1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Today my playstation 4 got a stardew update which now allows me to purchase Work Boots from the Adventurer's Guild.

That is all.
My computer still hasn't been delivered back from repair, so I'm rreeeeeallly tempted to go for the PS4 version. I'll have bought the game three times (Steam, Google Play, PS4) if so. :laugh:


I discovered I was actually missing 4 or 5 types of aged roe when I thought I'd made them all before. I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking through all of my artisan goods to make some 'extended goals'. This is why I have lists. 🙄

One current non-food extended goal is to forge infinity weapons with all possible skins. Then maybe each of the possible enchantments... maybe.
Since my computer is still in the shop (they haven't assigned a tech yet), I broke down and bought SDV on the PS4. It took a little bit to get used to the controls, and I was honestly thinking about returning it until I realized I could use the L3 and R3 buttons to switch between tools on the fly. Right now I'm at day 10, though I think "Arcadia Farm" will remain fairly small since I'm still getting used to things. Fishing is just as comfortable as on the PC, though.
I've been playing SDV on the PlayStation since I am still waiting for my computer to be mailed back, and I'm actually enjoying it. The controls are workable, much more comfortable than the Android version. The only hitch is fighting in the caves where it's difficult to fast-toggle between the pick, the sword, and my Stack o' Salads. My farmer has a fairly nice estate, and I ALMOST got to ask Haley to the flower dance but missed the notification that the Dance had started. Didn't think about it until like 5 in the afternoon. :grin:

Editing to add the state of the farm as of Year 1, Fall 14:
I have 30K in the bank, with a shed and four kegs. I saved all the hops I grew earlier, so I'm producing pale ales currently. Robyn is at work on my coop, and I have a full silo already. Haven't done anything on community center but I've been sticking stuff in chests for it.
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I was just shy of 25k total earnings when the day began, and found a letter containing some money in my mailbox.

When I exited my coop after tending to my chickens, I was teleported to my front door so Demetrius could talk to me about the farm cave. I didn't know he could appear when exiting a building other than the farmhouse. :D


Today I finished my first perfection run :stardrop: :crab:

Well, it didn't start out as a perfection run. I was traveling IRL and started a new "throwaway" save on my Switch - the idea being that I would try out things I haven't tried before: Joja route, beach farm, focusing on animals rather than crops, Walnut Room quests, romancing Shane (I eventually broke up with him in favor of Krobus lol)... Somewhere along the way I realized I was having even more fun than usual, and decided it was time to go for it.

My One Big Mistake ended up being the Ostrich egg. I threw that ho right in the trash, apparently. I think I stormed the Volcano Dungeon somewhere between 20 and 30 times before I finally got another. I never want to see a Phoenix ring again :sword::rip:

Full disclosure: I took full advantage of the loved gift glitch on Switch (where any giftable item is counted as loved), and I was spamming the Qi's Kindness quest HARD.

Lessons learned:
- The beach farm kinda goes hard
- I had more fun when branching out into different playstyles and strats


Another Desert Festival done - finally got Shane as a vendor so I could get the Chicken Decal. Still missing a few other things. Did you know you can actually get the furniture catalogue from Robin for 1000 calico eggs?

Also Pierre just straight up sells calico eggs for gold, but says not to let Lewis know, lol. :toothy:


Made my first trip to the skull caverns today! Got to floor 68 before the clock hit midnight, wanted to react floor 100 but I'm happy with these results:iridium:. Guess I got lucky finding the Vampire Ring early year 2, didn't need any food! Haven't quite figured out how to actually kill the mummies tho..:skull:


Oookay... I'm not entirely sure if this is intentional or an oversight. There's a couple of otherwise-quite-hard-to-get floorings that are also just freely available in the catalogue: the one from the cursed mannequin and the 100k Qi Coin one from the casino. The corresponding wallpapers are not in the catalogue. I know you can buy plenty of stuff separately that's also infintely available in the catalogues and there are alternate routes for getting things, but for it to be the hardest to get seems odd.

It's noted on the wiki, I also went to check in game. I also wish I'd noticed this before I'd spent 100k Qi coins. :sweat:

Thoughts? 🤔


Bring a bait maker if you want to do it again next year.
Thanks for the advice!
I have a deluxe worm bin that I keep down by the beach, but I still ran out of bait my first day on my 6th squid 😭 next year I plan to make special bait just for squid though ☺
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