crash at load

  1. Issue Crashing with mods

    When I try to start a new game it keeps crashing.
  2. Solved Cannot load Android save on PC after mod uninstallation [Windows]

    Hello I wanted to try some mods on my mobile save but after an hour of playing, I noticed they didn't run. I deleted them since they didn't work and transferred my save back to my phone. The save works perfectly on my phone but now when I try to transfer the save to my PC to play vanilla the...
  3. Issue SMAPI XML exception

    Hello there lovely people. I've run into a problem and am not sure how to proceed. I've started a new modded playthrough a few days ago and everything seemed fine until today when upon trying to load into the game it instead restarted the game. I've checked the SMAPI log and am somewhat at a...
  4. Apéko

    Solved My Multiplayer save corrupted and i don't know what happened

    So i was playing with my friend, then we left and the savegame corrupted, i am going to leave my savegame right here if someone can help me
  5. Issue Can't load a save after remove mods

    Hey, I used Better Junimos mod once and I want to play in vanilla again, but my game doesn't load completely, it looks like I have to edit a JunimoHarverst.cs file, but I don't know how to do that, can anyone help me?
  6. patdough

    Steam Deck Modded Save Fails to Load

    Hello there, I have a save file that will crash to the Steam Deck main page when loading. Starting a new game will work, but it seems the save data for this game may be corrupted. I can't seem to find an error log or get the console to launch on the Steam Deck. I tried running the save file...
  7. Flio

    Android Game crash after opening Load button

    hello i got this problem in stardew when i open up the load Button from the menu it crashes and it's also the same for the New Game Button, i tried reinstalling the Game but its still the same Heres a Example (Picture)
  8. Android Game crashes on loading save

    I found several other threads with the same issue, but the "fix" appears to be having someone here edit the file to fix it. I hate asking other people to do something if I can do it myself, but in this case I don't believe that is possible, at least I have not found any instructions on how to...
  9. Issue Modded Stardew crashes upon both New Game and Load Game.

    Hi, I had a heavily modded save that I dropped for a month, because of personal reasons. When I came back to it and updated the mods on my Vortex account, the game launched normally, but when loading up the save, it crashed back to the title screen, I attempted going to my save back-ups and both...
  10. Windows Game crashes when entering farm

    (sorry if i dont write correctly, english isnt my first language)Hi, my game just crashing when i try to enter a farm is the main problem, there is also the issue of the game taking ages to open, like 2 minutes or so(heavier games didnt take near as much when opening) or the game freezing when...
  11. Solved PC (Steam) Game Crashes When Trying to Load Android Save [Windows]

    I just moved from Android Stardew to PC Stardew. Both are version 1.5.6. I made a Test save to build the save folder structure. Then I followed all the instructions here (excluding the instructions to remove the BIN extension - I could not see any BIN extension to remove?) to copy the Android...
  12. Windows Game crashes when loading

    Hi! I have a problem with my game. When I try to load my saved game, it starts loading and then the game closes. I uninstalled and re-installed and it didn't help. And it's also with one specific game, since I've tried opening a different farm and that one loaded succesfully. I played the damage...
  13. Windows Save file crashes on start up

    I have been having issues on my Samsung phone when playing Stardew as I really wanted to change my appearance and when using the shrine in the basement of the wizards tower, my game crashes. So I decided I would try and do this on my laptop instead and tried moving my save folder from mobile to...
  14. Mac Game keeps crashing in co-op

    My friend and I play co-op but my game crashes every 20-30 minutes, if not then, it will crash when loading into the next game day. We do have the same mods and smapi terminal runs fine when launching the game. My friend is the host of our farm so my guess is that's why she doesn't end up...
  15. Stardew keeps on crashing on Mac

    I'm tryin to load a save file, but it keeps on crashing. Don't really know what's wrong with it. The game first crashed when I reached day 7 of spring year 1, and I triggered the conversation with rasmodius about Junimos. Now every time I try opening the file, it crashes. Can someone help...
  16. After i Load my save game, my game restarts and i cant even start a new file.

    Hey, lately i played with my girlfriend a new stardew run and we tried to mod our game. We played a few hours now and had not many problems but... (We play local/split screen) sometime when we go to bed and the " game saved " screen should come. The game wont proccess and we are stuck. So we...
  17. Crystallion88

    Issue Save game can't load without crash

    Hello there. I seem to have a problem with loading up my most played save file and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Booting of the game is not impacted at all, and the other (smaller) save files work as intended. This save however loads a bit, and while I can already see the farmer...
  18. Game crashes when trying to load save, start a new game or go into co-op menu

    So I modded my game a couple days ago and played it two days ago just fine. ( the smapi log) However, I wanted to play vanilla co-op with my friends so I removed the mods folder and added it back and all of a sudden whenever I try to load a...
  19. Windows (Steam) Stardew Valley launch crash fix

    Anyone still having problems with the game crashing on steam should look for a file named Galaxy64.dll in the main game file. If you see the file, delete it and try to relaunch the game. I did this after reading crash logs and determining that this was the problem. I'm sorry if this doesn't...
  20. Android Cannot Load Game

    Hello everyone help, today I wanna load my game but suddenly the game was forced close. Before this I could load and played without any problems, I use samsung S21 fe and I didn't use any mod..