1.6 Update What happened in your game today?

Randomly, does anyone else love the greenhouse wallpaper?
Yes! It's one of my favorite additions, lol. Most of my farmhouses have a solarium and it's so nice to have a wallpaper option designed for that. ^_^
I also used it with one of the new doors for the crime lab in my police department farmhouse (I pretend it's a viewing window-wall with the boss' office behind it). It could probably be used for a fancy spa, too.


Local Legend
Did anyone else know that apparently 'House Plant 13' if you win it from the crane game, if you right-click it when placed it'll actually cycle through other house plant appearances? (not tested it myself)

Randomly, does anyone else love the greenhouse wallpaper? I've got a greenhouse-styled shed but there wasn't a wallpaper that seemed to fit quite right. Now it does, and my house now has a conservatory. :cool:
I love it, we totally needed the lighter vibe, before that I was using the sky or greenery wallpapers for anything greenhousey but they just don't fill the vibe the same


I forgot to mention that I crafted the Statue of Blessings yesterday. The energy blessing is pretty awesome.

Today, I had my watering can and pickaxe upgraded to iridium, and I will return to the volcano tomorrow. Also paid for some shortcuts, but they didn't get finished yet.

I've been gifting stuff to so many NPCs that I keep getting heart events when I least expect them.
I caught the final fish for Master Angler! I also finished the last of the new fish ponds, hatched another duckling, and now have seven with animal crackers (nine ducks total). And I got the final mastery. Now I need four more artifacts for the museum, and three for Professor Snail. I also have a lot of Pepper Rexs left to kill.


Completionist progress:
- Krobus' portrait obtained and 14-Heart event seen (which is so wholesome I may have aww'd)
- Silver cherry, iridium mango and iridium banana saplings obtained.
- Iridium catfish and iridium smoked catfish obtained.
- All animals and fish ponds have been animal cracker'd.

Onward! To completion. Or insanity. 😆


I'm officially rich. I think that's the largest amount of money I ever made in one night

And I also reached the fifth level of mastery.

But that money though :g:

(And before someone blames me for becoming just like Joja, well blame Mr. Qi and his pesky Golden Clock requirement. That thing ain't cheap, hat guy.)


Spring 23, Year 3

I finally reach Level 25 of the Skull Cavern thanks to a lot of staircases and luck, mostly luck. The Spicy Eel I spent weeks saving in my backpack comes in handy, but those pesky flying serpents nearly derail my plans again. I won't be visiting the cavern again anytime soon.


Yesterday I both installed, played several hours and uninstalled SDVE. I was waaaaay in over my head. It’s fun in some places buts it’s way too freaking much imho. It turns a small pleasant town and makes it an absolute whirlwind of brain overload at least for the forty pluses like myself. To think there are add ons to SDvE too like Ridgewood and East Scarp. Makes me feel like my brain will explode thinking about it all. I’m not saying they are bad just I need my small vanilla world without the triple chocolate fudge whipped cream sprinkles and cherries. Lol! 😂

ETA: The creators of SDVE really dropped the ball on one thing. Diversity. Everyone new is a different shade of light skin. No POC. Really frustrating that when given the chance to fix one of CA’s few big mistakes, they just made it worse not better. Really disheartening.
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It's winter now, so that means Skull cavern season is on. I do not have the return scepter, so I just let myself pass out at 2am (I know farm totems exist, but I don't really care about these). After one such run, I got the "Should we have a baby?" message, which I refused because it felt a bit nonsensical in this context. Imagine my surprise when I got the same message two days after, again after a Skull cavern run where I passed out at 2am.

Seb, I'm not judging your preferences, but don't you think there are better days for that than the ones where I've been trudging through monsters and rocks for so long that Marlon had to drag my sleep-deprived, filthy, and bruised corpse back home? :bored:

(I accepted the second time, just for the sheer absurdity of the situation.)


It's winter now, so that means Skull cavern season is on. I do not have the return scepter, so I just let myself pass out at 2am (I know farm totems exist, but I don't really care about these). After one such run, I got the "Should we have a baby?" message, which I refused because it felt a bit nonsensical in this context. Imagine my surprise when I got the same message two days after, again after a Skull cavern run where I passed out at 2am.

Seb, I'm not judging your preferences, but don't you think there are better days for that than the ones where I've been trudging through monsters and rocks for so long that Marlon had to drag my sleep-deprived, filthy, and bruised corpse back home? :bored:

(I accepted the second time, just for the sheer absurdity of the situation.)
Twice I got the baby question while Elliot was away on his book showing week. And a couple times like you from my now main SDV man Harvey like you after passsing out in mines.
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It's winter now, so that means Skull cavern season is on. I do not have the return scepter, so I just let myself pass out at 2am (I know farm totems exist, but I don't really care about these). After one such run, I got the "Should we have a baby?" message, which I refused because it felt a bit nonsensical in this context. Imagine my surprise when I got the same message two days after, again after a Skull cavern run where I passed out at 2am.

Seb, I'm not judging your preferences, but don't you think there are better days for that than the ones where I've been trudging through monsters and rocks for so long that Marlon had to drag my sleep-deprived, filthy, and bruised corpse back home? :bored:

(I accepted the second time, just for the sheer absurdity of the situation.)
You're impressing them with your adventurous vigor!

I walked into town and forgot I'd built Pam a house, Since I'm married to Penny, I got a nice little cutscene out of it. I went to Ginger Island for the first time in a year and determined I had no idea what I was doing, so I went home. Really not sure what to do at the moment. My shed is finished, so I guess I can go mine a bunch of ore and make things to put in the shed...


Finally restored the Community Center after over a year and over 120 hours of playtime. Got a huge trophy. Stopped by Robin's house after to build a shed for my trophy since I won't have room for it anywhere else. Summer is almost over, and I'm excited to see what fall has in store for me.
Finally restored the Community Center after over a year and over 120 hours of playtime. Got a huge trophy. Stopped by Robin's house after to build a shed for my trophy since I won't have room for it anywhere else. Summer is almost over, and I'm excited to see what fall has in store for me.
Brace yourself for So Much Mail..

On Peacefield Farm, I am slowly creating more equipment like charcoal kilns, weaves, etc to speed up production. Also going to the mines for more coal and copper, because I want to fill my shed with furnaces and kegs. Looking forward to the Festival of the Winter Star -- my secret gift is going to my wife Penny. I've got an emerald for her. :) She was a little huffy at me for "secretly giving Abigail a gift" -- I literally just gave Abigail a cup of coffee when I saw her going into the mountains.
Last day of Fall in my game today so I finished harvesting all of my Fall crops.

Looking forward to a quiet Winter so I can get to the bottom of Skull Cavern finally - I'm just gonna have to use staircases and bombs I think, since I'm finding it hard to get past level 20.

Finally finished filling my shed full of kegs and ancient fruit wine to make more money - need that return scepter!


I decided to start a new game, this time on the Meadowlands Farm because it's so pretty and natural-looking. I live very near a big river in real life, and I enjoy watching moving water, especially waterfalls.

My chickens were given rather cute names: Nod and Winky. :bchick::wchick:

Edit: Fishing day 3... got a treasure chest with a dinosaur egg in it. I didn't even know it was possible. Some serious luck!
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Krobus has been evicted. I feel *so* guilty. :sweat:

For the rest of my Portrait Collector quest I think I'm going to stick to my 'divorce only on green rain day to claim temporary insanity' plan. :dizzy: (I have an outfit just for the green rain day...) I'm not worried about that being a limit of one marriage per year, one of my other goals is to partner everyone at the Flower Dance as my spouse so I can only do one of those per year anyway. And I'm probably going to have to go through a fair few years of Desert Festivals to get a bunch of items. 😆
So, I've wrapped up Year 4. The winter proved useful. Not only did I alter the farm's layout in a way to make it less stressful and more productive (the former being most important), but I was able to build a shed and then begin putting it to work. I've filled my cellar with casks, and the shed is halfway filled with kegs. I just keep forgetting to buy more ore from Clint. Right now my puzzle is why I don't have access to Clint's ore-breaking device, when I do in another save that I haven't played nearly as much of. Right now I'm a third of the way into spring and am enjoying the improved layout: I no longer have animals constantly underfoot. I do not think much of the dehydrator: it takes five fruits to produce anything, whereas the kegs and preserves jars only need one. Maybe it's a special-use thing: grapes appear to be more useful as raisins...