It has been a while since I've visited my perfection farm, so the first thing I did was to walk to the wrong "door" lol, instead of leaving my biggggg house through the main entrance, I've gone ahead and entered the entrance to the basement and went there

... why IS the basement door so much bigger than the main entrance

, but anyhow after that mishap, I picked up two Jungle Tanks, so I can finally house mes petits grenouilles (unfortunately all their colors are messed up as soon as I take them out of their chests, so they are just empty tanks for now for the most part...]: but I'll figure that out later...), and one so I can complete one of the missing item missing from my chests (all for the price of 10 broken glasses! Thank you kind tanuki sir). I then skipped the days to finally get the Queen of Sauce Cookbook, leaving me just one final missing item before I 100% my perfection farm (I think...).
And after embracing the chaos that is Lil Quackers Meadowlands farm, where my farm is more like plop this down here cos I felt like it, and plop that down there because it's convenient - I do miss the organization I have in my perfection farm - color-coded chests are just wayyy superior lol.
On the flip side, Lil Quackers has been a season of giving - I am running out of easy favorited items to give the town folks after 4 consecutive Qi's Kindness quests (I even amped up my rabbits for those rabbit feet, but alas the villagers
demand loved gifts), and I have to resort to parting some of my rarer items.
To my surprise, the villagers have customized reactions to different items, which were just absolutely delightful to me - Jas was appreciating the Ancient Doll I got her, and commented that it's a little dirty but she loved it. (You better! I gave you my last one) 
, but of course in jest, just absolutely delighted that she was able to show
additional appreciation for some of the other favorite items. But this cannot go on any longer, Qi, my kindness has reached its limit... Lil Quackers' GDP just ain't working out. Luckily Qi embraced me with his own kindness that is known as 1.6.40, where rocks are now favorited items too... yes! Allow me to shower the villagers with gifts for more weeks to come!!