Please Read Dedicated typo and translation error thread

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Platform: Linux
Version: 1.5.6.

I searched this thread and did not find this old old typo:
When you return to Willy after a fishing quest (those "fish n X), he says: "Hey, you suceeded, [Player]"
"Succeeded" should be spelled with two c, as far as I know.
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- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: Spanish
- Version number: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3

Line break or space in «las» (should be «... durante las noches de lluvia.»).

«an» should be «un».

This is the only instance where «keg» is translated as «barrilete» instead of «barril», not sure if its intentional, but it makes the quest slightly confusing.

Missing capitalization on «Hay».

This is the only instance (I think) where «jade» is called «piedra de jade» instead of just «jade» (small nitpick).

The next ones are all from the Egg Festival (Year 2, not sure if relevant).
«probaste» shouldn't be capitalized.

Should be: «Se siente genial estar fuera de nuevo tras ese largo y frío invierno, ¿no es así?».

«pero» shouldn't be capitalized.

Missing space, should be «¿Crees que soy muy mayor...».

After answering:
«Creo que tienes razón. Pero si me estoy divirtiendo, ¿Por qué parar?»
«...divirtiendo, ¿por qué parar?» shouldn't be capitalized.
(Also, maybe I missclicked, but I think I said she wasn't too old for the egg hunt and she answered as if I told her she was).

When speaking to Alex, he says:
«¿Me pregunto qué le pasaría a mis brazos y piernas si me comiese trinta huevos diarios?»
«... comiese treinta huevos diarios?» (typo)

When speaking to Evelyn, she says:
«Oh, ¡bien! estoy segura...»
«Estoy» should be capitalized.


Platform: PC
Language: Hungarian
Version: 1.5.6

When I first met Professor Snail in front of the cave his name was translated perfectly, but when I visited him in his tent his name wasn't translated at all. I hope I could help :smile:


- Platform you're playing on: iOS
- Language you're playing in: English
- Version number:

I've search through this thread but did not find it reported. Once married to Penny, when gifting the player in the morning she says: "Hi, honey! I did some shopping this morning and got this for you. I thought you could really use one of the those." I think that the last article "the" should not be there.

Note that english is not my native language, so I may be wrong but in this case, I've never seen this.


Platform: PC
Language: Hungarian
Version: 1.5.6

When I first met Professor Snail in front of the cave his name was translated perfectly, but when I visited him in his tent his name wasn't translated at all. I hope I could help :smile:
This is an issue in all languages other than English. The initial dialog translates his name, but shows in English in all subsequent dialogs.


- Platform: PC
- Language: Russian
- Version number: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3

Item name "Не измельченный рис" (Unmilled Rice) should be without space "Неизмельченный рис".

just like in English, if you write Un Milled Rice with space in English that would be a mistake.


- Platform: PC
- Language: Brazilian Portuguese
- Version number: 1.5.6

The problem is with one single word of the dialog with Gus when he comes to my farm to give me the Jukebox.
The word "mecher" (to mix in english) is written with X, and not CH. So, the correctly is MEXER.
It's a super common mistake in Brazilian Portuguese because X and CH have the same sound.


EDIT: I found another translation error.

When Abigail see me being attacked by a monster, she says: "don't want to lose you"; in Brazilian Portuguese should be "NÃO QUERO PERDER VOCÊ", It's missing a single letter, O.
this dialog could be more intimate, I would suggest to translate this way: "EU NÃO QUERO PERDER VOCÊ". Sounds so much more intimate.
The difference in English is: "DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU" to "I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU". The "I" before don't want to lose you sounds so much better.


Also, I would like to ask if there's a possibility to I have access to all Brazilian Portuguese translations to verify if there's another mistakes like this.

Thank you.
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- Platform: PC
- Language: Brazilian Portuguese
- Version number: 1.5.6

Hello again, I found some other translation issues in Brazilian Portuguese.
There is four errors here, two of them are just typo.
Here is just missing a space after mesmo, should be: Eu poderia ir lá pegar por mim mesmo, mas....

space 2.png

Here is the same thing, just missing an space after the three dots. Should be: eu sei... logo um homem como eu.


Now the third error is a little more complicated to explain, basically we are talking about formal language and informal language.
When you speak this way: "TAVA TE ESPERANDO" It Is not "wrong".
The correctly form to write this is: "EU ESTAVA TE ESPERANDO".
I know It's sounds weird, but this is the correctly way to write this.


The last one is Krobus name in the image below, It is written KROBOS...
Just a typo I guess.


Thank you.


Platform: PC
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Version number: 1.5.6

The translation for "Survival Burger" contains a typo. It's translated as "Hambúrguer de sobreviência", it should be "Hamburguer de sobrevivência".

AJ Deadshow

Xbox, English, v1.5.4. When Abigail says "We are all going to the saloon, it's like a Friday tradition," the F in Friday didn't get capitalized


Hello, I usually never play games in French, but since I'm currently playing co-op with a friend who prefers playing in his native language I decided to do so as well.

Over the course of our ~65 hours playthrough, we've spotted a LOT of issues in the French localization. Words that haven't been translated at all, some inconsistencies (the same word being translated in 2 different ways, making it a bit confusing), grammar errors, conjugated verbs that do not exist, words gendered incorrectly, missing full stops and so on.
I'll do a few extra playthroughs in other languages (the ones I'm fluent in, at least) and see if they also got the same treatment.

Is it possible to re-open a translation project for the game? I'd love to help and I'm sure many others will as well.


I've seen over a hundred errors in the French translation during my ~65 hours playthrough, it's impossible to list them all. Wouldn't it be easier to just open a translation project for some languages?


Warning: Minor 1.5 spoilers ahead

Platform: Android / Mobile
Language: Hungarian
Version: v1.5.6 build 36

In Gus's omelet scene (shows after completing a special order), there are two "a"-s instead of just one "a" in the word "származnak". Image is liked below.


- Platform: Desktop (Steam)
- Language: English
- Version: 1.5.6 Hotfix #3

I noticed in a quest I got that it asked me to kill "Dust Spirit" but I think this should be "Dust Sprite".



Platform: Android
Language: German
Version: 1.5 - not sure which of these, but it happened on January 13th and I was keeping up with the updates

When I brought Willy the bug meat for his special order, he greeted me saying that he was just thinking about me, using "Bursche" for a male player and then saying the same thing using "Fräulein" for a female playing - I'm guessing it should be either or, right?



I've seen over a hundred errors in the French translation during my ~65 hours playthrough, it's impossible to list them all. Wouldn't it be easier to just open a translation project for some languages?
I used the French version as I was working on my Finnish version (I needed a non-English version that I could easily understand for testing) and noticed the same: the French version was really mistake-ridden...).


- Platform you're playing on: PC
- Language you're playing in: German
- Version number: 1.5.6

The special order quest 'Crop Order' is translated as 'Ernte Bestellnug'. There are two things wrong with this:

1. It should be 'Bestellung', not 'Bestellnug' (the n and u got mixed up).
2. It should be a compound word: 'Erntebestellung' instead of two seperate words in German.

View attachment 11276
Seconding that. I play on a mobile device.

Type of phone: Samsung SM-G930F ;
I have the latest update .


- Language: Simplified Chinese(简体中文)
- Platform: PC
- Version: 1.5.6 (latest version on Steam)
- Platform and version number are not too important, because all versions currently have these errors

Margotbean (wiki admin) suggested that I should give feedback on the wrong translation here. Therefore, I have compiled some of the errors that exist in Simplified Chinese here.
For now, the overall translation quality of Simplified Chinese is very low, so I'll give feedback on a small part here. Some of them affect the player's playing experience, and some are too obvious to ignore.
The amount of text is too much, so I will describe it directly in text and hope it will not affect the understanding.

Intro Animation, Player in Joja Corp
English: Terminated
Current: 已停业
Correct: 已解雇
(But it is correct in Japanese)

Secret Woods Stone Statue
English: Old Master Cannoli
Current: 老师傅香炸奶酪卷
Correct: 老坎诺利大师
(Be translated into the name of a dish...)

The Weather Channel KOZU 5
English: It's going to be cloudy, with gusts of wind throughout the day.
Current: 今天多云,一整天都会狂风大作。
Correct: 明天多云,一整天都会狂风大作。

Spirit's Eve Lewis' Mail
English: here to help us celebrate tomorrow's festival... the Spirit's Eve.
Current: 呼啸着和我们一起庆祝今天的节日……万灵节!
Correct: 呼啸着和我们一起庆祝明天的节日……万灵节!

Haley's Dialogue (Female)
English: Nice makeup. Wait... Are you even wearing any? I'm bored.
Current: 不错的样式。哦等等……你穿了吗?我好无聊。
Correct: 不错的妆容。等等……你是不是没化妆?我好无聊。

Location Names
English: 1 River Road • 2 River Road • 1 Willow Lane • 2 Willow Lane
Current: 1 河间大道 • 2 河间大道 • 1柳巷 • 2柳巷
Correct: 河间大道1号 • 河间大道2号 • 柳巷1号 • 柳巷2号

Jas' Room Dollhouse
English: /
Current: 小家庭围坐在餐桌边。等等……除了爷爷。出于某种原因,他挤到了床底下。
Correct: 小家庭围坐在餐桌边。等等……除了爷爷。出于某种原因,他被塞到了床底下。

All The Special Quests (Both Town and Qi)
English: ship
Current: 出售 (or 售出, I don't quite remember, all of them means "sell")
Correct: 使用出货箱售出 (or 运送, but 运送 is not so clear for players to understand)
(This problem is more serious and misleading, often people sell things to Pierre and then ask why the task is not completed)

Shane's Dialogue (After Marriage)
English: I didn't sleep well last night so I'm hoping this fresh air will get the juices flowing. What juices, you ask? Heh... you're weird.
Current: 我昨晚睡得不好所以我希望这新鲜空气能促进果汁流动。你问什么果汁?呵……你真奇怪。
Correct: 我昨晚睡得不好,希望这里新鲜的空气能让我精力能充沛一些。
(English idioms but tranlated directly.The current translation is a direct translation, there are still a bunch of Chinese players who don't know what "let the juice flow" is. It's a cold joke, It is difficult to correspond in Chinese, so I omitted the second half.)

Shane's Event (In Forest, ID 3910674)
English: ...I've pumped his stomach and re-hydrated his body.
Current: ……我已经帮他清洗过胃部并且对他身体进行了再水化。
Correct: ……我已经帮他清洗过胃部并且给他的身体补充了水分。

Must Be Placed In Barn
English: Must be placed in a barn.
Current: 只能放置在谷仓里。
Correct: 只能放置在畜棚里。
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