimes I get an hour or two in-game time.


Hi there, please find the bug below:

Bug: App crashes after continuing where user left off

Type of phone:
Google Pixel 6 (Android 13)

Details of issue:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open app and load game from where user previously left off
2. See game starts where user left off (Beginning of a new day, in the farm). Wait for a few seconds.

Actual result: App crashes.

Additional details: Seems like it happens if I try to continue where I left off. If I don't, it works fine so far!

Screenshots/video: as attached (sorry I can't upload the vid bc file is too large :( )

Thank you for your hard work and congrats on the new release 🎉
Same issues here. Galaxy SE20 FE
Hey everyone!

The 1.5 update is starting to roll out for mobile devices now, so we can start collecting reports of any potential problems. If you encounter any issue in this update, please post below and give as much information as you can:

We'll be redirecting mobile 1.5 related posts to this thread to try to keep it all in one place. Thank you!

NOTE: The update is "rolling out", which means that only a small % of players (randomly chosen) will have it at first, which should ramp up shortly.

1/7 6:30 PM PST:
the first bug-fix patch is incoming, and includes:
-Fixed crash involving children
-Auto-grabber inventories now function properly
-Fixed toolbar being stuck when using toolbar padding
-Fixed Junimos not depositing their harvests into the hut
-Virtual buttons no longer draw during intro
-Horse is now easier to dismount
-Foraging while on a horse is now re-enabled
-Fixed issue where you could get stuck outside the map if you dismounted a horse
-Fixed inability to tap geodes onto Clint's anvil
-Increased size of Korean text
-Added Chinese language back into the game
Game is prompting to save game file to a new folder, but my pixel 7 pro is saying is cannot use that folder. What folder directory should it be so I can try to manually pick it? Can't get into game until I complete this.



Thank you for this update and for your work to fix bugs! I’m so grateful to you all!!

Type of phone: iPhone X, iOS 16.1.2

Details of your issue:

-UI Scaling is weird everywhere. Some things really small, other things normal-sized. Text boxes small and difficult to read.

-Also, using sewing machine at home works, but I can’t tap to place items, I have to drag. And the UI scaling is off here too.


iPhone 13 Pro Max
Game won't allow Spotify to run in background. I can have either SDV or a podcast, but not both, as before. Backed out of game, restarted phone, reloaded game, and now my data is gone. 800+ hours just vanished.

All the other glitches that are showing for others show on mine too, but I can't get very far to really experience anything.

I tried to upload a video, but this site doesn't seem to support video files.



Phone - Pixel 7 (android 13, January update)

  1. On the Hill Top farm there tiles next to the water show green lines. One frame this won't happen but the next frame it switches.

  2. The UI for fishing is tied to zoom levels. If you zoom in too far you can't properly play the game, as the UI will overflow past your screen.


You can see both the green lines issue and the zoomed in fishing in this bottom screenshot.

3. The font is much smaller now, making it difficult to read compared to the previous version.
4. When you don't use vertical toolbars, i.e. the toolbar is at the bottom of the screen, it's easy to accidentally activate Android 13's gesture system. It might need to be pushed up slightly to prevent users from accidentally exiting the game when trying to scroll through their inventory.

Anyway, just wanted to thank ya'll for the hard work! I've played 1.5 on PC and Switch and appreciate the updating coming to mobile! This game is amazing and ya'll are amazing!
iPad Air 3rd gen, iPadOS current version.

Noticed that items are disappearing from auto-grabber as I try to transfer them to my inventory. That’s as far as I’ve gotten right now. Wanted to wait for a patch before losing my main daily revenue source.


Unsure if any of this has been mentioned but when I go to do the event luau it closes the app also when I enter the museum it closes.




IMPORTANT: the following is actually a translation issue! The English "cancel quest" was translated into the German "accept quest". It can't be more silly...
Phone: Google Pixel 4a
Language: German
No mods ever
Tutorial mode active
Bug:In a new game, when receiving the initial quest (greet people), I can click on "accept quest", but after that I hear a noise of paper rustling and then, the quests can't be seen anymore- the exclamation mark just isn't there. see screenshot:
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Phone: iPhone 8

Issue: Whenever I enter the game, the loading screen is there for a long time. Then when I finally load in, I’m able to play for a few seconds, then my game crashes. This has happened everytime since I’ve started playing.

Recording: A screen recording from my play through issues.

Further info: I have checked the twitter threads and have done what Eric said. I don’t check on my child and I also have something selected in my toolbar. I’ve done as told, yet I still have the same reoccurring issue.

Thanks for reading!!


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy S22

Details of issue: I cannot place anything, and have difficulty interacting with anything on the left side of buildings on the bottom row.

In this one, I cannot place anything to the left of the cheese press on the bottom row of my barn. I can place more to the right however

Here, all the chests in the bottom row of my shed are difficult to interact with. By spam clicking the chest and the tile above it I can sometimes open the chest. They also cannot be removed. Chests to the right work as intended.


Device: Apple iPad Mini (5th gen), Software v15.7

Issue 1: This is an additional horse issue. Cannot ride horse into Mountain Mine.


Issue 2: Visited the Oasis and could not purchase items from Sandy after giving her a gift (gold Crocus). Left store and immediately re-entered, could have dialog but not purchase. Had purchased in pervious game day without giving a gift. Have not had opportunity to try again.

Thanks so much. Hope this is helpful.