Allura Price

samsung galaxy j7 prime
i won't provide any screenshot as it is some freeze states where everything looks normal, im also not using emergency loads, and a potential bug is that the emergency load almost never show up when i launch

i've found 2 bugs for now
1. fishing level up to 5 window keeps popping up every night for me (nothing special, no emergency loads or else)
2. when using gamepad, switching hotbar item during any tool animation causes the game to enter a sami frozen state, time and movement stop but enviroment still playing, its possible to leave this state by swinging a scythe or weapon.
(3. i haven't tested this one since i lost my save but it may still be on as i haven't seen any fix on update log) when using gamepad, if equiping a slingshot (in my case explosive ammo at skull cavern) players become unable to mobe or use the slingshot
honestly, gamepad support has so many problems that the only things you can do properly is walk, plant and harvest, it is impossible to play only on gamepad as you can't even manage the inventory properly, im looking forward for a full upgrade on it


Type of phone: iPad Pro 12.9” with M2 chip
Details: I am unable to craft items and have been for a couple of in- game days. I have tried normal and emergency loading my game as well as going to sleep or changing map location and resolutions but the issue is not resolving. For most items the craft item button/slider bar does not show even though the item is bright/not shaded. For some reason the sign item shows a slider bar about halfway between the bottom of the menu box and the bottom of the screen, but I can’t interact with it.
Load type: tried both load types but issue did not resolve



Samsung galaxy note 10+

I am having an issue specifically with the island field office. When I go to put bones in the collection if I have any extra in my inventory it will let me place one of them but then won't place the extras back into my inventory. They just get lost to the universe I guess. For example if I got two mummified frog and try to put one in the collection, they both leave my inventory, one is placed in the box for mummified frog and the other is just floating about, but when I try to drag it back down or let go of it it will disappear from the screen and I can't get it back.
Telefone: xiaomi 11
problema: toda vez que durmo aparece para eu escolher a profissão, repete todas as vezes que eu durmo! (esse site não suporta o vídeo, mas se quiser me mande dm no twitter (@ceciliacorbacho) que mando!) Já está ficando insuportável!!! Toda atualização aparece um problema!! E o pior é que quando lançou o 1.5, ele não tinha bugs, agora que estão "corrigindo" os bug, parece que aí sim está tendo bug kk 🥲
E para melhorar tudo isso, depois dessa nova atualização o apk começou a dar erro!!!
Sinceramente eu já estou querendo é meu dinheiro de volta!!, esperei dois anos pela porra de uma atualização, e quando atualizar vem uma atrocidade dessas!!! Me sinto uma palhaçada nesse circo que está sendo a atualização 1.5🤡



Newcomer of phone: iPad Pro I.O.S. 16.2
Details of your issue: I cannot deposit The Potato Juice for The quest The Strong Stuff in Pam's kitchen when the menu pops up the potato juice is colored but I cannot click on it and deposit it into the container.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load":
This is a normal load.
Any other info that might be relevant: (additional details that maybe don't fit in the main issue or something you think might be related)


Type of phone: iPad Pro 12.9” with M2 chip
Details: I am unable to craft items and have been for a couple of in- game days. I have tried normal and emergency loading my game as well as going to sleep or changing map location and resolutions but the issue is not resolving. For most items the craft item button/slider bar does not show even though the item is bright/not shaded. For some reason the sign item shows a slider bar about halfway between the bottom of the menu box and the bottom of the screen, but I can’t interact with it.
Load type: tried both load types but issue did not resolve
I am having the same exact problem, also iPad Pro 12’9, I’m sure it’s a problem with the resolution, hopefully will be fixed soon :(



What the heck is going on here?!? Over the last 2 weeks, the “updates” that have come out have caused nothing but problems. Using iPad Pro 12.9.
problem 1 - toolbar always defaults to the smallest size when I log back into a game.
problem 2 - the text boxes, energy bar, and fishing bar are suddenly much smaller than they used to be and there’s no way to make them bigger.
problem 3 - can’t craft anything anymore.
problem 4 - can’t complete Robin’s special order because when I try to deposit the hardwood into her stash, it doesn’t let me select them from my menu. Same thing with Gus’ special order with eggs.
probably missing some problems as well. Please fix these up. Update wasn’t worth the problems that it has caused.


Type of phone: iPad Pro 12.9” with M2 chip
Details: I am unable to craft items and have been for a couple of in- game days. I have tried normal and emergency loading my game as well as going to sleep or changing map location and resolutions but the issue is not resolving. For most items the craft item button/slider bar does not show even though the item is bright/not shaded. For some reason the sign item shows a slider bar about halfway between the bottom of the menu box and the bottom of the screen, but I can’t interact with it.
Load type: tried both load types but issue did not resolve

Same here. really hope they fix these problems soon.


Re-upping to add second occurrence of same bug
Still having the problem the new quests in Pelican Town. Trying to bring potato juice to Pam’s kitchen, but can’t drag/drop it there. It highlights that 1 item in inventory, but I can’t do anything with it.

edit: Game loaded as normal…woke up in bed. Playing on iPad Air 3.
I was able to complete the new town quest for Wizard (asked for ectoplasm) as it was 1 item handed to him. The other 3 quests I attempted have the same bug: After completion (with “i “ showing a green bar and next step to drop off gathered items in a bin/pile, etc location), selecting the drop location brings up the relevant items in inventory, graying out the rest, but will not let items be selected or drag/dropped or moved in any way.

is Anyone else experiencing this on iPad?
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Type of phone: Samsung Galaxy S20
Details of your issue: I reached combat level 5 and chose a profession (fighter) and now every night after getting any combat experience, I am asked to choose a level 5 profession again. Uncertain if it happens on nights where I didn't get any combat experience. Edit: Confirmed that it still happens even if I don't get combat experience that day. I am now combat level 6 and I still have to choose a level 5 profession every night.
Screenshots/video: It's just the normal level up notice over night.
On the day of your issue, did you load your game through the Load Game menu (you wake up in the bed)? Or was it an "emergency load" (i.e. one where you start mid-day wherever you left off)?: Load Game, several days before the night that this issue was found.
Any other info that might be relevant: I haven't seen this issue with any other skill; just combat.
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Type of phone: iPhone 13 mini
Whenever I play music from either Apple Music or Spotify, the game freezes.

i tested it, and it happens with an emergency load and loading from when I wake up.
also, thanks for the patch about scaling with things like text and inventory! so much better now, and it doesn’t hurt my eyes
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Hello Ape!

Firstly I’d like to thank you greatly for all the hard work in publishing mobile 1.5! Hooray!

Yet I found two essential bugs which prevent me from making further progress in game, these happened on iPad pro (iPadOS 16.1.1):

1. I cannot submit items to the chests for all the special orders that require submission in this format. Those nine-block chests with the question marks on it would freeze once opened, the requested item in my inventory got highlighted however I could not drag them into the chest.

2. If you change your professions at the Statue of Uncertainty, it will prompt you every night of re-selecting that profession, and options are limited to only one series. For example: I changed my Farming profession from Artisan to Agriculturist, that one time succeeded. However, when I wanted to change it back to Artisan, talked to the Statue of Uncertainty, at night it asked me again, then no matter which i chose from Rancher or Tiller, at the second choice it only let me choose from Coopmaster or Shepherd (and yes it got me the wrong combination of Tiller and Shepherd). Furthermore, it kept asking me every night for the same profession, which would also disappear on the menu of the Statue of Uncertainty, also this applied to all professions (now it’s asking me every night on Farming and Fishing).

Please see if you can fix these issues. Thank you very much!



iPad , latest version
Issue: I am using the dual sense ps5 controller on Bluetooth. It works great until I get to the mines then, it completely freezes randomly and I lose all my progress. I’m unable to move, etc. but I can scroll through my items that’s the only thing I can go. I disconnected the controller and it still won’t let me use my finger or the Apple pen to move. My only option is to restart the game without saving it.
I loaded in from the beginning of the day.



Hi! I’m playing on iPad Pro and completely updated. Is anyone having issues with not being able to build? I have all of the supplies needed to build things, but I am unable to build.


iPad , latest version
Issue: I am using the dual sense ps5 controller on Bluetooth. It works great until I get to the mines then, it completely freezes randomly and I lose all my progress. I’m unable to move, etc. but I can scroll through my items that’s the only thing I can go. I disconnected the controller and it still won’t let me use my finger or the Apple pen to move. My only option is to restart the game without saving it.
I loaded in from the beginning of the day.
edit: This happens only while using a controller, both my dualshock 4 and 8bitdo sn30pro. Doesn't happen at all if I disconnect whatever controller I'm using
same exact issue here
For those who the game is currently broken for on iPad when trying to craft, and they don’t have a workbench, if you can find a game controller and Bluetooth connect it to your iPad (ps4, ps5, Xbox) you can craft items using the controller. By no means a fix but may help some people who were looking forward to progressing this weekend and have the option!
THANK YOU! This worked perfectly! :hlevel: