German Typo/Display Text Errors


All translation issues reported up to this point should be fixed in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.9. Feel free to report any issues which still happen when you get the update. Thanks for reporting them (and thanks to the German translator for fixing them)!

(This applies to issues reported by @adeai00 @Amalia Rajal @degasi @Dewpferdle @dubesor @Ereo @Fr4nky @freddy forelle @Janex @JeCel @JokoFlex @levy @margotbean @mehalon @parallax @Shogolade @TheKami0 @TimNSan @Wang Tang @Winkelgassler @Wuselding @xBlackEye @yesnaja.)


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Forwarded from another thread:
When you buy a pig from Marnie,you have to choose where to put it before naming it.
While selecting the building,there is a little banner on top stating to chose a building for the new pig.
In German,the text reads: "Wähle einen Stall für die neue Schwein".
That is incorrect,the " die" should be corrected to " das".


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Forwarded from a Discord user in Stardew Valley 1.6.9:
Prismatic Pants have been newly translated as "Prima Hose" but Prismatic Genie Pants are still translated as "Prismatische Genie Hosen".

Can the German translator please double check that this is correct? Thank you!


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Du übersetzt das Zwergisch:

Steh zwischen den Säulen drei
Mit Geschenken, wertvoll wie der Himmel selbst;
Ein Regenbogen, geschmiedet nicht auf Land, aber der See
Dann Galaxien werden auf dich hören
Google Translate gives me not on land, but the lake

You translate the dwarvish:

Stand between the pillars three
With gift as precious as the sky:
A rainbow forged from land, not sea
Then galaxies will heed your cry.
The idea of this poetry is that you need to stand amongst 3 pillars while holding the rainbow [prismatic] shard to receive special sword (galaxies will hear your request). It also indicates that the nature of this rainbow is from earth (mining) and not from the sea.
But the German version indicates the opposite. This can mislead the player. I'm not the speaker of the language, but I think there might be a mistake.


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

There is are 2 errors in the letter from Caroline's 2-Heart event, one of which was already reported in this thread, but the other one is not yet reported (AFAIK):
1. "Normalerweise trinke Tee allein", should be "Normalerweise trinke ich Tee allein"
2. "beigefühgt" should be "beigefügt" [already reported: Link]

Version: 1.6.8 build 24119, German Language


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

There is an error in the text announcing the green rain on television. Currently it says:
"Ähm... Es scheint eine Art von anomaler Lektüre zu geben... Ich... weiß nicht, was das bedeutet..."
Unless it should actually mean that there is an abnormal book, I guess it should rather be: "... Es scheint eine Art anomalen Messwert zu geben...".

Also, Willys new dialogues tend to mix polite and informal adresses. For example, after getting beat up in the vulcanic dungeon and waking up at the beach:
"Geht es dir gut? Ich fand Sie an der Küste angespült, Fräulein." (First sentence informal, second polite, spoken to a female character)
Since usually everyone is informal, I'd recommend sticking to that. So the second sentence should be something like: "Ich fand dich an der Küste angespült." (Delete the "Fräulein". Old people like Willy might use it, but there's always trace of condescension in it. You could use "Mädchen" instead (for girls).

The next bit in this dialogue is also a quite mixed up: "Ich habe mir wirklich Sorgen gemacht... Ich dachte, du wärst tot. Pass ein bisschen vorsichtiger da draußen auf..."
Apparently, the last sentence was mixed from to different translation. It either "Pass ein bisschen besser da draußen auf..." or " Sei ein bisschen vorsichtiger da draußen."

Lastly, as seen in the image below, some long words don't fit in the window. You can separate these words at every hyphen or - in this case you could force a line break between "Kartoffel" and "püree" using a hyphen. That should help, so the poor "L" is not alone anymore. ;)



I want to report the following typos in the game.

The first typo can be seen when you get a letter by Caroline where she says thanks for visiting her conservatory as you can see in the picture below. There is an “Ich” missing between “trinke“ and “Tee”. Also, the word ”beigefühgt” is wrong because it should be “beigefügt”.

The second typo can be found after accepting the river fish order from Demetrius at the black board in the front of Lewis’ house. There’s “Gleichgewich”, but it should been “Gleichgewicht”.


I hope these typos will be fixed with update 1.6.9.

I play Stardew Valley 1.5.6 on iPad Pro M1.

Atten007 :)


I play Stardew Valley 1.6.9 on the Switch:

I found several untranslated text windows:
- Leo’s heart event in which he leaves ginger island. The text ‚O… Other kids‘ is not translated. In German this would be: ‚A… Andere Kinder‘
- if the player loses the quiz minigame in the new desert festival some text fields of the quizmaster reaction to the players loss are still in english

There is a typo in the collection of shipped items:
- Smoked Fish is ‚Geräucherter Fisch‘ (it is incorrectly written as ‚Gereucherter Fisch‘)



The fish Goby is translated to "Grundeln" in the German PC version (Linux). That is plural. One fish would be Grundel not Grundeln. In the explanation, the word is right: Grundelarten. All the other fish are in singular form.
Playing on PC, Linux.
Version 1.6.14


I hate to triple post but I didn't know all these were gonna pop up.

Switch Ver.
In the mailbox after completing quest for wizard.

could be wrong, but it looks like an extra space between geheimnisvollen and arkanen.




Harvey uses a polite form of address here that is actually reserved for strangers and business partners. The word ‘’Ihnen‘’ is used in business letters, in letters of application and in similar formal situations. Germans address their spouses as ‘Du’ in the 21st century. I'm not Austrian or Swiss, but I strongly suspect that this is also the case for them. The correct sentence would be: "Wenn ich neben dir stehe, habe ich nicht einmal Angst davor, von dieser Klippe zu fallen und auf die scharfen Felsen unten zu stürzen ..."
Playing on PC, Linux.
Version 1.6.14


Switch Ver.
Not sure if this counts as a display typo or not but I noticed that the hat seller has a sign outside it's house thats translated from hat's to hüte but none of the other "landmarks" were translated. Would be cool to see the other locations translated as well.


Last edited:



Windows 11 Pro on Steam
V.: 1.6.15
Build: 24 35 6

It´s called "Wolkenaufkleber" the letter "f" is missing here


✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

View attachment 20669

This specific text was not translated in the German Version during this festival.
FYI This is untranslated as of v1.6.15 build 24352
Data file is Strings/
Entry is "SquidFest_GotAllRewardsToday": "Congratulations! You hit our iridium-level target and earned all possible rewards for today.",


Version v1.6.15 build 24356 language german.
There is a typo in the title of a quest. It has to be 'Sonderbestellung'
2025-01-01 09_26_27-Stardew Valley.png


There is are 2 errors when your orange tree can't grow over night (due to obstruction etc.):
1. "Dein Orange Baum" should be "Dein Orangenbaum". This is probably also the case for other trees, but I did not check.
2. "letzt Nacht" should be "letzte Nacht.


Steam version (Windows), version 1.6.15 build 24356, German Language