
  1. SurfingMimikyu

    Windows [Bug] Taking a steam screenshot visually breaks the game

    Every time I take a screenshot with steam overlay's built in screenshot feature the game glitches out and becomes a black screen with a small white box. Taking a screenshot via any other means is fine it's just the Steam screenshot that breaks it. The problem persists in both windowed and...
  2. Windows [Bug] Gamepass specifically won't start up with Playstation controller connected.

    As per usual, if more info is needed come poke at me in technical-support on the discord! As of last gamepass patch, having a playsation controller connected will cause the game to just refuse to start. Disconnecting the controller makes it start right up. Works fine with steam controller (self...
  3. ZeroMeters

    Windows In Regards to Windows Laptop and SDV 1.5.5

    As of patch 1.5.5 in Stardew Valley, the 64-bit conversion patch, the game changed in regards to how it renders/draws things onto your screen. Prior to this patch it was using a graphic library called "DirectX 9c". Now it is using "OpenGL 2.0". Some end users have noticed that the game has...
  4. thespoooks

    Windows [BUG] Unresponsive when taskbar is clicked - won't minimise

    I've noticed whenever i press the windows button to access something else open while playing, my game freezes while my curser changes to a regular one but i'm not able to click anything or minimise the window. I tried to take a screenshot in game too and my screenshot captured the steam page...
  5. Raging_Moose

    Windows (Connection Failed Problem?) This Might help

    this might help, might not it worked for me. open up your windows defender, then go to Firewall & Network Protection, then select allow an app through firewall, in the next window scroll down the list till you find Stardew Valley and select it, then click the remove button, then ok. after you...
  6. ALCRD

    Windows [PC] [FIXED] Audio crackling and microstuttering after few minutes of playing.

    I'm having issues with Stardew Valley. As mentioned in the title after few minutes of gameplay audio including the music starts to crackle and pop and game starts to act up like it's microstuttering. The movement gets jittery. Happens regardless of resolution or window mode. I am not using any...
  7. Issue Upgraded house, can't access chests

    I have quite a few mods and haven't had any major issues until now, only a few cosmetic oddities. I upgraded my house and when it expanded, it didn't move my chests/personal items, and now I can't get to some of my chests. I've attached a screenshot, and below is my SMAPI log. Any advice on how...
  8. Issue [HELP] TMXL doesn't work with STV 1.5.5

    Does anybody know where i can find TMXL that will be compatible with version 1.5.5 (Windows), or anything to replace it? I tried to replace it with the newest version from nexus, but it doesn't work.
  9. PC Got this game from Xbox pc game pass

    I got this game from xbox pc game pass. Can I only play with Xbox players or can I play with PC as well? I couldn't find anything on google
  10. imnvs

    Windows 11

    So, has anyone upgraded to Windows 11? Any folk that have done so, what compatibility issues have you seen? I am specifically looking to see if there are any SDV issues folks have seen.
  11. PC HELP: Broken Crab Pots

    I recently prayed to the shrine to let me change my fishing profession and now I should be able to use crab pots without needing bait. I went to the beach with my stack of crab pots and started placing them. After a few, I noticed that each time I placed a new crab pot, it would shift around all...
  12. PC [BUG] Game doesn't like Win + D shortcut

    Hello, after a whole in-game day of progress, I had to use Win + D shortcut. After reopening the window, game went to main menu (without anything special happening), so I tried to load the profile and game crashed. I was unable to repliacte the bug, has this happened to anybody else? It's worth...
  13. PC (Windows, GOG) HELP, after saving, game is back to square one..

    Hi! My brother is playing via GOG for three days now and yesterday something weird happened twice. He start playing, does his thing and then when he goes to bed it says in green that it is saving. Then when it is the next day, he wakes up and all his home belongings are in his inventory and his...
  14. PC HELP /Friend can't play from mac //Multiplayer

    So I am window user and my friend joined my farm from a windows pc at first and we played alot of hours. But when she logs onto her steam account on her Mac, she can't join my farm? Is there any way to fix this? or is it that since she played on windows pc, she can't rejoin from a mac? Can Mac...
  15. GarnMcGaughn

    Solved (SOLVED) removing items behind stove

    ok ive recently discovered how to add windows and such behind the stove in the house but is there a trick on removing or replacing them?
  16. PC [Help] Game doesn't start

    I have played this game on this PC before and decided to replay it again to experience the new content in 1.5. When I click "Play" in steam I get a dialog saying "Preparing to launch Stardew Valley". The button changes to "Stop". Then the dialog disappears and the button changes back to "Play"...
  17. PC [HELP] CPU Usage 100% - freezes and framerate spikes (PC/Steam)

    Hi there. So problem is - when I start stardew valley and loading the game my cpu usage will spike to 100%. Loading times are long and everything seems laggy. Spikes on framerate graph. I found a solution somewhere on reddit - you need to delete and install XNA framework from steam folder and...
  18. Solved [SOLVED] Girlfriend's game won't update on macOS/ we can't play multiplayer

    Girlfriend is playing on Mojave 10.14.something I'm playing on Windows 10 (current version), and my game auto updated to the most recent version, but her game refuses to be updated past Dec 22nd of this year, despite deleting and redownloading the game. We can no longer play multiplayer together.
  19. PC [BUG] Co-op online 2 player game crashes after going to sleep

    Since v1.5 I've (PC/Steam) been hosting co-op (with Mac/Steam) and every night the game closes before showing the earnings of the day. We have been able to progress 1 day by going to bed immediately after waking up. Any time we seem to do things during the day it crashes. We were originally...
  20. Solved [HELP] Version Mismatch when trying to join co-op (FIXED)

    Been trying to join a game, but it keeps coming up with Version Mismatch when entering in invite code. We're both running 1.4.5, which we purchased in the same week in the middle of march, well after the 1.4.5 release date. We have both been playing co-op since then on numerous farms without an...