German Typo/Display Text Errors


When you summon a junimo hut, the announcement says "X hat a Junimo-Hütte gerufen", but it should be "X hat eine Junimo-Hütte gerufen".


Steam version (Windows), version 1.6.15 build 24356, German Language


When looking at a pond, you can sometimes get the status "Wir machen das gut". This is probably an overly literal translation of "we're doing well", but it makes no sense in German in this context, since the verb machen is not used in this context. A more appropriate translation would be "Uns geht es gut".


P.S.: This screenshot also shows another issue with ponds, namely that the pond is titled "Seegurke Teich", which is quite clumsy. The correct word in this case would be "Seegurkenteich", but it's hard to generalize for other type of fish.

Steam version (Windows), version 1.6.15 build 24356, German Language
The Short Bookcase in german should be

Kleines Bücherregal

Instead of Kleiner Bücherregal. It is a version of that word, but it does not fit gramatically. You could say, kleiner als as in smaller than smth. It doesnt work here though.

Pierres Sign should be

Pierres Schild

Instead of Pierres Zeichen . Zeichen means symbol or sign as in giving someone a sign/hint. It does not apply here.

Huhn Abziehbild and Kuh-Abziehbild (why one with - and one without? Please stick with - !)
These two are the only items where you translated decal into Abziehbild and not Aufkleber. Aufkleber is sticker and not applicable here.
Please use Abziehbild for the others as well.

The numbers should be the same shouldnt they?
"Marlon_DF_0_Name": "Monster Jagd",
"Marlon_DF_0_Text": "Steige in die Schädelhöhle hinab und töte 12 {Monster:LocalizedName}.",
"Marlon_DF_0_Objective": "Töte 10 {Monster:LocalizedName}.",
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