
I'm experiencing a problem with my game. Every time I try to open a geode at the blacksmith, specifically the Artifact Treasure that I obtained using the Copper Pan, my game crashes and doesn’t save.

I’ve already tried doing it on the next in-game day, but the same issue happens. This is really frustrating, as I keep losing progress.

Could you please look into this issue? I’d appreciate any help in resolving it.

Thank you!
Fairly new player, but it seems after this most recent update that every time I try to have any artifact troves opened by the blacksmith, my game immediately shuts down and I have to restart from the last save point. Anyone else having this issue? Anything i can do?


same thing is happening to me! i had two regular geodes, eight omnis, five qi treasure boxes, and one trove, and it is constantly crashing as soon as i set the trove on clint's anvil.


Fairly new player, but it seems after this most recent update that every time I try to have any artifact troves opened by the blacksmith, my game immediately shuts down and I have to restart from the last save point. Anyone else having this issue? Anything i can do?
The same thing happened to me. I think we just need to wait for another update to hopefully resolve this. For now they’re all staying in a chest.

Kluya Aether

Fairly new player, but it seems after this most recent update that every time I try to have any artifact troves opened by the blacksmith, my game immediately shuts down and I have to restart from the last save point. Anyone else having this issue? Anything i can do?
Yes Same thing has happening to me at the moment. Big fan of the game, but it does crash after attempting to have Clint Process an Artifact Trove. My game shuts down completely (crashes) I play on the Nintendo Switch also.

It's happened to me no matter the time of day or season.

Best Regards,



Fairly new player, but it seems after this most recent update that every time I try to have any artifact troves opened by the blacksmith, my game immediately shuts down and I have to restart from the last save point. Anyone else having this issue? Anything i can do?
I too have having this issue. Just happened to me twice in a row.


Artifact Trove at Clint crashes my game on Switch as well. It is frustrating and it ruins part of the gameplay. Pleas please please, repair this displeasing bug.... David from Czechia


Fairly new player, but it seems after this most recent update that every time I try to have any artifact troves opened by the blacksmith, my game immediately shuts down and I have to restart from the last save point. Anyone else having this issue? Anything i can do?
Artifact Trove at Clint crashes my game on Switch as well. It is frustrating and it ruins part of the gameplay. Pleas please please, repair this displeasing bug.... David from Czechia
I have the same problem… and also some codes appear sometimes…


Hello all, first time posting on this site so apologies if I miss anything. I play on switch, and on my main save I’ve been trying to open an artifact trove (and ONLY the artifact trove, I just saw some staff members asking about other geodes so I thought I’d clarify) but my game keeps crashing every time I try. It says “error, software closed because of an issue” or something similar, I’m not currently logged on, but it crashes and closes me out of stardew valley.
Well wishes to everyone playing stardew!!
thank you ConcernedApe for making the game and putting so much effort into it, I hope you get a break sometime soon from all the bug issues.
This has happened to me as well. I also play on switch. I've opened other artifact boxes with no problem but I've tried twice to open this one and my game crashed both times. My game did update a day or two ago and this is my first time trying to process an artifact trove since then so maybe that's it.


Thanks for the speedy response! I also noticed another minor bug just today, Gil's monster rewards checklist/poster is displaying file information as well as the information actually needed to be seen. It's hard to explain, but it looks like each slot is showing the files location information on the line.
Hello all, first time posting on this site so apologies if I miss anything. I play on switch, and on my main save I’ve been trying to open an artifact trove (and ONLY the artifact trove, I just saw some staff members asking about other geodes so I thought I’d clarify) but my game keeps crashing every time I try. It says “error, software closed because of an issue” or something similar, I’m not currently logged on, but it crashes and closes me out of stardew valley.
Well wishes to everyone playing stardew!!
thank you ConcernedApe for making the game and putting so much effort into it, I hope you get a break sometime soon from all the bug issues.
This is due to the porting team for Stardew Valley Switch edition messing up some code while working on the patch, they have identified the problem and are currently working on fixing it.

Thank you for waiting patiently!
Warmest Regards,
Fairly new player, but it seems after this most recent update that every time I try to have any artifact troves opened by the blacksmith, my game immediately shuts down and I have to restart from the last save point. Anyone else having this issue? Anything i can do?
Hey squirrellydan,
Switch is currently experiencing a problem with their code, this is due to the patch for the update.

The porting team messed up some code while they were working on the patch and released the game without knowing of it.
They have identified the problem and are working on it while I speak right now.

You can expect a patch for the patch to come out soon!
Thank you for waiting patiently!

Warmest Regards,
Playing 1.6 on the switch and I've redone my day twice because each time I go to Clints shop and try to open the artifact trove the game crashes. Don't want to repeat for a third time!
Hello outside,
The porting team messed up some code while they were working on the patch for 1.6 update.
They have identified the problem and are working on fixing it as I speak.

Thank you for waiting!
Warmest Regards,

I'm experiencing a problem with my game. Every time I try to open a geode at the blacksmith, specifically the Artifact Treasure that I obtained using the Copper Pan, my game crashes and doesn’t save.

I’ve already tried doing it on the next in-game day, but the same issue happens. This is really frustrating, as I keep losing progress.

Could you please look into this issue? I’d appreciate any help in resolving it.

Thank you!
Hello Mariana,
This is happening because the Switch port team for Stardew Valley messed up some code while working on the patch for 1.6 update.

The problem has been identified and will be fixed very soon!
Thank you for waiting patiently!

Warmest Regards,
Every time I try to crack open an Artifact Trove at Clint's, the game crashes.
Hello goosse,
This is currently being fixed as I speak.
The team for patching the 1.6 update bugs messed up some code bringing in more bugs.

They have identified the problem and are working on it right now!
You can expect a bug fix for the patch to come out very soon!

Thank you for waiting patiently!
Warmest Regards,