
@FrogInAJar @Mango-25 @mzbrink @JuliaStar @GreyOfLight @loosinder @Lizplaysgames @Frederique @lucanconducts @rosiemann @XenonXyrxys @OsirisTheFeared @Guezou @larsmaur @Patate @krombop26 @libbysandi @Cissilas @NamelessLyctor @calheli @tears_of_satan @ijbrewsky @serenity4596 @distantdreamer29 @lydiajbry @Mindnight_Queen @7liu7 @shamWOWSER64 @AstralPhysician @sneakykiki @WitherinRoseYT @Claudie125 @joanneplans @meowster79

Hey everyone, thanks again for reporting the issue! I've been informed by the porting team that they've identified the issue, and have figured out a fix. I can't currently share anything about when the next patch will release, but this problem will be fixed as soon as it does. Hopefully, it will be a quick review process by Nintendo.

Thanks for the patience everyone, and I'm sorry that these bugs have arisen.
Thank you ♥♥♥♥


I am also experiencing this issue. I wish Switch would let you undo an update so I could at least play my game without crashing.


Came to say I'm having the same issue with the artifacts too on the Nintendo Switch after updating! Also when interacting with the ice cream stand during summer, it has a folder location text. Game just crashed when trying to go into the back door in the Adventures Guild too.


Ever since the update that came out a few minutes ago, whenever I get Clint to break open a Artifact Trove the game immediately crashes just before he cracks it open !
This has happened to me as well!! Do we know if it will get fixed soon or even at all? I’m new here


This has happened to me as well!! Do we know if it will get fixed soon or even at all? I’m new here
Yes, it will be fixed. See
Hey everyone, thanks again for reporting the issue! I've been informed by the porting team that they've identified the issue, and have figured out a fix. I can't currently share anything about when the next patch will release, but this problem will be fixed as soon as it does. Hopefully, it will be a quick review process by Nintendo.

Thanks for the patience everyone, and I'm sorry that these bugs have arisen.


Everytime I go to Clint to break my Geo, it freeze in mid break, then a message on a black screen comes up and then the game goes back to the main screen on my switch. This wasn't happening until the update today. I'M VERY AGGRAVATED because I have to go back to were it saved last. Somebody please reply to me ASAP!!


Yep just started playing after the update and immediately the game crashed when I tried to open one. And when I checked the monster slayer checklist too, weird.


I am also experiencing this issue. 3 times in a row it crashed the game. Just did the most recent update and now having this problem. Hope it gets fixed soon!