Spanish Typo/Display Text Errors

Magically Clueless

Staff member
Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:

  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)


✅ Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

This post summarizes obvious issues in Spanish text based on the previous thread, reviewing the game code, and changes in the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6. Feel free to mention any other issues in new posts below.

(Issues in purple affect most or all languages.)

Pre-existing issues
  • In Strings/Buildings, missing translations for Paint_Region_Building and Paint_Region_Trim (building paint menu region names).
  • In Data/Events/FishShop, event #16253595 has untranslated text ("¡Ajá! A man after me own heart...$h^Aha! A lady after me own heart...$h").
  • In Data/ExtraDialogue, missing translation for SummitEvent_Intro_Spouse ("Hey, @");
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, the description for item #165 (Auto-Grabber) is outdated. The English text was changed in 1.4 to say "must be placed inside a coop or barn" instead of "works for cows, sheep and goats" (e.g. it also works for rabbits now).
  • In Data/hats, missing translations for item #36 (Panda Hat).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation, missing translation for the item #825 (Snake Skull) description.
  • In Strings/Shirts, missing translations for IslandBikini_*.
  • In Data/mail, the willyBackRoomInvitation letter is missing the mail name (after "[#]" in the original text).
  • In Characters/Dialogue/*, missing MovieInvitation translation for Evelyn, George, Kent, Linus, Pam, Pierre, Robin, Willy, and Wizard.
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Demetrius, missing translation for Event_Lab_Rat ("*Sigh...*").
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Emily, the translation for winter_Tue4 ("¡Seguro que la agricultura se te da genial!") doesn't match the original text ("I think my hair is frozen solid...$s").
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Haley, missing translation for Event_clean1 ("*Sigh...*");
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Harvey, missing translation for event_grave2 ("*Sigh...*").
  • In Characters/Dialogue/Jodi, missing part of the text for Sun8. The Spanish version covers the "I had a dream that I had complete freedom, no obligation to anyone but myself...#$b#...Then I woke up and realized I had a full day of house chores ahead of me...$s" part, but omits the "But I don't regret having a family, @... Sam and Vincent mean everything to me!" part.
  • In Data/NPCGiftTastes, missing translation for Clint's disliked-gift message ("*Sigh*").
  • In Strings/Characters, missing translations for MovieInvite_Spouse_*.
Secret notes:
  • In Data/SecretNotes, the translation for entry #1009 is missing the newer enchantments.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • NPC.cs.4420 ("*Sigh...*");
    • IslandMusic (normally "Ginger Island", but set to an empty value).
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for:
    • Character_FarmNameSuffix ("Farm");
    • DisplayAdjustmentText ("Press up/down to adjust the screen size to fit your display").

New in Stardew Valley 1.6
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translation for PurchaseAnimalsMenu.ChooseLocation (used when buying animals if you have animal buildings in multiple locations).
  • In Strings/Buildings:
    • Missing translation for BuildingSkinMenu_ChooseAppearance (used when choosing a building skin).
    • Missing translation for Construction_ChooseLocation (used in the carpenter menu when multiple locations allow buildings).
  • In Data/BigCraftablesInformation, missing translations for item #221 (Item Pedestal).
  • In Data/ObjectInformation:
    • Missing translations for all items with category Litter -999.
    • Missing translations for item #742 (Haley's Lost Bracelet).
  • In Strings/Objects, missing translation for:
    • CactusSeedsOutside.
  • In Strings/Shirts, shirts with male/female variants have been split into separate items, with an (M) or (F) suffix in the name. These should be translated if needed.
  • In Strings/StringsFromCSFiles, missing translations for:
    • FarmComputer_Intro_* (the title shown in the Farm Computer summary);
    • Attack_Miss (short text shown near monster when an attack misses).
  • In Strings/Characters:
    • Review the Relative_* translations (which were based on the old Data/NPCDispositions).
  • All prices are now formatted like 15o instead of 15g or similar. This regex pattern matches all the lines that changed: (\d|\})o\b.
  • In Strings/Locations, missing translation for Backwoods_MonsterGrave.
  • In Strings/UI, missing translations for...
    • AGO_LegacyRandomization and AGO_LegacyRandomization_Tooltip (shown in advanced game options UI).
    • NextPage and PreviousPage (used when paginating the location choices when multiple locations allow buildings).
    • Carpenter_ChangeAppearance (button text to change the player skin, shown in the carpenter menu & building paint menu).
    • Item_CantBeUsedHere (shown when rain totem is used in a disallowed location context (like the desert), and may be reused in the future).
  • Strings/WorldMap (new asset)
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✅ Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Here are previous user reports that still apply in Stardew Valley 1.5.6 and 1.6-alpha (and aren't covered above). Note that it's up the translators to decide whether reports are correct.

In some Journal Scraps the translation is wrong or misspelled:
Journal Scrap #3: "Tambien" should be "También" and "un aplanta" should be "una planta"
View attachment 3054

Journal Scrap #5: here in "El volcán local mantiene mis secretos" means "The local volcano keeps my secrets." but the original text says "The local volcano holds many secrets.", the correct translation should be "El volcán local guarda muchos secretos." or "El volcán local mantiene muchos secretos."
In this note there is another error: It is written "legenarios" instead of "legendarios"
View attachment 3055

Journal Scrap #8: "te" is not capitalized.
View attachment 3063

Journal Scrap #9: The original text has written «'twas », and the translation have <<'Era>> but the apostrophe does not make sense in the translation, it must be «Era» without the apostrophe
View attachment 3056

Journal Scrap #11: "forha" should be "forja"
View attachment 3057

Also, in the new letters there are errors:
In the original title it says "Willy's Back Room Invitation" but in Spanish it says "???", should be "Invitación a la habitación trasera de Willy"
View attachment 3060View attachment 3058

In the "Emily's Gemstone" letter the translation is "las gemas de Emily" and it should say "Las gemas de Emily" a simple misspelling. (The «L» must be capitalized)
View attachment 3059
In the "Extended Family" description the traslation says "Tienes un día para pescar a la…" and that means you have one day to do the quest, but the original text say you have three days so the correct translation should be "Tienes 3 días para pescar a la…"
Also the text of the description collides with "Recompensa", I am not sure if it is the only case where this happens
View attachment 3096
View attachment 3097
The description of the Mango and Banana saplings are almost the same in english: "Takes 28 days to produce a mature Mango/Banana tree. Bears fruit in the summer, or all year round when planted on Ginger Island."
But in spanish the description are different from the original, for mango: "Tarda 28 días en producir un árbol de mango. Tiene fruta todo el año si es plantado en la Isla Jengibre."
for banana: "Tarda 28 días en crecer y madurar. Produce fruto todo el año si es plantado en Isla Jengibre."
Why if in english the desc are the same, in spanish are different? and they are not complete!, the description in spanish only mention that the tree produces fruit all year round on ginger island but no that in the valley only produce on Summer.
When you give the pirate's locket to Birdie, she says "tentos" when it should be "tantos"

View attachment 3517
Not sure if this is already fixed:
Hola, puedo especificar algunos errores concretos: tildes en "ti", por ejemplo, o en "jóven" con Birdie.
Pero el caso es que el contenido del parche 1.5 (lo estoy disfrutando muchísimo) tiene muchas faltas de ortografía y necesita una revisión completa.

Hello, I can specify some concrete errors: tildes in "ti", for example, or in "young" with Birdie.
But the thing is, the content in patch 1.5 (I'm really enjoying it) has a lot of misspellings and needs a full review.
A translate problem in the beach farm info when someone try start a new game, in spanish say powder(Polvos), but need to say Sprinkler(Aspersor).
View attachment 10327
- From «Aye... Bueno, el negoci ha sido duro, últimamente.»
to «Aye... Bueno, el negocio ha sido duro últimamente.»
(Typo in «negocio», and strange use of a comma)
View attachment 11757

-From «Todo comenzó cuando aquel antiguo centro comunitario se aruinó... mis peces ya no se venden como antes»
To «Todo comenzó cuando aquel antiguo centro comunitario se arruinó... mi pescado ya no se vende como antes»
(Typo in «arruinó», and the usage of «peces» implies he sells living fish, changed to «pescado»)
View attachment 11758

-From «¡Lo sabía! no esperaría menos de , player.»
to «¡Lo sabía! No esperaba menos de ti, player.»
(Missing capitalization in «No», «ti» doesn't have a tilde, and «esperaría» is unnatural, should be «esperaba», )
View attachment 11759
Missing space, «hasido» should be «ha sido».
(This wasn't from this hotfix)
View attachment 11815

«son» shouldn't be capitalized in «Marnie, ¿Son de tu rancho?».
View attachment 11816


«¡Player quiere construir a Corral de lujo!» should be «¡Player quiere constuir un Corral de lujo!».
View attachment 11819
«an» should be «un».
View attachment 11853

This is the only instance where «keg» is translated as «barrilete» instead of «barril», not sure if its intentional, but it makes the quest slightly confusing.
View attachment 11854

Missing capitalization on «Hay».
View attachment 11855

This is the only instance (I think) where «jade» is called «piedra de jade» instead of just «jade» (small nitpick).
View attachment 11862

The next ones are all from the Egg Festival (Year 2, not sure if relevant).
«probaste» shouldn't be capitalized.
View attachment 11856

Should be: «Se siente genial estar fuera de nuevo tras ese largo y frío invierno, ¿no es así?».
View attachment 11857

«pero» shouldn't be capitalized.
View attachment 11858

Missing space, should be «¿Crees que soy muy mayor...».
View attachment 11859
After answering:
«Creo que tienes razón. Pero si me estoy divirtiendo, ¿Por qué parar?»
«...divirtiendo, ¿por qué parar?» shouldn't be capitalized.
(Also, maybe I missclicked, but I think I said she wasn't too old for the egg hunt and she answered as if I told her she was).

When speaking to Alex, he says:
«¿Me pregunto qué le pasaría a mis brazos y piernas si me comiese trinta huevos diarios?»
«... comiese treinta huevos diarios?» (typo)

When speaking to Evelyn, she says:
«Oh, ¡bien! estoy segura...»
«Estoy» should be capitalized.
Platform: Windows
Language: Spanish
Version: v1.5.6

There's a typo while receiving the Deluxe Scarecrow recipe.

It should say: acepte
View attachment 12240
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✅ Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Platform: Windows
Game version: v1.5.6

Image "spanish typo":
- "Qé" should be "Qué" so the full sentence would be "¿Qué tal la película?"

Image "spanish typo_2":
- "buana" should be "buena" so the full sentence would be "Ha sido simple, pero buena..."


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✅ Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


PC 1.6
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: PC Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

The word "corage" should be "coraje"
Edit: This dialog happens when gifting Kent the item "War Memento" ("Recuerdo de guerra" in spanish)
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: PC Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

The word "ordendas" should be "ordenadas"
This dialog happens when entering in Pierre's shop and Pierre is talking to Gus
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

The word "llemas" should be "yemas".
This is a mail that happens when completing the Gus giant omelette quest.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

The marked text "ollas de cangrejo" that stands from crab pots should be "Trampa para cangrejos".
This is the text from the book named "The Art O' Crabbing" / "El arte del Cangrejo".
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

The marked text "madera dura" should be "madera noble".
This is the text from interacting with the giant stump.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text is not translated.
This is the text from Gil in the desert event.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text is not translated.
This is the text from 4th question in the quizz at the desert event.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

The marked text "pase" should be "pasé".
This is the text from the grandpa letter in mastery cave.
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✅ Moderator note: these should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Platform: Windows / Xbox Store
Game version: 1.6.3


The names and descriptions of the iron, golden, and iridium pans don't coincide with the copper pan; they should be named "cacerola" instead of sartén.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.

Please report the errors you find here!

Please include:
  • The exact text or a screenshot of it, so translators can find the line.
  • Which platform are you playing on (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows, PS4, etc)?
  • Which game version do you have? (Click the "?" button on the title screen and check the bottom-left corner.)
I should say "moderna"

Platform: Windows/Steam
Versión: 1.6.3
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text is not translated.
This is the text from crafting recipe for Heavy Furnace.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text is not translated.
This is the text when you invite Rasmodius to the theater.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text is bad translated, I guess it should be translated as "Granada deshidratada" or "Granada desecada".
This is the text shown on dehydrated Pomegranate.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text "Barra de Iridio Avanzada" is bad translated, it should be translated as "Caña de Iridio Avanzada".
This is the text shown on Advanced Iridium Rod description.
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✅ Moderator note: this should be fixed in Stardew Valley 1.6.9.


Platform: Windows / Steam
Game version: 1.6.3

This text is not translated.
This is the text shown on Snake skull description.
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