ios bug

  1. iOS Help Bug - Copper Watering Can Reverted Back Overnight

    Im playing on iOS latest software update. We dont have the full 1.5 update - no Ginger Island but I have tea trees and upgradable garbage cans etc. I woke up the morning after collecting it from Clint and just like the title says I suddenly had a regular watering can not a copper one. I’m so...
  2. iOS [HELP] Missing save file on iOS

    So I'm a long time fan of the game. My daughter has always loved watching me play (she was always my baby in the game too). Now she's 7 and wanted to make her own farm, so I bought the game for her iPad. She's been loving the game, building her farm, making friends, and keeping her dog happy...
  3. iOS [BUG] App not fitting on iphone 12

    I’m on the most recent iOS and version of the game but the game isn’t fitting well. It cuts off and cant use the tools on the left because it’s covered by the iphone camera bar
  4. Popsy

    iOS [BUG] Randomly picking up furniture

    Sometimes when I walk into the living room of my upgraded farm house, I’ll suddenly find my character holding a rug, picture, the table, or even the TV, without going near where they had been.
  5. iOS [BUG] Black game screen after loading screen

    When I choose my saved game and hit either start from where I last left off or not, I get a black screen with music playing and it never changes. Any suggestions?
  6. iOS [BUG] Game crash at start up

    My game keeps crashing at the first screen. My iphone is updated and so is my app. Any idea of what i can do and not loose my data? thank you :)
  7. iOS [BUG] Can’t load my backup save, please help

    When I trie to load my backup save the game shows the loading screen and then it just turns black, I am on a very recent iPad, I tried moving my file to my phone bu ti had the same problem, please help me
  8. iOS [BUG] iOS Game skips weeks

    UGG. For the third time since I’ve been playing, I put my game to bed, woke up in the morning and have skipped two weeks. When I shut down last night, it was the 24th of summer. Woke up just now looked at my game and suddenly it’s the 14th of fall. This has happened twice before and really...
  9. iOS [BUG] Income will not exceed 918148g, extra money gets lost

    Hi, I play the IOS version on my mobile phone. For the past 3 days IG I’ve realised that no matter what my end of day income is, when I wake up in the morning the total amount of money I have will not exceed 918148g. I noticed this as the last time I went to sleep with around 870000g on me, and...
  10. iOS [HELP] Secret Note 16 Impossible?

    Playing on iPad Pro. I have SN 16 and have gone up to the train station and tried to dig next to the boulder. It doesn’t matter what tool I use, I’m unable to dig. I can dig just fine in the non-shades areas but cannot dig anywhere in the shaded areas. Is this a bug or a known issue? Thanks!
  11. iOS [BUG] Stuck on animal info screen, had to restart the day

    Hi, I just now had a bug where I was petting one of my ducks and the info screen came up and there was no way to get out of it. I tried clicking the change buildings button to try and exit but that didn’t work, selling it might have worked but I didn’t want to so that so I restarted the day...
  12. Beansies

    Can’t find gardening hoe!

    Lost my gardening hoe in the mines after getting my health depleted. Except, I didn’t realize It until a couple of days later. Didn’t see it in the mail (there was one recent message I accidentally closed early—don’t know if that was the one), don’t have it in the fridge because I don’t have...
  13. iOS [BUG] iPad Pro iOS crashes freezes on keyboard input #bug

    I wanted to start a new game and I can't input any text into the create a character screen. The game freezes and I have no option to do anything but close the game. This is frustrating as I uninstalled the app to see if this would help–and my all previous save data is gone. #iOSbug #crash...
  14. iOS [BUG] Constant crashing :(

    I already posted about this in the old forums (on April 10th) about the issues I've been having. I hadn't played the game for a long time, I've played on iOS and Mac OS (via GOG) but I find iOS more convenient. I discovered there was an update to the game with some new features so was excited to...
  15. iOS [BUG] Artifacts Bug

    Artifacts not showing in collections after donating in museum. Im on the latest version in ios mobile