Thank you@FrogInAJar @Mango-25 @mzbrink @JuliaStar @GreyOfLight @loosinder @Lizplaysgames @Frederique @lucanconducts @rosiemann @XenonXyrxys @OsirisTheFeared @Guezou @larsmaur @Patate @krombop26 @libbysandi @Cissilas @NamelessLyctor @calheli @tears_of_satan @ijbrewsky @serenity4596 @distantdreamer29 @lydiajbry @Mindnight_Queen @7liu7 @shamWOWSER64 @AstralPhysician @sneakykiki @WitherinRoseYT @Claudie125 @joanneplans @meowster79
Hey everyone, thanks again for reporting the issue! I've been informed by the porting team that they've identified the issue, and have figured out a fix. I can't currently share anything about when the next patch will release, but this problem will be fixed as soon as it does. Hopefully, it will be a quick review process by Nintendo.
Thanks for the patience everyone, and I'm sorry that these bugs have arisen.