
  1. Can I redownload any files for stardew valley??

    While getting onto Stardew Valley for steam, I was trying to delete the file for SMAPI and accidentally deleted an important file from the main stardew valley address. Because I deleted that file, my stardew valley won't open at all and I was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this or knew how...
  2. Windows What is going on with my achievements

    im playing on pc on the xbox app verson and i just completed the full prairie king mingame without dying and i recieved the achievement for it on the xbox app but not ingame. anyone know what I'm supposed to do about that? cuz its slightly annoying after all that work.
  3. Watering can bug

    Hello, first post here I want to comment there's a bug when you have certain level of friendship with Shane SPOILER; I think it's at 3-5 level of friendship with Shane So beware, or you will keep the watering can over everything else even if you don't have that thing on your inventory, it...
  4. Windows Original Character Lost

    On the first day of the release we updated and setup a new farm. Four of us. Later in the evening I believe 1.6.3 was dropped and I had updated. So all of us had to update in order to play together, after we all did. One of us no longer had access to that first character. The character would say...
  5. Windows Janky Camera on horse

    I'm not sure why, but when I'm on a horse the camera seems to feel like its trying to keep up with the player and is moving in sudden bolts instead of smoothly across the screen. When this happens the inventory bar also constantly moves from the top of the screen to the bottom and its really...
  6. Magically Clueless


    PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES IN YOUR GAME HERE! Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread! A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); full error text (if any); what OS you are using; in-game language; single-player or...
  7. Windows Can I have Stardew Valley 1.5 and Stardew Valley 1.6 installed on the same computer?

    If anyone knows a way to do this, please show us how. The reason that this would be cool for me is that I am currently playing the game with several mods on Windows 10 that might not work once the game is updated to 1.6. Furthermore, some of the Mods that I am playing with now have been...
  8. Windows Game Crashes when going to Sleep - Online Co-op Multiplayer - Winter 1 Year 2

    I have tried all of the recommended fixes I could find, such as running steam as an admin, verifying game files, reinstalling the game, emptying the fridges, reorganising the chests, removing items from coops, reorganising inventory, etc. Nothing seems to affect it and it also doesn't matter...
  9. Soap_the_gamer

    Windows Workbench Bug!

    Hello everyone! I'm a Windows PC player on version 1.5.6, single player, no mods. I've found a small bug relating to the Workbench. I was holding a Warp Totem and right-clicking to use the Workbench. However, what it instead did was make the "close interface" sound and lock me out of the...
  10. Mlovespugs1011

    Windows Crash: Talking to the Wizard outside his Tower.

    I went onto my day as normal, did some foraging, etc. I found the Wizard standing outside, I decided to click on him to talk and then suddenly my game crashed. I didn't attempt it again as I don't want to have to replay the same chores again a third time, but I'd imagine it would happen again...
  11. TastyFish

    Windows Journal Scraps Bug (Solution)

    I've been struggling with not being able to find Journal Scrap #10 or #11 and it seems to be an issue a few other people are struggling with, but there didn't seem to be a certain fix beyond reloading the game, which did not work for me on PC. I'd tried carpet bombing the caves, fishing in the...
  12. Windows Can't Load Save File From Android on Windows

    Hey y'all, I have a couple year old Stardew save file from my android phone that I have been trying to open on Windows, but every time I try to open it the game crashes in the loading screen. The file still works fine on my android phone, it just won't open on my pc for some reason. I also get...
  13. Windows Bugs and typos with unlocking songs for the Mini-Jukebox

    In a recent run I did, I noticed that I did not have the "Dreamscape" song logged in the Mini-Jukebox, despite having seen Emily's 2-heart event (the only place where the song plays). The only idea I have for how this happened is that I skipped the cutscene very quickly, before the scene went to...
  14. Windows Crashing on PC when playing co-op

    Hey, My wife and I have been trying to play co-op but we keep getting random crashes. She's hosting and usually I'll crash first and then she will a few minutes after. We're playing it on Game Pass on PC and here's the error log: Message: Input string was not in a correct format...
  15. Solved Cannot load Android save on PC after mod uninstallation [Windows]

    Hello I wanted to try some mods on my mobile save but after an hour of playing, I noticed they didn't run. I deleted them since they didn't work and transferred my save back to my phone. The save works perfectly on my phone but now when I try to transfer the save to my PC to play vanilla the...
  16. Windows wrong screen shot

    when tacking a screenshot most times in starts taking a screen shot of a frame a few seconds ago
  17. Windows journey of the prairie king arcade cant shoot

    arrow keys move instead of shooting WASD also moves and doesnt shoot reinstalled the game twice and it didnt fix verified files and it didnt fix different saves dont work new save doesnt work rebinding the keys does nothing this occurs in the arcade at the saloon and also the 2player minigame...
  18. Windows Barbed hook at the traveling cart bugged and let me keep buying it after it was sold out.

    I hope I'm doing this correctly? Windows version of Stardew Valley on Steam, not sure what version but I'm pretty sure I'm up to date. Single player. The traveling cart in the woods had a barbed hook for sale, a single barbed hook, had the number one on it. I bought the barbed hook and the...
  19. Windows [help] full screen/display problem

    When I try to play the game in full screen to change the display because my game laggs a lot it crashes and then when I try to load it up again the game loads in the bottom corner of my screen with some of it cut off since I'm using a laptop I put it into touch screen mode to see if I can get it...
  20. RabidRabbit

    Windows Game Crashing when loading Save that was transferred from iOS to PC

    I have been playing Stardew on iPad for many hours now, and just recently got Stardew on PC to finally be able to mod it and wanted to transfer the save file to my PC. I followed all the instructions and made sure I got all the files transferred with all the right names. I am not currently...