Who's the NPC you certanly will NEVER marry ?


With the Maru case, I'm never so in the mood of marrying her, this beacouse...
Maybe she seems too young ?
Maybe beacouse I don't see in her such a good wife ?
Maybe it's only that I don't like her ?
Who could know it !
She's a really good wife, actually. And she gives you bombs in the morning. ;)


Local Legend
Yes, also for me, the first times I've played the game,
talk to Elliot was like talking to a vain peacock :laugh: .

But then I beginned to appreciate a little bit more his personality.
One thing i like about stardew is that most of the characters are dynamic (as opposed to static characters). Meaning that they change over the course of the narrative, and by the time you finish (get to max hearts) they aren't the same character that you met at the beginning of the story.


One thing i like about stardew is that most of the characters are dynamic (as opposed to static characters). Meaning that they change over the course of the narrative, and by the time you finish (get to max hearts) they aren't the same character that you met at the beginning of the story.
Yes, this is more than true.
In fact, when I talk about a bad side of an NPC, I obviously talk about my first impression of them. :proud:

Then obviously, there are the personal bad impressions even when you marry them, but they are only personal thoughts.


My female farmer would not marry Harvey (sounds like someone her parents want her to marry...long story), Alex (although I hear that the further along the friendship track you go he is not so arrogant), Sam (like someone else mentioned, his heart events didn't really appeal to me...except for the concert one and that's because of Sebastian's appearance rather than Sam's), Elliott (although she is also a writer at heart). Shane is still up for discussion.

My male farmer (only one save) is pursuing Emily but that's for a totally different scenario than SDV (more like for a story I have going - transitioning from SDV to a board game called Viticulture...the only character common to both is Emily. Viticulture's Emily is merely a "Mama" card providing some starting items for a vineyard so I may have to jump through some hoops for the transition of the character). The other bachelorettes are up for discussion as well since I haven't looked closely at any of them.

BTW, my farmers are straight characters so...


My female farmer would not marry Harvey (sounds like someone her parents want her to marry...long story), Alex (although I hear that the further along the friendship track you go he is not so arrogant), Sam (like someone else mentioned, his heart events didn't really appeal to me...except for the concert one and that's because of Sebastian's appearance rather than Sam's), Elliott (although she is also a writer at heart). Shane is still up for discussion.

My male farmer (only one save) is pursuing Emily but that's for a totally different scenario than SDV (more like for a story I have going - transitioning from SDV to a board game called Viticulture...the only character common to both is Emily. Viticulture's Emily is merely a "Mama" card providing some starting items for a vineyard so I may have to jump through some hoops for the transition of the character). The other bachelorettes are up for discussion as well since I haven't looked closely at any of them.

BTW, my farmers are straight characters so...
Wow ! I'm seeing that you have a long selection of males you won't marry !
(However, I've to admit that you did a very good selection !)


Sebastian, Sam, and Alex. They are everything I don't like about boys. I would probably be friends in real life with Harvey, Elliot, and Clint.
Elliot or Leah, because I don't like the idea of leaving their cottages empty. Harvey because he's the only doctor in town and needs to be in his apartment/office if anyone gets sick or hurt outside clinic hours. Shane needs to stay at marnie's to take care of his goddaughter. Sebastian, Maru, Sam, Abigail, Haley, and Alex all need to stay home with their family taking care of them as they seem like children who play in their rooms a lot. Haley needs Emily to take care of her.
That's why I only married Penny. But I won't marry her again.
So I guess...all of them?
I've contradicted myself and married Leah. She still goes to visit her cottage but only stands outside. But her spouse room floor does not match any flooring from the catalog or from Robin's recipe! Unless someone can tell me where to get her grayish wood grain floor I'm considering divorce and forgetfulness!


Emily, Penny, Leah, Maru, Seb, Sam.
Emily got that hippy vibe going on
Penny 6 hearts event
I like Leah as a friend so i will friendzone her forever
Maru dad threaten me
Seb is an edgy hermit and Sam made me feel like a mom tending to her son.

Alex is a tool but I like jock boys so he get a pass ticket from me.
All the male NPCs and all the female NPCs who have married. I will certainly not marry them. As for the other female NPCs who haven't married (except Leah), there's only a little chance I will marry them. The only NPC I will certainly marry is Leah.


I never marry anyone because I hate all the social-game part of this game I hate all the NPCs.

Spouses and wife's are only blocking the fridge or the way. You can't even get into bed when you are in a hurry at 01:50 because they are blocking one side of the bed. They are completely useless. Their cooking is unpredictable and bad buffood, their watering is bs with sprinklers, feeding is bs with auto-feeder and repairing is bs with hardwood fences.

If they could collect crops or fill cheese/egg-machines there would be reason to get them but now they are just some more blocking pixels on your farm like your cat/dog. I always just get the energy upgrade from them at 12.5 hearts and divorce them asap and never talk to that useless scum ever again.