1.5 update

  1. namai

    Android Chromebook Not Migrating Farm

    Hi , so I have followed the manual instructions that ConcernedApe wrote about on how to move the old stardew valley file into the new one. I downloaded a file manager and copied everything into the chucklefish one. When the game opens, it tells me to continue onto a page where I select the...
  2. Android Meu stardew valley fica saindo sozinho

    Meu celular é Motog8 play quando eu entro pra joga não passa nem um minuto direito e ele sai já tentei desinstalar e estala de novo e não adiantou nada continua com o mesmo problema não tô suspenso joga nada.
  3. Android 1.5 mobile is not saving

    hey. i can't save my progress of my farm with the update mobile. is not going to archives of my phone (Samsung a10) thx
  4. 1.5 Mobile update suggestion: Multiplayer & dedicated Server support

    Hi folks, I recently played Stardew Valley on my iPad. My friend Christian has recently bought the game for his iPad and he wanted to play with me on my iPad farm. In Google, I searched for „Stardew Valley mobile Multiplayer“, but unfortunately, I only read that Multiplayer won‘t come for...
  5. AtomsJosh

    Any news about 1.5 Mobile?

    January 15 2022, Been waiting patiently since February 2021 for the 1.5 update Any news? 😕
  6. Android [HELP] Issues With Amazon Appstore Version

    Hello, I recently showed my mom Stardew and she fell in love. She downloaded it on her Kindle Fire 10 via the Amazon Appstore. She doesn't seem to have the 1.5 update but the appstore says that it is the latest version. But she doesn't have access to the 1.5 content like the boat in Willys shop...
  7. Switch [Spoiler] 1.5 Completion not working

    I have found all of the stardrops (and have 508 energy), but the Perfection Tracker claims otherwise. Is this just a problem on my end?
  8. Switch Trouble finding one of the new fossils

    I’ve been bombing the volcano for days and have yet to find the bat.... has this happened to anyone else? Is it really that rare to find?
  9. MorganBea

    Switch [BUG] 1.5.4 list of issues

    Since the updates launch I’ve noticed a few things that make the game pretty unplayable Unable to place items like sprinklers and torches on the ground Seeds disappear from hand and reappear before being planted, causing a lag Lag spikes during single player mode Unable to load items into...
  10. PlayStation [HELP] Adjust Screen Size option not available

    Hi! I've just updated my PS4 SDV to 1.5.4. However, with the new update I got a black border around my screen, and the game screen got smaller. Someone on reddit told me to adjust the screen size, but I can't seem to find the option where it should be. I don't know if this was also the case in...
  11. Switch [BUG] Menu flashing bug

    Downloaded the new update on Switch and loaded my winter year 1 farm. Pressed - on pro controller to open the journal and the menu flashed rapidly between quests. Opened regular menu by pressing + and had similar problem with items being rapidly selected and deselected. I moved to a different...
  12. Solved [HELP] 1.5 won’t install

    Hello, I just recently got the game and I haven’t played it yet because I was waiting for the update. When I first went into the game it did not prompt to update and was in 1.4. Should I wait until tomorrow and try again, what could be wrong?
  13. PC [HELP] unable to get in to game after 1.5 update

    ever since the 1.5 update i'm not able to play the game anymore. Modded or unmodded it always happens. Game loads up normally. When i go to start a new game or load game my screen turns white . I can still hear the BGM and when i move the mouse i can hear the tune when I mouse over an option...
  14. Professor Brian O'blivion

    PC [BUG] MIA Spouse (Emily)

    When married to Emily she doesn't return home on Monday's and Friday's, but is home the next morning, Tuesday and Saturday. It's stupid that I found that stressful and annoying, but I did and divorced her.
  15. PC [BUG] Wrong dialogue for Leo?

    I think this dialogue is meant for when you see him on Ginger Island:
  16. Xristos

    Solved Will stardew valley 1.5 come out on Xbox one?

    Will stardew valley 1.5 come out on Xbox one? I'm not asking the date, just IF it will come out. The reason why I'm asking is because of the new generation of consoles. I hope the Xbox one version won't be discontinued...
  17. Solved [BUG] Leo disappearing

    after the six-heart event with leo where he came back to pelican town, i saw him clip through the hill next to the carpenter shop, and i haven't seen him since. his treehouse was built overnight, but i didn't see him the next day either. i didn't check the entire map but i checked the...
  18. Solved Update to 1.5 not working

    Hi, I have played Stardew for quite a while, but only started playing on PC last year. Therefore this is my first update on PC. I have downloaded the update on steam, but when I run the update it just starts prepping then closes again without he window ever opening. I use SMAPI to mod, in case...
  19. Jason98

    PC [Bug report & Help needed] Unable to unlock the access to the summit and get the Statue of True Perfection with perfection.

    As the title says, I have achieved 100% completion when checking the cat in Qi's nut room, but I still haven't gotten the Statue of True Perfection and unlock the access to the summit . Besides that, I didn't get the yellow word says that "somewhere, somehow, grandpa is beaming with pride"...
  20. Solved (1.5 PC Bug) Beach Farm Loot Crate Not Appearing

    It is Spring 24 and I haven't had a loot crate yet. I have played Beach farm on other files and I usually get one closer to every other day. What gives? My only thought is that I got the giant meteor on the 3rd or so day on the beach... and maybe the game thinks it is the loot crate and it...