Outside? Sure... or staying with Sandy would be fun, too.
For balance, she could have a bedroom, and walks to the counter when the shop normally opens.
We just may want to get a warning to not sleep on the road, cuz Pam may not pay attention :P
If people don't like this, and want balance for the bus cost, then i guess either not in Desert, or having a "casual mod", which we could change with each existing character once after the update adding that mode.
Also, i don't think the game won't ever get bigger updates again, it's just that the new game needs more attention for now.
After some time, the team could slowly be working on stuff to keep both alive community-wise, no?
Less active update-wise happens, sure, but sometimes working on a list they'd have, could still be going on.
Would be smarter to keep the games alive, so customers keep coming, and maybe linking the games' lore could make people buy both.
I doubt a cross-over would happen(is hard AND would require both games to be changed a lot), but a little lore-linking could make it fun.
Imagine both games having some hints and secrets related to the other game, then people live through both games, even if it's just about that feature.
Who knows what the future brings us? Not even CA, cuz anything could happen, good or bad.