
  1. PC [BUG] Perfection in under three years not possible.

    This is technically not a bug, but it's definitely unintended behavior. There are some visual elements of the cutscene at the Summit, which you get after achieving perfection, that only appear if certain conditions are met (looking into code here). One of these is a check if it is still year 2...
  2. PC [BUG] 100 % Completion Didn't Unlock The New Area North Of The Railroad

    I have achieved 100 % completion on my farm (I'm playing on 1.5.1 PC right now). Here is the proof. I know the new area was supposed to be unlocked the day after reaching 100 % completion, so I went to sleep and I went to the railroad. Nothing had changed, the boulder was still there. I slept...
  3. Jason98

    PC [Bug report & Help needed] Unable to unlock the access to the summit and get the Statue of True Perfection with perfection.

    As the title says, I have achieved 100% completion when checking the cat in Qi's nut room, but I still haven't gotten the Statue of True Perfection and unlock the access to the summit . Besides that, I didn't get the yellow word says that "somewhere, somehow, grandpa is beaming with pride"...
  4. Fonselot

    PC [BUG] Problem unlocking the summit

    Good afternoon. I have just achieved the 100% perfection according to the bear-shaped screen next to Mr. Qi, but I can't access the summit. There is a huge boulder that is impossible to break, and I couldn't activate any cutscene or event. Is it a bug or should I do something else to access...