
Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy
Issue: Cannot scroll uo and down on toolbelt, or move rocks to be smashed

Thanks for the update!


oii, vim relatar alguns dos bugs q tem emocionado comigo, não estou consiguindo acessar muito bem com os objetos do jogo. Os animais não estão estrando para o celeiro, e ta transitório um inseto que me deixou meio irritado. O meu jogo tem fechado sozinho e não salva daond eu parei :( e tenho que começar tudo de novo, e não está salvando os prints.
meu celular: Android Motorola G8 play


iPad Air 4th generation

Hi! I’ve noticed a few bugs since yesterday:
- whenever my Junimos pick crops they don’t put them anymore in the hut, but they leave them on the ground. Is it intentional or just a bug?
- whenever I try to paint the horse stable, it rises off the ground and it doesn’t place where I want it to be
- the leaves during windy fall days come in columns sometimes

I’ll let you know if I encounter something else
Keep up the good work!

I’ve tried to restart the game to see if the stable issue was a one time thing but it keeps bugging


Device: iPad Pro 3rd Generation
Details of Issue: The inventory to donate items to the museum is consistently misplaced. It remains fully functional but does take up a large portion of the screen.


Staff member
I also a disappointed that I cannot pinch in to zoom out and see the whole map anymore.
Pinch-to-zoom is still possible! I don't believe it would ever zoom out to the entire farm, but it doesn't seem to zoom out any less after the update. Check the options to make sure pinch-to-zoom is enabled. And if you want to view your entire farm, at the bottom of the options tab there's a "screenshot" button. That will add a image of your full farm to your Files app under "On my iPad", in the Stardew folder.


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy A52 4G

Details of your issue:

ISSUE #1: I am not confident that this is some kind of bug but, I have noticed that it was unusual, whenver you move to a new location, its "SPRING" season, and as you enter the map, zoom out, you will see the edges of your previously zoomed in screen have a line of pink flower petals, these are sometimes appearing randomly but are surely to appear when you zoom out( as longs as there is a petals across the screen. ) It does not affect the functions ingame but I believe this can be something to raise. ( See Screenshots 1, 2 and 3 for proof )

ISSUE #2: This is regarding the special orders/request and specifically, I took one from Willy wherein you need to gather bug meats and put it to his barrel beside his house, I have some bug meat stocked up and I thought, I might as well just give it to Willy to finish the order, however, the storage barrel where you need to put the bug meat in, accepted the 100 meat, HOWEVER it only raised the meter progress for "Putting meat to a barrel" and not the "Gather 100 meat". I do not know if this is against the game but, I wanted to at least report it.

ISSUE #3/QUESTION: Just wanna ask, where does the game save the screenshot after you click "screenshot" from the menu in the game?


- Screenshot 1, 2 and 3 are for petal issues.
- 4th Screenshot is for the Special Orders.
Special orders bug.jpg


Pinch-to-zoom is still possible! I don't believe it would ever zoom out to the entire farm, but it doesn't seem to zoom out any less after the update. Check the options to make sure pinch-to-zoom is enabled. And if you want to view your entire farm, at the bottom of the options tab there's a "screenshot" button. That will add a image of your full farm to your Files app under "On my iPad", in the Stardew folder.

Hi! I have a question, what if its in Android, where does the file go to?


The vertical toolbar is slightly difficult to use on iOS because either you are free to enter a new space freely, or it’s difficult to scroll. However you flip your phone you reach this problem. Also, I’ve been having items (usually one or two) disappear from my autograbbers. Thank you so much for the update!!!!!! So worth the wait.


I did mine the same way I downloaded the new update in the first place. I went into Google Play Store, looked up the game and it should give you the option right there. Basically wherever you get the game from on your phone, go there.
Thank you! It doesn’t seem like it’s available for iPhone yet so I’ll keep checking.


Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy A52 4G

Details of your issue:

ISSUE #1: I am not confident that this is some kind of bug but, I have noticed that it was unusual, whenver you move to a new location, its "SPRING" season, and as you enter the map, zoom out, you will see the edges of your previously zoomed in screen have a line of pink flower petals, these are sometimes appearing randomly but are surely to appear when you zoom out( as longs as there is a petals across the screen. ) It does not affect the functions ingame but I believe this can be something to raise. ( See Screenshots 1, 2 and 3 for proof )

ISSUE #2: This is regarding the special orders/request and specifically, I took one from Willy wherein you need to gather bug meats and put it to his barrel beside his house, I have some bug meat stocked up and I thought, I might as well just give it to Willy to finish the order, however, the storage barrel where you need to put the bug meat in, accepted the 100 meat, HOWEVER it only raised the meter progress for "Putting meat to a barrel" and not the "Gather 100 meat". I do not know if this is against the game but, I wanted to at least report it.

ISSUE #3/QUESTION: Just wanna ask, where does the game save the screenshot after you click "screenshot" from the menu in the game?


- Screenshot 1, 2 and 3 are for petal issues.
- 4th Screenshot is for the Special Orders.
View attachment 12914View attachment 12915View attachment 12916View attachment 12917
To issue #2: this is intentional. Would be way too easy if you could just stock up on items beforehand. You have to actually COLLECT 100 bug meat. Same goes for similar quests.


Phone: IPhone 12
  • Everything is very zoomed out, including the loading screen
  • My animals are either grumpy or “thin” when I interact with them, even though the shed and barn are both full of hay and there’s grass outside
  • My tool bar is bigger and unable to scroll anymore, so I struggle with switching items
  • Joystick is messed up, moving controls arent working the same
  • I havnt found any others yet because I just started up my game this morning. Will update if I find any more issue

  • if you could please fix these issues I’m on year 2 and I love this game but these issues are really making it hard to enjoy rn



Type of phone: Huawei Nova 5t
Details of your issue: i play with a game pad. the scrolling of tools on the side is buggy. It doesn't scroll everything and the menu doesn't move. Have to manually touch the screen to scroll for items.
Update: it only cycles through the first 10 slots
Last edited:


iPhone 12 Pro max

-dialogue windows are very large with very small print
-dialogue boxes have the “x” very high in the corner making it nearly impossible to click
-when entering mountain/Jodi area of the map from the south, the character is booted back to the community center area of the map if a click anywhere but towards Jodi’s house is made
-autograbber in the coop appear to have contents even when empty
-the screen is cut off on the right side of the phone, snipping off a portion of then energy bar and the date box.

autograbber indicating it has contents


Font size and window size of dialogue boxes very hard to read and very small

Dialogue boxes fill the whole screen and spacing is super wonky. Folder icons very small and difficult to click

Energy bar and date box are cut off on phone but not on screen shot.

The “x” is halfway cut off on phone but not in the screen shot.


Type of phone: Ipad 9th gen IOS 15.6.1
Details of your issue: Can't shoot with the slingshot. When I try with just touch nothing happens, when i plug in my controller I can shoot in one direction.


Playing on iPhone.
Painted my buildings and after painting the horse barn it moved, is sort of floating? but there is still a shadow of where it used to be and the game is behaving as if the horse barn is still in the old place. In the morning the horse is standing below the barn as if the barn is there. Moving it again results in the same. It will not place correctly.


Phone: IPhone 12
  • Everything is very zoomed out, including the loading screen
  • My animals are either grumpy or “thin” when I interact with them, even though the shed and barn are both full of hay and there’s grass outside
  • My tool bar is bigger and unable to scroll anymore, so I struggle with switching items
  • Joystick is messed up, moving controls arent working the same
  • I havnt found any others yet because I just started up my game this morning. Will update if I find any more issue

  • if you could please fix these issues I’m on year 2 and I love this game but these issues are really making it hard to enjoy rn
I found some more bugs
  • Slimes are like TELEPORTING and it’s so hard to hit them
  • My weapons buttons are so tiny and that makes it really difficult


Hey everyone!

The 1.5 update is starting to roll out for mobile devices now, so we can start collecting reports of any potential problems. If you encounter any issue in this update, please post below and give as much information as you can:

We'll be redirecting mobile 1.5 related posts to this thread to try to keep it all in one place. Thank you!

NOTE: The update is "rolling out", which means that only a small % of players (randomly chosen) will have it at first, which should ramp up shortly.

1/7 6:30 PM PST:
the first bug-fix patch is incoming, and includes:
-Fixed crash involving children
-Auto-grabber inventories now function properly
-Fixed toolbar being stuck when using toolbar padding
-Fixed Junimos not depositing their harvests into the hut
-Virtual buttons no longer draw during intro
-Horse is now easier to dismount
-Foraging while on a horse is now re-enabled
-Fixed issue where you could get stuck outside the map if you dismounted a horse
-Fixed inability to tap geodes onto Clint's anvil
-Increased size of Korean text
-Added Chinese language back into the game