
  1. Introduction quest didnt finish

    Hello! Im new in this game, i already get the name of all the villagers in pelican town in my connection(?), but the quest still 27/28. I already redo maybe 4 times now, but it didnt finish yet. Is the quest will finish when i met new char? My ocd didnt let me play other quest till i finish the...
  2. iOS [BUG] Game stuck completely , no icons at all

    My character appears to be stuck in a wall, except I can’t see the character, my items, what day or time it is, and for some reason the walls on my farm have disappeared? Very random and inconvenient. It’s my first game so I’m quite attached so I hope it can be fixed :(
  3. Solved Game takes forever to load to the point i can't play

    Usually it doesn't take too much time to launch the game but recently it's been taking like 10 minutes to launch, once it does tho the game freezes when i click "load game" and i have to wait some minutes more, when it loads the screen and i try to open my world the game is stuck in the loading...
  4. Switch [BUG] Junimos getting stuck

    Hey, so I play on switch, latest version. I built some hunimo huts and noticed a few of them were unable to harvest everything, despite other junimo huts being able to. I watched them work and it turn out they were getting stuck on fences. This issue only seems to occur if the plant they are...
  5. Mac [BUG] Secret Note glitch - can't collect

    I had a secret note (from killing an enemy or found in a rock in the regular mine) that seemed to be stuck in the wall and I was unable to collect it. Will I be able to get this note again later or can I no longer collect this one (I now have all but 2)?
  6. Windows [BUG] stuck after cutscene

    I entered my standard farm, on foot, from the south on spring 25 at 12pm (unmodded Windows Steam fully up to date), triggering the Demetrius cave cutscene, and found myself trapped in the wall...
  7. RichardBuettner

    PC [BUG] Spawned in middle of mountain lake after series of cut scenes.

    The end result is that spawned into the middle of the mountain lake after a series of cut scenes, and could not move. I could change direction, but could not walk. I joined a multiplayer (2 player) LAN game. On the previous day, I added the last item, a truffle, to the community center. The...
  8. PC [HELP] Stuck on "Connecting to online services" (MacOS)

    Me and my friends planned to play some Stardew co-op today because we got bored and I was always the one to host the server, but when I clicked on the "Co-op" button it showed me the "Connecting to online services"... I waited for a bit but it still didn't work...So I searched through the...
  9. Solved [HELP] Game Stuck Won't Update Steam

    Hello! :blush: My game is stuck on version 1.3 on Steam and it's a bit frustrating. The game has no mods; it's just the game itself. I tried re-installing/uninstalling, verifying the files on steam, and even checking if there is a Beta update. There is but it's the 1.3 version with multiplayer...
  10. Switch [BUG] Can't move Banner/Starport Decal or items in front of it.

    I've run into a problem with the Winter banner in the Nursery room. I can't move the banner OR the table/item in front at all (no pickaxe noise either). I first noticed this issue when I placed some Starport decals in the lower room addition and couldn't move them or the furniture in front of...
  11. Tinivuel

    Android [BUG] Got teleportet out off map

    I was farming in secret woods and was going home when i whent out i spawned on this place where I could not move or get back. Had to wait to I passed out to get back home..
  12. quinnjn

    PC [BUG] Stuck in wall after Leah's 6 heart event

    Hello! I ended up stuck in the wall after Leah's 6 heart event. Here is what happened: I entered the farm from the Cindersap Forest after visiting Leah and getting her 4 heart event in her home. I was riding my horse back to the farm when the cut scene started. After the cut scene, I was stuck...
  13. Solved [Help] game stuck on saving screen, won't save progress

    My game is stuck on day 10 of summer year 3, the game gets stuck on the saving screen after the day changes from 10 to 11. The saving... animation works but tge game just won't save, I tried to delete old mods and looked at other posts here to see if someone had a similar problem, the only...
  14. PC [BUG] Professor Snail dialogue stuck

    Hello guys Сan you help me please? I'm playing Russian version and I got stuck on this dialogue In English version the conversation continues normally Yes, I can skip it It's freezes after "Mushroom Salad"
  15. PC [BUG] Stuck in the cellar

    I play co-op with a friend,he has a completely improved house with a cellar, after a while I moved his house a few cells closer to my house and after that I tried to go into his cellar,but I got stuck on the stairs, neither here nor there, and was able to get out with the help of a totem
  16. PC [Bug] Stuck in Terrain after Leah Six-heart Event I.

    v1.5.3 for the PC, via Steam. No mods. Single-player. Language: English. Farm map: default In-game date: 23 Winter, Year 1 I entered my farm while riding my horse from the Cindersap Forest. I triggered the first of Leah's six-heart cutscenes, where she gives you the statue. After the cutscene...
  17. PC [BUG]Entering event at farm house from south entrance on a horse leaves player stuck in wall.

    So I triggered Leah's 2 and 4 heart event right after each other and then went back to my farm on my horse through the south entrance. This triggered the 6 heart event with her, but after the event I was dismounted into the left wall at the entrance unable to escape (see picture below). I redid...
  18. Solved [BUG] Stuck in fishing animation (softlock) in MP

    Hey. Since the new update today 1.5.3. we experienced a softlock while fishing. Sometimes - not always - but like ever 3-4 fish or so, you click on the mouse to reel in the fish, but the minigame wont start. You are stuck in the animation. You cant open anything or move. The only thing that...
  19. PC [Bug] Moving house a multiplayer house. Basement stuck

    I moved the only multiplayer house (i have so i can put more cask) on my farm and some days latter when i tried to enter the basement i got stuck. My character would not apear on screen (it seems that he is out of view, but still there). I manage to return because of the Return Scepter, but as...
  20. Lach_ninja

    Solved [BUG] (1.5.2) Trying to mount summoned horse and then being stuck in an animation

    So, this happened to me once before (which I had to reset the day as I could not do anything) and now just recently. I didn't encounter this issue after playing one or two seasons worth of update 1.5, but has occurred since updating to 1.5.2 (I think) The issue occurred when I summoned my horse...