ginger island

  1. Solved [BUG] Danger in the Deep quest only lasted 2 days

    Im new to this forum and I didn’t see this thread posted anywhere else, so sorry if there’s already an existing thread. The Danger in the Deep quest assigned in the Walnut room on Ginger Island is supposed to last 7 days. You have a week to get to the bottom of the mines again. I started the...
  2. PC [HELP] Ginger Island Mermaid not working

    Hi, I recently got the flute block recipe from Robin, and was super excited to go get the walnuts from the mermaid. I know the pattern is 2, 11, 9, 5, 7- and to walk from left to right (and obviously that I have to go on a rainy day). I play un-modded single player. I have tried everything. I...
  3. Solved [BUG] Journal scraps bug?

    Hi! I have had the island for a little bit, I’ve unlocked every area except for Mr. Qi’s place, I’ve done Birdie’s quest, I’ve gotten through the volcano multiple times, and I’ve yet to find a single journal scrap. On my other save file on the switch, I got a journal scrap on my first day on...
  4. PC [BUG] Golden Walnuts wasted when giving player an item on Ginger Island Farm (still there in vanilla PC version on Steam)

    Hello fellow Stardew Valley inhabitants, we encountered the following issue while playing in multiplayer on Steam using the vanilla version 1.5.4 of the game (no mods of any kind). Both players were on Ginger island and it was the day of the Luau. One player checked the island trader while the...
  5. SebastianSimp4444

    Switch [BUG] Pirates Cove Loading

    After playing about 4 rounds of darts in the pirates cove, i went to leave, and the music continued playing and the screen went black. i had to press the home button and press on stardew valley (without shutting down the program) in order to get the beach/island to load
  6. Switch [BUG] Repairing bridge occurs multiple times and it consumed golden walnuts also. on ginger island when in multi-player game

    Volcano bridge repaired multiple times and it consumed golden walnuts multiple times also. I tried to give my item to my friend(Host player) at the volcano entrance, just after he fixed volcano bridge, but Parrots bridge fix suggestion appeared to his console again instead of item handover...
  7. PC [BUG] Problem with totem farm

    I was on Ginger Island and because it was really late I used the return to farm-totem and I did return but as soon as I went inside the house the whole game crashed and I had to restart and lost the whole day. I don't no if it is because of the totem or if something else happened but I have...
  8. Switch Ginger Island Bug (Switch)

    Hey! So, I play on Switch and since the new update (Ginger Island) I have a bug that I realized just now. The ground in the North is blue. (I don’t think it is just blue, I think it is transparent and so what is blue is the water under the island) I realized it because I couldn’t find the other...
  9. Switch Sand on North part of ginger island blue

    Started having this problem last night when playing. The sand north of the stairs is blue on ginger island. Everything else seems normal.
  10. Anyone else bothered by some things about the island resort? Need mods! *spoilers*

    To be honest, I have a fair beef with the beach resort on Ginger Island. You run around working to collect golden walnuts to unlock it but then, not only do you not make any money off of opening and "running" it (i.e. deciding whether it stays open or temporarily/indefinitely closed) but it's...
  11. nicodeux

    PC [BUG][Patch 1.5] Dual letter when falling asleep on Ginger Island

    Version 1.5.4 (English) Platform: Mac (macOS 10.14.6) Single Player Greetings, I let my character fall asleep at 2 o'clock in the morning on Ginger Island (in Volcano dungeon if I remember correctly). He woke up in his bed and got mail as expected. He got a letter from Linus stating that Linus...
  12. Is it my imagination or are Qi Beans super hard to find now?

    I did the Qi Crop challenge during the first release of 1.5 and while it wasn't easy, I could still complete it. Now, I've got 7 days left and have only managed to ship 167 fruits as the beans are impossible to find. I'm amazed if I can get 10 in a day. I go round shaking trees, fishing...
  13. PlayStation Help: Parrot no longer giving hints-perfection tracker says 129/130 walnuts

    So I've checked all the golden walnut locations and I seem to have gotten them (I'm gonna recheck the volcano some time here). The Parrot is just swaking instead of giving hints though as to where the last walnut is and I'm currently at 129/130. Is this normal or should the parrot be giving a hint?
  14. Don't know what order/where my Gem Birds came... will they come back?

    Hi all. When I first unlocked Ginger Island and saw a bird dropping a gem, I thought cool! A magical place of wonder and intrigue! Didn't know they were part of a puzzle and now I have no idea where I saw each bird. Will they respawn? Should I just try every single combination of gems until I...
  15. Switch Ginger Island North’s floor texture is broken

    When you enter North ginger island, the floor is invisible, you can see right through to the sky. When you enter the volcano dungeon, the field office, or the mushroom cave, it’s fine, and when you till the soil it becomes visible, but it ruined gameplay a little bit because I had to look up the...
  16. Xbox [BUG] Missing Floor (Submarine)

    Issue: The floor is missing from the Submarine at the Night Market in Winter as well as missing from areas of Ginger Island Error text: N/A Game version: 1.5 Language: English Single or multiplayer: Both Other notes: I’m not sure if the floor is missing anywhere else, but it may be worth a check.
  17. Switch [BUG] Missing textures v 1.5.4

    It's only in this area of Ginger Island that the texture don't load properly. Everywhere else is fine!
  18. BringsTheSnow

    1.5 update question

    How much money do you loose if it hits 2am and you fall asleep? Is there a formula to figure out how much you lost the next day?
  19. Switch [BUG] No ground texture on Ginger Island

    After I found the first walnut and went back to the main area, I went to the upper area and the ground was suddenly like this.
  20. Switch Trouble finding one of the new fossils

    I’ve been bombing the volcano for days and have yet to find the bat.... has this happened to anyone else? Is it really that rare to find?