multiplayer bug

  1. Windows Achieved Perfection, Boulder won't move in multiplayer

    I achieved perfection in a multiplayer world I play with my partner. I noticed that the boulder did not move after the first day, read some forums and decided to wait a bit longer. It has been about 5 in-game days and still no boulder movement. Is there anything else I need to do before the...
  2. Switch Can’t play co-op mode with my friends

    I have trouble with playing Co-op mode on my switch starting from Monday(8/14) night. The error code I received is 2618-0513, which means my internet is poor, but when I checked my NAT type, it shows B, and I have tried with other game, the internet works well. Which causes me think it might...
  3. Switch Multiplayer geode screen lock

    At Clint's shop me and my friend (split screen) where breaking 100's of omi - geodes and he left the game when I was breaking a geode and then when it was resizing I got stuck on this screen. (Ver.
  4. Multiplayer infinite loading and other problems

    Hello, I'm currently playing Stardew with a friend who's hosting a multiplayer server. At first the game was working normally, but after a month only my game started to lag : I was stuck in the loading page between areas in town, I couldn't open chests, I could'nt pick up stuff on the ground...
  5. flaminHotFledge

    Windows Community Center Achievement Missed (Multiplayer)

    Hey, I had this issue a few months back when playing with a friend where we had completed the community center, but I wasn't awarded the "Local Legend" achievement through Steam. Here are all the details: I was hosting the world at the time (Latest version) I completed the final bundle (It was...
  6. DromeyDungeons

    Windows Multiplayer Disconnection Issues: Related to complexity and game length?

    Hi, I have been hosting a multiplayer game since November 4, 2022 with my partner (lives in the same house, uses the same internet) and my friend who lives in the States (I live in Canada). Over the past several months we've had recurring disconnection issues where both my partner and friend...
  7. Issue Game crashes on save day

    SMAPI log: The game crashes on multiplayer when we sleep and start a new day. We all installed the mod and their dependencies using Vortex, and here are the mods we're using: Ridgeside Village More Fish Visible Fish Sailor Moon Styles...
  8. blackrose_illus

    Missing File

    Hello! So essentially whenever I reach the point day where I have to meet and talk to the wizard in order for you to gain access to the community center, the time that I enter the area where his tower is, I also reach a black screen. I can move my mouse, and hear the music and stuff going on...
  9. Switch Please Help! Multiplayer, Axe is stuck in the blacksmith shop after several in game days have passed

    I made a new farm on the switch version of the game and made a new character for my boyfriend in fall year 1. We have been upgrading tools at the same time with no issue, but my boyfriend gave his copper axe to Clint and several in game days have gone by but it isn’t finished. I have upgraded...
  10. Windows [HELP] Multiplayer Disconnecting/Crashing Randomly

    My friend and I have been playing for years and never had a problem until recently. We play online and Randomly while I am hosting her game would crash or disconnect her. We have tried everything we can think of. We both use mods but we have tried taking them out and the game is still crashing...
  11. Mac [BUG] Wallet Items Disappearing in Co-Op

    Well after emailing support and getting no response, I thought I'd try here to find a solution. I play on Mac, my partner plays on Windows. He is the host. We've had continuous crashing issues that we've been able to just accept and deal with until now, it's damage is becoming flat out...
  12. Switch [HELP] Continuous disconnection in Co-op

    hello, my friend and i have been playing the game through online co-op for the past couple months, and within the past ~2 weeks our games have continuously disconnected us both from the server after an hour. we’ve both tested our internet contentions over and over, we’ve both restarted our...
  13. Windows [BUG] Club Card bugged multiplayer

    Hello, My gf and i are playing stardew multiplayer together and she has the clubcard altho ive completed all the quests i cant get the card from the woodpile anymore. ive gotten it once and then the game crashed and the day didnt save, even tried redoing the quests but the battery wasnt taken...
  14. Switch [BUG] Game not allowing quests on multiplayer

    My friend and I are playing online co-op, and it all started during the fisherman’s introduction, where he gives you your first rod. My friend never got theirs, and ever since, has not gotten any item from cutscenes, cannot access bundles, can’t enter the adventurers guild, and cannot enter the...
  15. corvus_v

    Windows [HELP] Windows Store Co-Op constant disconnecting

    Me and my girlfriend started a farm where I host and have been playing on it for a while, but the past 2 days she's been frequently disconnecting without either of us having any internet or bandwidth issues whatsoever. It's become a bit of a problem because it's starting to happen so often she...
  16. Issue error when entering chicken coop in multiplayer

    I have the problem that I cannot enter the chicken coop in multiplayer, there is a sound but I cannot enter it After a few tests I found out that the error only occurs in multiplayer, in single player everything works normally
  17. oysters

    Windows [HELP] Multiplayer host crashes after logging invite code, map is from before latest update

    Title has most of it. When selecting Co-op and a particular map, the host starts, the screen is black, then the log on the bottom left reports that a game has been created with the invite code. The host then crashes. This occurs consistently. This is the error log: Message: The content file was...
  18. Windows help!! multiplayer will not work!

    ive been trying to play with my boyfriend, and an invite code shows up but it always says connection failed! weve tried on both our computers, and i havent found a way to fix it. it hasnt worked since my last multiplayer game crashed in sep/oct (cant remember)
  19. Windows Help needed,BUG in a multiplayer.

    I have been playing a couple of days now with my friend and every second day when we go to sleep we have a black screen that lasts forever, fix for now is if I alt+f4 then relaunch the game and join. Is there any fix for this?
  20. Windows [HELP] PC Multiplayer -- Players Getting Frequently Disconnected

    I've been trying to play multiplayer with two friends. I'm the host. We can connect fine and maybe play for a half hour or so, but they will inevitably start to lag and then get disconnected. This is making the game borderline unplayable! I'm hosting on a Mac, and they're playing on Windows...