
Yes!! This only happens when i go to open artifact troves, it freezes right as he is about to open it and then the error comes and im thrown out of the game.. Glad its not just me and that it might be fixed in the near future i hope



I registered to post about bugs, but it seems they've all been addressed so I'll refrain. One more that I didn't see mentioned, the cutscene that plays when you complete Robin's 80 hardwood community board quest (& enter her shop the next day) fails to load & results in garbled red text in the lower left corner of the screen. Not game breaking, but I didn't see any mention of it yet so just FYI.


I have 58 troves, have 2 more artifacts to finish the list, and am hunting for the artifact selling book to triple my profits selling the 200+ Dino eggs I have. The timing of this bug could not be any worse....


Staff member
Is anyone having problems with going to visit Clint at the Blacksmith? Because last couple times I’ve tried going in to have Clint crack open a geode for me the game glitches, tells me there’s an error, and then boots me out. I also just had it recently update, so I wonder if that’s the issue?
Yes! My husband has been having the same issue on his Switch today. I haven’t had it though and I’m 90% sure I opened a bunch of geodes yesterday.
The team is aware that opening artifact troves crashes the game and they're working to fix it as soon as possible. Please avoid opening those for the time being. Opening other types of geodes should be fine.


I've also been experiencing the same bug. I have tried multiple times at different times and days in game to no avail, as soon as Clint goes to cracked it open it crashes.



I registered to post about bugs, but it seems they've all been addressed so I'll refrain. One more that I didn't see mentioned, the cutscene that plays when you complete Robin's 80 hardwood community board quest (& enter her shop the next day) fails to load & results in garbled red text in the lower left corner of the screen. Not game breaking, but I didn't see any mention of it yet so just FYI.
Thanks for the report! I do believe that is also the same underlying issue as the artifact trove bug, so it should be fixed when the hotfix is approved by Nintendo.