1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Local Legend
Paddy's working assiduously towards the 10 million gold tacky timepiece of not having weeds damage stuff on the GI farm. 5 rabbits now, chickens keep turning up. One void chicken from a Witch event egg, one white chicken from an egg the raccoons foisted on him. A goat popped out another goat so the farm is even noisier. No ducks, at least. Leo gets rabbit's feet for gifts. I tried giving him a lucky lunch but he didn't think he could digest it. Now Paddy wants an infinity hammer so he can melt into a lump of indecision over whether to skin it with Penny's frying pan or Maru's wrench.
It's weird, the list of foods Leo doesn't think of as food. Here's a tip: he does not think cookies are edible. Evelyn must be heartbroken.

Also, clearly, the answer is to get two hammers.



It's weird, the list of foods Leo doesn't think of as food. Here's a tip: he does not think cookies are edible. Evelyn must be heartbroken.
I know he's like that, but I thought maybe I could get away with a ceviche for the kid who takes his seafood raw . . .
... so I finally realized that the whole northwest peninsula on Meadowlands is NOT secluded lol, sneaky tree placement there CA!! That area is going to be truly special for decoration!

It alternates between 2 maps based on the year actually!
That is actually really cool! Very glad to hear that, and it makes a lot of sense to me game-design wise. The first year having the less tricky version and second year the wizard decides to up the antic. +1!

Finally, the capital flow on Lil Quackers is finally more readily available, as I find myself able to afford big-ticket items like whole sheds quite easily now, so I am considering a new wave of barns and coops to bring in more cute animals to Lil Quackers. The Winter situation isn't ideal, as I am stuck with forgetting to add Hays, but with the SquidFest passing and the festival boats departing, I am reassured that that situation will end soon and the warmth of spring will embrace Lil Quackers lovingly.
Huntress Farm (PS4) update:
  • I remembered the trash tanuki-bear-thing exists and finished the quests an in-game year after starting. Ah well, better late than never.
  • I bought a Junimo catalog and turned the newly cleaned area by the blacksmith shop into a Junimo forest.
  • I increased my crabpots to twenty.
  • I now have seven out of ten stingray in my pond and the other twenty-six ponds are at full capacity.
  • All legendary fish ponds plus one lava eel pond have golden animal crackers.
  • I completed the island ingredients quest (so many pots of pineapple) and got the solar panel blueprint.
  • I bought Sebastian's lost mace from him at the desert festival and then found a dragontooth club in the volcano caverns. I already used three emerald to speed it up and will be grafting them together next.
  • I remembered to bring the diamonds this time and got the book from the dwarf merchant. 👍
  • I bought the recipe from Gus' island stand.
  • I decided to turn the crop half of the sprinkler area (beach farm) into more bee houses. Soon my bee houses will be doubled. I just need to wait on maple syrup. Again.
  • I brought my extra sprinklers to the island for the gourmand frog. One got destroyed by weeds so I bought a golden clock. I'll be bringing over all my extra seeds next time I play.
  • I decorated the island cabin.
  • I went to the island for Leo's birthday, triggered the cutscene to move him to the mainland, and had to head back to the mountains to give him his gift.
  • I only have one more heart left to go for Leo, Sandy, and Penny before Farmer Helena has full hearts with everyone.
  • I discovered that you don't lose any items when you pass out in the volcano caverns at two (but you do get robbed by parrots) and Willy has further earned his title as best npc. :willy::heart::iristar:
I got 5 lucky lunches from Krobus for 50g each!!!
He's so cool- going to get him as a roommate after grinding for 100 more void essence :sword:

It was a busy year 1 fall season on my new 1.6 farm. I'm going the community center route with some of the harder remixed bundles, but it's winter 4 and all I have left now is a pomegranate and truffle. Somehow I haven't gotten a pom from my fruit bat cave yet, but I've been growing a tree in the greenhouse that will hopefully be ready soon if the cave doesn't pull through. As for the truffle... may the traveling cart gods be in my favor. Otherwise I'll have to wait until spring 1... I prefer completing the CC in one year usually.


Morning, Farmers!
I am about to wrap up my first official month in my farm, I am excited for winter to come so I can really redo my planted items and give it some style. My current focus is get my coop up and operational. I’m excited to see what animals I can raise. While waiting for that to build I’ll probably go fishing or explore the mines. OH last but not least, collect strawberries for my future baby mama, Maru.
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I now have 100 Fish Ponds (with Legend II's and Golden Animal Crackers). I'm keeping track of how much Roe they give me--for science!

One of my goals is to make a Big Chest with contents worth over half a billion.

During the Summer, I started going to bed early. There's simply nothing to do. In all my 20 years, I've never done that before! But now that it's Fall, I spend my day waiting on the bridge for Panning spots, hoping to catch an Angler or 2.

Happy 2025!


Paddy accepted the second generation quest to get fish ponds for them. Had to restart the day when I caught Son of Glacierfish, only to drop him because inventory was full. I thought I would re-catch him, but realized that since he was the last, the wuest was no longer active. But everyone is caught now and Robin has been building fish ponds for me.

I also got that thing that, in its absolute insistence on being the ugliest thing in the farmer's possession, keeps the weeds down.


I just unlocked quality sprinklers but I only have about 10 days left of summer. I wanted to maybe incorporate them but will now probably just stock up on them for after winter. I plan on heavy fishing and mining to finish off this season while my crops keep on growing.


Local Legend
You can shuffle things around a bit in fall - everything but wheat and corn will die at the end of summer anyway, so you can redo your crop fields. No need to wait for next spring. Even if you aren't able to make a lot of quality sprinklers yet, plant as if you do so that you can just plunk them down when you do get them. Watering takes up a lot of time and energy in your first year.

I know a lot of people swear by the regular sprinklers, but I only make one to fulfill crafting perfection, and use it to water a flower for some bee houses. I feel like making them is a waste - I need copper for other things, and every bar of iron I use in a regular sprinkler is one I can't use for a quality sprinkler. No, I just bum rush the mines.


You can shuffle things around a bit in fall - everything but wheat and corn will die at the end of summer anyway, so you can redo your crop fields. No need to wait for next spring. Even if you aren't able to make a lot of quality sprinklers yet, plant as if you do so that you can just plunk them down when you do get them. Watering takes up a lot of time and energy in your first year.

I know a lot of people swear by the regular sprinklers, but I only make one to fulfill crafting perfection, and use it to water a flower for some bee houses. I feel like making them is a waste - I need copper for other things, and every bar of iron I use in a regular sprinkler is one I can't use for a quality sprinkler. No, I just bum rush the mines.
It’s surprising to hear “people swear by the regular sprinklers” because in the 3 videos I watched they said wait. I was planning on making one just to try it out but the cost was high and I had unlocked quality by the time I considered it. The regular ones seem like such a waste.
Somehow a Red Slime is resident in Lil Quackers, though I've not hatched any slimes within or without Slime Hutches (In fact I didn't have one this playthrough!), well he is now Patrick and lives with the ducks and occasionally harms me while I pet the ducks. I imagine he just checked out ours one night and thought our humble place would make a good permanent home. He must love us a lot because the area is not (no longer) fenced in and he has never "escaped" like my other home-raised slimes used to do outside.

My coop animals have driven the local grass population to extinction within the fences and since I broke down the fences have also driven the grass outside too to extinction, so they must now rely on hay until I have a freer time with everything to properly reintroduce grass to their habitat again. Ferocious eaters they are! I have two barns side-by-side down south, and grass there has thusfar been aplenty.

Rain has not graced Lil Quackers at all for perhaps three seasons (other than the forced ones), so I'm pretty sure this save has the same bug everyone has been reporting en masse, but I did finally craft a Rain Totem to get those rain-only fish out of the way (Eel, Legend, Catfish) and even purchased myself a Mermaid's Pendant for that special someone this playthrough :heart:

For me, I've never crafted the lower tier sprinklers at all usually... either I have higher-tier watering cans which can get the job done fairly quickly for low-farming-life-me or a purchased iridium sprinkler from Krobus which can do a decent enough job that I've never wasted precious resources on the lower tier sprinklers... they just do not feel very much ergonomic at all.


Started the 'Marriage Marathon' to get all the portraits and see all 14-heart events. Wedding outfits all set out...


Going alphabetically. Each chest contains a supply of iridium quality loved gifts (except Alex, because he doesn't seem to have one, so he's got gold quality complete breakfast) plus a rain totem so I can buy each mermaid pendant. Divorce is only on Green Rain days for reasons of personal headcanon. No outfit/box for Emily or Krobus because I'd already got their portraits. :heart:
(except Alex, because he doesn't seem to have one, so he's got gold quality complete breakfast)
Honestly Complete Breakfast is arguably more deluxe than Iridium anything lol, the thoughtfulness into gathering all those supplies and then cooking it, double steps! Maybe you can make it up to him by telling Haley he doesn't want to see her anymore (like he wants you to eventually), or maybe you can gift him a Stardrop Tea as he deserves :heart:

I've always give him a Complete Breakfast on days when he gives me a Baked Fish haha, it's like we ate good food together (but I just saw his wiki entry, what is this?? He loves "Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick" LOL, that's a new one for me, I gotta give him one of these one of these days).
Started the 'Marriage Marathon' to get all the portraits and see all 14-heart events. Wedding outfits all set out...

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Going alphabetically. Each chest contains a supply of iridium quality loved gifts (except Alex, because he doesn't seem to have one, so he's got gold quality complete breakfast) plus a rain totem so I can buy each mermaid pendant. Divorce is only on Green Rain days for reasons of personal headcanon. No outfit/box for Emily or Krobus because I'd already got their portraits. :heart:
He does love Iridium Quality Rabbits Feet, everyone does. Except for a certain someone, of course. And it should be noted that though the person in question is a fan of melons (or poppies of course), the only non crop item they love which can be of iridium quality is a sandfish. Which can’t be iridium quality without substantial help thanks to the max depth of 2 for the desert pond. So in my eyes she’s easily the pickiest person for perfect purple presents, easily taking the cake from Alex, especially if you happen to be playing a cropless playthrough.


Honestly Complete Breakfast is arguably more deluxe than Iridium anything lol, the thoughtfulness into gathering all those supplies and then cooking it, double steps!
True. Honestly I've got enough Stardrop Teas I could get everyone to 14 hearts pretty much instantly... I'm going the long route for headcanon reasons. I might use some later for getting everyone back up to max after the whole divorce-and-memory-wipe thing... heh. :toothy:

He does love Iridium Quality Rabbits Feet, everyone does. Except for a certain someone, of course. And it should be noted that though the person in question is a fan of melons (or poppies of course), the only non crop item they love which can be of iridium quality is a sandfish. Which can’t be iridium quality without substantial help thanks to the max depth of 2 for the desert pond. So in my eyes she’s easily the pickiest person for perfect purple presents, easily taking the cake from Alex, especially if you happen to be playing a cropless playthrough.
I always forget about the universal loves, they're not listed on the character pages on the wiki. 🙄 Oh well.
I always forget about the universal loves, they're not listed on the character pages on the wiki. 🙄 Oh well.
Yeah I haven’t ever really paid attention to them before myself. But while I’ve always gotten a rabbit or two, this playthrough is the first time I’ve gotten a full coop of them (I can hear MogBeoulve now saying “Just one? Rookie numbers”). And it’s been a crazy game changer, enough to where I can’t imagine not doing so in the future. Not only do I *always* have an iridium quality loved present handy for folks on their birthday with zero effort, I’ve got extra gold and below loved gifts to boost my social status with anyone I might be behind on. Monetarily the cloth is just ok at best, but from a friendship perspective they’re truly in a league of their own. I won’t underestimate them again.


Which can’t be iridium quality without substantial help thanks to the max depth of 2 for the desert pond.
I don't think using a single Quality Bobber constitutes "substantial help". I just checked my chest and I have 44 of them, likely just from perfect catches. It's not like I ever went out of my way to farm them. Getting the maximum size of 23 inches was a bit tougher though. <3