late game

  1. SPOILERS - Late game fishing

    Hey there :) So I really enjoy fishing, and I know that late game it mostly isn't really worth it anymore... But I did find some things that I still find useful: - fishing up useful fish for recipes like Eel, Midnight Carp, Flounder, Sea Cucumber or in gamefiles where I'm not maxed out yet...
  2. MissDandy

    Late Game Greenhouse

    So once you've finished all the main game objectives and built your empire from the ground up selling parsnips and corn, do you use the greenhouse for monetary purposes or leisurely purpose? I thought that it might not be the biggest deal if it's not packed with ancient fruit, so I filled mine...
  3. imnvs

    Beach Farm Amethyst's Purple Farm (late game, spoilers)

    Summer 16, Year 4 Coop: 2 Gold Chickens, 2 Blue Chickens, 2 Void Chickens, 2 Ducks, 2 Rabbits, 2 Dinos Barn 1: 2 Cows, 4 Goats, 1 Pig, 5 Ostrich Barn 2: 2 Ostrich (Currently working on hatching 5 more ostriches in Barn 2, will eventually move the other 5 over to Barn 2, and then get 2 more cows...