
  1. PC [BUG] Frozen mine glitch (not frozen area)

    Hi, i was playing on PC with my friend on online multiplayer and entered mine level 81. The mine area seemed normal but the creatures were not moving. Seeing this, I took the opportunity to try and mine but the rocks broke and the particles remained and i couldn't pick up any items dropped at...
  2. Switch [BUG] CO-OP Multiplayer glitch

    Me and my brother recently started playing CO-OP on the Switch and whenever the second play tries to fish/play the strength game the meter is off the screen
  3. PC [BUG] Shane event glitch

    Okay, so the event with shane, where he apparentaly is supposed to be concidering jumping off a cliff is triggered for me, but what the cutscene is bugged. It starts whenever i enter to the forest area, and my character starts walking towards shane, but when he gets there, i get a quick black...
  4. Switch Island Map is blue

    I was so excited to explore the island map, it looked great when I got off Willy's ship, but the second portion of the map leading to the cave - the ground is blue. There's no texture - i can see some bushes and some tree but the parrots are not on their perch and I can't interact with the...
  5. DDB Windex

    PC [BUG] Glitched Baby

    I was playing casually with my boyfriend and he was on the screen naming our 3rd kid. We took a while to think of a name and the game decided to disconnect him. The 3rd kid (which automatically was named to Baby) was in the same bed as our 2nd in his cabin. After the 3rd kid was all grown, my...
  6. Solved [BUG] Co-Op split: second player can't run

    Created a new co-op split screen farm using the four corner layout. The second player connects fine but when moving around the second player glitches. The player will run then out of no where does not move or moves very, very slowly like running then it is slow motion running. I noticed if the...
  7. Fabimawn

    Switch [BUG] Tapper bug, flooring disappearing etc.

    * Tree tapper can only be harvested from behind the tree * Flooring and wallpaper disappearing in upgraded shed after opening chest:
  8. cozygh0st

    Solved [SOLVED] Bug with Aquariums

    When I took out the squid I put in my large aquarium, I couldn’t put it back in. Further, I can‘t put any fish in any aquarium now, no matter where I put it. My inventory full of various fish is completely grayed out when I enter the aquarium menu. I’ve looked around all over for this glitch and...
  9. PC [BUG] Part of my bed is gone??

    So I don't play that often, but after I updated everything and booted my game up last month, I noticed that a chunk of my bed is just... Gone. Not like the whole thing, but like the top right quarter of it. Sebastian doesn't even appear in it when he sleeps at night anymore. It won't let me move...
  10. PC BUG- Multiplayer freezes in community center completion scene

    Couch multiplayer- when community center is completed, leaving the farm triggers the cut scene as usual the day after completing the community center. During this scene, player 1 appears as usual to go through the event, player 2 has no sprite visible but can click through text. This continues...
  11. jayeyem731

    Solved [BUG] "Mystery of the Stardrops" trophy not popping [PlayStation]

    Hello! I looked through the threads to see if there was a topic about trophies not popping specifically for the PS4 but didn't find anything, and I think this is the appropriate place to post this. I just found the Elvish Jewelry and donated it to the Museum to complete my collection and get the...
  12. PC [BUG] My incubator turned into a tapper

    I put an egg in the incubator and it stayed in there for an extended amount of time (over a month) so I knew it was bugged. I decided to try to put another egg in the incubator and upon clicking it, the incubator turned into a tapper... any ideas how to fix this? I have modded the game to add...
  13. PC Extra prismatic jelly (burglar ring problem?)

    I killed the prismatic slime and got 2 prismatic jelly, now I'm stuck with an extra prismatic jelly. I can't eat it, I can't use it for anything, I can't give it to anyone and I can't throw it away.
  14. Switch [BUG] Spawn out of bounds on Day 1 Year 3 - Switch Version

    Nothing game-breaking, but happened when I was playing Stardew on the Nintendo Switch. I went to sleep on the last day of Year 2, Grandpa cutscene played, and one of my goats gave birth during the night. When Day 1 started, I was out of bounds of my house in the black void surrounding the house...
  15. PC [BUG] Horse Dismount Fish Pond glitch

    I was collecting roe from my fish ponds while on my horse with my horse flute in hand and I clipped into the fish pond after dismounting, I wasn't able to replicate the glitch without there being roe to collect. I was able to dismount inside the fish pond and walk right out without getting...
  16. PC [BUG] Stuck running into chicken coop

    I entered the chicken coop and now I'm just stuck running in place while my chickens and ducks pretend not to notice. I've tried holding down the all directions, pressing random keys, minimizing/maximizing window and I'm still stuck! I know I should probably just close the game, but I'm at the...
  17. lauralie

    PC [BUG] Found Golden Walnut But Didn't Go Into Counter

    I'm playing in multiplayer and while on Ginger Island I found the golden walnut behind Qi's Walnut Room. When I clicked it, it did the little animation and disappeared but it didn't make the number of walnuts I've found increase. I'm worried that this will prevent us from reaching 100%...
  18. TaffiDaSid

    PC [BUG] Character Glitched Behind Map in Ginger Island

    As soon as I took the boat to Ginger Island, instead of spawning myself at the dock outside of Willy's boat, it spawned me on the top left grassy area in the first picture. I tried walking around and I ended up "underneath" all the map's objects.
  19. Solved [BUG] Journey of the Prairie King Final Boss Glitch

    I have discovered that JOTPK's final boss will glitch out if you use the zombie lightning powerup and touch him. I caught it on stream and clipped it so you can see what I mean. I am running 1.5 now, in vanilla, but it also happened in 1.4.
  20. Issue [Bug report] Game crash ramdomly

    Hi there! I don't understand why but my game crashes very often for an unknown reason. I guess the problem has something with my ram to do. Because inline "201" show "尝试读取或写入受保护的内存。这通常指示其他内存已损坏。", and that means "trying to load or write-protected ram, this usually means some other ram is...