1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Found a bug on my game where the prismatic shard chest in the Volcano keeps respawning. I don't know when or why, but it happened when I came to the volcano my second time. I'm on PC, is this happening for everyone?
Huntress Farm update (PS4):
  • I unlocked the resort and finally got my stingrays!
  • The stingrays are now in my pond! All twenty-seven ponds now have fish in them. It's glorious.
  • Farmer Helena got Master Angler. It's always nice to make Willy happy.
  • I might need to build another shed for preserve jars. I filled the second shed and immediately filled it when I remembered to check my greenhouse after harvesting all the roe.
  • I have ten walnuts toward the island trader.
  • I made it all the way to the dwarf trader and realized I forgot to bring the ten diamonds I'd set aside for the diamond book. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Next time, I guess.
  • I built the mini forge and proceeded to forge two combination rings (slime charmer + burglar and crabshell + vampire), add three enhancements to my sword, and enchant my advanced irridium rod (I got preserving, which is the one I'd wanted).
  • I've been working on cooking all the recipes, so Sebastian keeps getting cooked foods as his daily gift. So far he likes them all.
  • I got another stack of 999 silver quality lobsters from one of my crab pots. Plus, 269 broken CDs from another.
  • Three more trinkets found. None of them frog eggs. My little blue-green frog is doomed to live alone.
  • Farmer Helena fished up another copy of Jewels of the Sea during Squidfest and gave it to Willy, which resulted in a cute dialogue.
  • I got the Gifts for George quest again. I took the dozen leeks from last year's attempt out of lost and found and put them into Evelyn's oven. I've found five so far. Hopefully, I'll find seven more before the season ends. 🤞
  • I'm almost halfway done with the magma sprite monster slayer goal. Then, I need to head back to skull caverns to try to find more Peppers Rex. I'm thinking staircases to skip the first five levels, then use lots of bombs and monster musk, and hope for an infested floor or two.
Ahiru the cropless farmer decided, on the last day of fall, to go to Ginger Island for the first time instead of fishing, despite the rain. This is the first day she has ever done anything other than fishing on a rainy day, and she was *heavily* rewarded for it. She gave a golden walnut to a parrot, then headed into the volcano, and in a treasure chest at the end was none other than a hot java ring!!

Given she can't grow her own coffee, that hot java ring gives a reliable source of coffee which I was completely lacking. If I buy the coffee I need, it's 3600 per day, which she hasn't been able to afford while meeting her other financial goals. If I want to get them from the desert trader, I need 20 crystalariums growing diamonds, or 2k stone, 20 batteries, 100 gold bars, and 40 iridium bars. So needless to say, instead spending 1 day a week fighting monsters (when combat is the last skill I need to unlock mastery anyway) is an absurd boon.

Then, to top it all off, the next day Island Ingredients is available! On the 1st of the month, the 1st day it could possibly spawn, providing me with the stable output of batteries needed to properly grow a crystalarium empire. Just awesome luck all around, maybe I need to skip out on fishing more often :-)
Well…. I did some dumb things on my most successful farm; so i decided i wanted to start a new one. I also hadn’t played Stardew Valley in a while so i was very confused with the new update. I chose the meadowland farm because i have never raised animals. Now i have ran out of wheat and trying to get enough copper to get a furnace and a silo. So that is what is happening on my farm today.


Local Legend
New farm is at eight rabbits, just hit level 10 in all skills early summer year 2. I need two fish, three bulletin board items, and 25,000 gold to finish the community center. Probably the surprise biggest moneymaker was the combo tapper and mushroom log farm at the railroad. In hindsight, this was why I kept running out of hardwood.
So... I've actually read books in the library for the very first time ever across all playthroughs in my Lil Quackers farm :duck:

Gotta say, love all the lore drop and all, and I'm glad to have taken things slower this playthrough around. I've noticed the townfolks did not only complimented the first parsnip I've grown on the farm (my inital observation), but also some of the other milestone achievements too! That's really cool of them to notice these things.

I've not been as helpful of a neighbor as Lewis has hoped... though I try to complete all the quests on the bulletin board, some of them slipped through the cracks and I just hoped other townfolks were able to help out. Sorry I couldn't find 4 Lava Crabs when they have such perfect mimicries at times D:

Finally, I've gone through all of Fall with not a hint of rain... first year community center ruined as I tried in haste to get a Walleye and Catfish, and then in haste to get LV9 foraging, and then in haste to get my pigs to do their things! BUT as this farmer isn't the capitalistic, ultra-meta strategist my other farmers are, we will just have to pass our first year with some regrets (so we can look forward to a great next year!)
New farm is at eight rabbits, just hit level 10 in all skills early summer year 2. I need two fish, three bulletin board items, and 25,000 gold to finish the community center. Probably the surprise biggest moneymaker was the combo tapper and mushroom log farm at the railroad. In hindsight, this was why I kept running out of hardwood.
RABBITS!! :bunny:

I have to say I was quite surprised at the Mushroom Log too... I didn't think much of it initially, but it was actually conveniently producing at 5 mushrooms each for me... so it had been a production line to profit with log --> dehydrator --> $$$

But also as a side note, I feel like it made the Mushroom Cave quite useless! I wonder if an opposing "Fruit Log" can be introduced so the choices feel more "even", even though this cave choice was never about this line of reason...


Local Legend
RABBITS!! :bunny:

I have to say I was quite surprised at the Mushroom Log too... I didn't think much of it initially, but it was actually conveniently producing at 5 mushrooms each for me... so it had been a production line to profit with log --> dehydrator --> $$$

But also as a side note, I feel like it made the Mushroom Cave quite useless! I wonder if an opposing "Fruit Log" can be introduced so the choices feel more "even", even though this cave choice was never about this line of reason...
Fruit trees in the greenhouse or on Ginger Island already make silly amounts of profit (plus, they never die), and fruit wines have been a staple of moneymaking strategies since before 1.6. So I think we're good.

I've also noticed that rain seems to either slam you all month or thumb its nose at you during a drought. So even though I was able to purchase truffles from the travelling cart, I will need to raise a pig so I can make it rain on demand.

Grinded for the mystery hat on my perfection farm for three hours to no avail... still trying to collect all the new hats but I'm afraid it's going to take me multiple in game years just based on the number of desert festival hats. I have 10 to go and half are based on the festival.

On my new farm I found a glitch or something really really rare?? Idk probably a glitch but no one has discussed it before
I also got a silo and the full backpack expansion before summer! On track for completing CC in a year. :)


Paddy's working assiduously towards the 10 million gold tacky timepiece of not having weeds damage stuff on the GI farm. 5 rabbits now, chickens keep turning up. One void chicken from a Witch event egg, one white chicken from an egg the raccoons foisted on him. A goat popped out another goat so the farm is even noisier. No ducks, at least. Leo gets rabbit's feet for gifts. I tried giving him a lucky lunch but he didn't think he could digest it. Now Paddy wants an infinity hammer so he can melt into a lump of indecision over whether to skin it with Penny's frying pan or Maru's wrench.
So I've recently noticed Joja Cola give a speed boost so non-meta me in Riverlands is appreciating junk more than ever now... too poor to just buy Coffee to convert to Triple Shots from Gus and not doing too efficiently planting those Coffee Beans... these cans have saved me more than a few times from passing out, or just enough for me to get to Clint's.

My Chevron was kinda always camouflaging with the autumn grass enough time that I finally have him wear a Top Hat so I could find him :cry:, I'm sorry I was a neglectful owner, but I guess one more reason to celebrate Winter.

Finally, as I herald the coming of Winter, I realized that CA took out the tricky pathing for Golden Pumpkin in Spirit's Eve! I guess it could be confusing to have that final "twist" when it's not visible, but I always thought that that twist was kinda neat!


Took the Extended Family quest again to try for the silver quality ones I'm missing. Spent the whole three days at the mountain lake, trying to cast at the minimum distance needed - caught sixteen Legend II, no silver. GAH.