
iPad Pro
iOS 16.2
Unable to leave items in the barrel next to Willy’s shack to complete order.
Very small character screen (See image).
The same issues already mentioned in the pinned thread (auto grabber issues, tool bar scrolling issues, horse issues).

I just cast my line and caught a sunfish, but the reeling animation noise never went away. I had to close the game.
Junimos are no longer putting crops into their hut, they’re just leaving them on the ground (See image).


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Hi🥰 thank you so much for your hard work. I just wanted to report an inventory/backpack issue. My snapshot doesn't show it (only because I didn't want to get any items stuck in it). But, I noticed that it will let me put items in the bottom slots (ones I haven't purchased to open up yet). If I put items down there I am unable to retrieve them. So, it just seems that half the function is working atm. When i originally did this and realized I couldn't retrieve the items, I had to close the game without saving and restart to bring me to my previous save as to not lose said items.

Using Android os 13



Hi. Thanks for the 1.5 update. A lot of work is done. However, I'm not able to play Stardew Valley anymore on my Iphone (14 pro). The reason is: I can't read anything on my Phone's screen anymore. The fonts are too small to read.

Type of phone: iPhone 14 Pro
Details of your issue: Text not readable. Fonts are too small.
Screenshots/video: See attachment. Unfortunately I dont have a screenshot before the 1.5 patch
Any other info that might be relevant: -
Stardew Valley 1.5.PNG

Blue Tree

First off, most of the gameplay on my iPad Air is smooth and I'm very grateful for this update. Excellent work overall.

- Getting the same 1 second audio "crunch" sound others have mentioned. Typically it's happenining when entering or leaving areas. Happened just now leaving Secret Woods. My music volume is 0, sound volume 23, ambient volume 1, and footstep volume 5.

- Pinch to zoom works very well and modifying the toolbar and date menu sizes works well too. No issues there.

- Fishing meter box size matches the zoom level instead of staying larger regardless of zoom level (which it did in 1.4). If fully zoomed out, the fishing meter box is too small to be useful.

Visible code issue
Type of device:
iPad Air 5 running 16.2 (latest non-beta version)
Details of your issue: Strings:\UI:select_building code visible when moving a building (via carpenter shop).
Screenshots: attached
Any other info that might be relevant: This save was from my Macbook from 1.5.6 via GOG version. Haven't tested this issue with a new iPad save.
move building visible code.jpeg
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Blue Tree

Type of device: iPad Air 5 running 16.2 (latest non-beta version)
Details of your issue: Carpenter shop building requirements text and icons too small
Screenshots: attached
Any other info that might be relevant: This save was from my Macbook from 1.5.6 via GOG version.
carpenter select text too small.jpeg


Phone: Xiaomi Redmi 9T

Bug: I was riding my horse near Joja Mart, Evelyn and Haley literally were FLYING across the river in full speed, they could just walk on the water


Type of Phone: Samsung Galaxy A41
Sadly I have no video but the following happened:
Like already written above my backpack is not yet fully upgraded. I got an ancient seed, went to donate it to the museum. Then I tried to collect my reward. The plantable seed popped right into the grayed out spots. That was fine, I moved it to another free spot. Then I tried to collect the recipe. Normally it should go *poof* and you should learn it. Right? It didn't. It just disappeared without any sound and there was no new recipe in the crafting section.
There was a bug where I can't play. It was a struggle to make a new game, but now I can't even go 1 minute without the game crashing.

My cell phone is motorola.

I think it's an Android 10, I don't understand much about it, but it's bothering me because I've been trying since the update

I don't have prints because I can't spend even 1 minute without it closing, and it's still crashing

I already used the bug fix update, but it only helped me to make a new game, apart from that they still have the same things


Type of phone: Google Pixel 4a with all necessary OS uodates
Details of your issue: Whenever I walk from my farm to go to the secret garden, just before I get to the transition screen to the secret garden my game crashes, this is happening everytime.
Screenshots/video: I'm attaching a screen recording of it happening. This is game blocking and as a result I am not able to play for more than 30 seconds, I've never had issues with the game before.
Any other info that might be relevant: Reiterating that this game has always operated perfect for me so this crashing error is brand new and I am unable to resolve it myself. I have already updated my app to the new 1.5 update, the one after the initial update released on 1/7/23.

Blue Tree

Type of device: iPad Air 5 running 16.2 (latest non-beta version)
Details of your issue: When entering Flower Dance, menu appears in upper right but is non-functional.
Screenshots: attached
Any other info that might be relevant: This save was from my Macbook from 1.5.6 via GOG version.
Flower Dance entry stray menu item.jpeg


Started a new game on iPad Air 4th generation yesterday, few bugs I’ve noticed since then (besides the small text in UI and toolbar issue)

fishing reel sound continues after you end fishing
never got the farming quest for parsnips, building scarecrow, raising animals
first time picking up an artifact did not get pop up to tell me to take to museum
first time in museum did not trigger cut scene about artifacts when I had one to drop off
when dropping one into museum, inventory boxes were hollow
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Type of device: iPad Air 5 running 16.2 (latest non-beta version)
Details of your issue: When entering Flower Dance, menu appears in upper right but is non-functional.
Screenshots: attached
Any other info that might be relevant: This save was from my Macbook from 1.5.6 via GOG version. View attachment 12882
iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (5th generation) iPadOS 16.3 (20D5024e)
Also happens when using the Parrot Express. It being a save file from the GOG version doesn’t affect it :thumbsup:

Farmer Izzie

IPad 8th Gen

1. Layout looks quite skewed

2. Font is too small now. (Would like the option to change the sizes)

3. Game crashes from time to time.

5. I cant teleport to the beach and mountain with my horse using the obelisks anymore.

6. Junimos dont harvest. Crops icons just appear on the ground.

7. cant select items using the cursor. (cursor feels unnecessary). I had trouble putting vegetables in pierres bin.



I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet or not, but none of my animals will go inside their homes when it rains or at night. Even during the day, if I try to interact with them I get the “[animal’s name] is trying to sleep” message.