PC [HELP] MacOS - Multiplayer Can't Join Farm

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Hello, I recently saw many threads about MacOS or XBOX can't join the game/farm since Tuesday 8 June 2021.
My girlfriend is playing Stardew Valley with Macbook via Steam. What we're facing:
  1. My farm is not available for her to join.
  2. The "Enter Invite Code" button is missing.
  3. Tried joining via Steam Friendlist, by right-clicking and "Join Game". But still not working.
Anyone has any solution or we should wait for the new patch update? :sweat:


Having the same issue. Tried everything that has worked before, but nope, nothing.
Tried on 2 different macs, nothing.
Tried 2 diff PCs, worked great. So definitely something with Mac from recent updates.
Wishing for a fix soon from steam, or a way to solve it without 3rd party software. But I know how hard it can be to reach out to steam to fix these things so I'm not hopeful 😭


Having the same issue. Tried everything that has worked before, but nope, nothing.
Tried on 2 different macs, nothing.
Tried 2 diff PCs, worked great. So definitely something with Mac from recent updates.
Wishing for a fix soon from steam, or a way to solve it without 3rd party software. But I know how hard it can be to reach out to steam to fix these things so I'm not hopeful 😭
Yeah. I think it's related to the recent steam update that happened on 8 June as well. https://store.steampowered.com/oldnews/?feed=steam_client
The timeline seems to be aligned. Can't wait to play again especially during weekend. :cry: