
I'm having an issue with smapi mobile with one of our world's I play with my siblings on preventing my siblings from joining the coop. We were able to play together through the mod "multiplayermod by mthongdev" even though were on mobile. There are 3 of us, I play on mobile(im host), alongside with my second sibling(also on mobile), and my third sibling playing on pc(windows). We've been playing on this world for a couple of days now and It's worked fine until yesterday after we all downloaded "Yagisan's Custom NPCs for NPC Map Locations" and "NPC Map Locations" which our world(the one I'm hosting in mobile) prevented my siblings from being able to join. We thought the mod affected our world and deleted the mod off but it's still isn't letting my siblings join. We were able to play on other saved worlds fine and join each other's worlds but it's still isn't possible with our main world. I've tried my best to figure this out, but nothing has worked at all. Im not sure if the save file is corrupted or if the world is corrupted, I'm really at a lost at this point. We have a lot of progress saved and I really hope there's another way to fix it so we don't lose our progess we've made together.

Here's what I found looking through the error log files on mobile, it constantly repeated this message until the game crashed overall.

[17:49:37 ERROR SMAPI] An error occurred in the overridden draw loop: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SGame.DrawImpl (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D target_screen) [0x00f6e] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SGame._draw (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D target_screen) [0x0012b] in <a657c589ffdc433da6b7a1a6216be427>:0
[17:49:37 TRACE SMAPI] Recovering sprite batch from error...

I also posted a screenshot of part of the log(I'm not sure if they are entirely the same but it was what appeared when my sibling joined, im really really confused at this point) but I sadly couldn't get all of it as I'm not sure how to capture the entire log on mobile (besides looking through the files) :(.

The mods we all use right now are:
-Ridgeside village(and it's required mods)
-SpriteMaster (We had to re-download it because after we downloaded the npc Locations mod, it said "DL is broken" or something, I don't exactly remember but I know something went wrong with spritemasters DL)

I've also heard in the past that MultiplayerMod and SpaceCore(required for Ridgeside) have clashed because they both affect the Save Serializer I think, but I'm not sure if that was the case in this.

If there's any way I can fix this, I'm willing to try! I just really don't want to lose this world as we've made so much progress. I also hope I can learn what I need to do so I can possible help anyone else in the future having the same problem similar to me.


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I found that some objects are not set to instances of objects, and that some mods have decapitated code and will break in the next big SMAPI update


Here's my log! Sorry for late reply! I was trying to figure it out at first but I think I figured out how to find the log :). This is my second time trying this out and I'm still trying to get used to it. Oh and If I sent the wrong one in, please tell me so I can try to send the right one :D
Update: so I recently went back and checked on the world, but when I checked the world it was gone. The world is still inside my files, but for some reason it no longer was showing up in game. I don't know why this happened. :(


I found that some objects are not set to instances of objects, and that some mods have decapitated code and will break in the next big SMAPI update
Does that mean that I should delete some of them, or update them so they won't do that

Update: nvm I realized I have to update and download the new file of it. Didn't realize I was using the wrong one.
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Does that mean that I should delete some of them, or update them so they won't do that

Update: nvm I realized I have to update and download the new file of it. Didn't realize I was using the wrong one.
It's fixed? If so..... Glad I could help?


It's fixed? If so..... Glad I could help?
You helped me a lot and I'm grateful for it! But I have another problem which the world I was talking about is for some reason gone now and I don't know why it's happened, but it's not showing up ingame. I see it still in the files but I won't show up when I load into the game and check my world's. I don't know why it's happened but I hope there's a solution.
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