1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


Fall 8 Year 6. Wow…

So, on Fall 2, I went to Qi for a new quest, and decided to randomly check the Perfection Tracker.

99%. All I lacked was 15 Golden Walnuts. I spent Fall 5, 6, and 7 sorting the mermaid, pulling off the crystals, beating all 3 darts levels (I can do it in 8) and the hoeing of some spots.

“Hey, Meva.”
“It’s so beautiful up here.”

Penpen, you’re the most beautiful thing up here, don’t deny it.

“I was just thinking about the last 6 years…”
“We’ve been through a lot together, haven’t we?”
“…But look how far we’ve come.”
“We have a beautiful home and a thriving family... It’s all I’ve ever dreamed of, and more.”

That kiss just melted me.

I probably would still have been 6 years to Perfection, if I’d realised earlier, just how close I was, but it would likely have been summer.

This might just be where I leave this save. Fall 8, Y6, so I can revisit The Summit, and see the ending, all over again. I’ve got about 9.2 Mil spare, so they wouldn’t struggle for a very long time, if things just came to a halt there. I do wonder what PenPen’s retirement ideas are…
Drake, the duck farmer was Abigail's secret santa and decided to make her mom's blackberry cobbler recipe since she loves it. I then found out Caroline was my farmer's secret santa and she gifted him a homemade blackberry cobbler. Cobblers for everyone! 😄

Start of Spring, year 3, I caught the Legend, leaving only two fish to go for Master Angler! Now I need to unlock the cove where one of those two can be caught. Earlier in winter, I'd remembered that the island exists (I made a note sign) so I got started on that.

I have three hearts with Leo, finished the pirate's wife quest, unocked the house (which I only really care about the shipping bin tbh) and island trader, bought the blueprint & recipe from them, did the quick puzzles and such for golden walnuts, killed about half the required volcano monster needed for the guild, and got enough dragon's teeth to craft my very own mini dwarven forge. Soon, I will accomplish all that I care about on the island and can return to ignoring it as I focus on my duck farm and splunking in the assorted mainland mines.

I also finally decorated the farmhouse, so hopefully Elliot will stop ordering ugly furniture.


I finished the Qi Fruit quest for the first time this save (finished it in about 2.5 weeks!), so that's exciting. It's a fun quest, but so much work! I remembered my dehydrators exist and loaded a bunch of extra fruit in them. I don't know why I have so much trouble remembering them - I have 34 of them that I trip over daily, so you'd think I'd remember to stuff fruit and mushrooms in them. I has the Feast of the Winter Star and gave Haley a Magic Rock Candy. I'm trying to fill out everybody's Loved Gifts list, so all I've got left for Haley is the Golden Pumpkin. (Most of the list isn't too bad, but giving every NPC a Golden Pumpkin, a Magic Rock Candy, and a Pearl is going to take forever.)

I also decorated the first room in the farmhouse I bothered decorating so far. Normally my house is a chaotic mess until I'm about to get married, and then I run around cleaning and decorating because I'm ashamed of someone else to move in and judge my bachelor pad. I married Krobus in this save, though, so I've just been lying to him and telling him this is what normal human dwellings look like. I think he knows that's not true, but he's been kind enough not to point it out.


Today, i upgraded my big barn and big coop to deluxe ones, so now i am basically one with community center. im in fall of y2, planted like 60 cranberries, 45 pumpkins, and 30 amaranth. bought a pig. got to like lvl 30 in skull caverns. managed to get 8 very bad ouck da6s in a row. i think now im gonna start focusing on making my farm pretty, making money, and getting full hearts with the villagers.


While wandering around during the green rain, I saw a question mark near the big tree stump and it said I could 'fix it up' with hardwood. Is that new? I gave it hardwood and now there's a racoon demanding smoked salmon. I was confused so I checked out the wiki. The rewards definitely aren't on par with the demands -- I'm not buying a fish smoker just for 25 powermelon seeds or whatever. :grin:
yes, thats a 1.6 feature, and the more quests you complete, the more racoons move in and (i think) the better the rewards.
I'm grinding on Ginger island for Golden Walnuts and Dragon's Teeth. I had possibly the most frustrating Volcano run ever. I already hate the Volcano, and the new maps in 1.6 make it suck even more. On more than one occasion, I've had to take a screenshot just to find the damn exit. I'm thinking I'll just gather walnuts until I can do the thing to be able to catch a stingray, then farm Dragon's Teeth from stingray ponds. If it takes a year, at least I can minimize my time in the Volcano.


Acquired the Galaxy Sword!

SquidFest was a success again, on both days. I'm getting very good fishing chests now, too.

Reached 10 hearts with multiple villagers, and made good progress with several other friendships as well. I do biweekly gifting to five or six NPCs at a time, then move to the next when someone has 10 hearts (8 in case of romanceable ones).

Got my fish pond going with sturgeons, and they're as adorable as fish can be. I mean, just look at what they're saying:

Gained enough experience to unlock a fourth out of five.

Another meteor hit my farm, and another owl statue dropped, too. I now have an owl on either side of the door to my shed.

Still no clue what to "feed" that one thing.
I also have no clue how to get a type of fish I need, but considering I discovered three new species today it's pretty much bound to be somewhere I haven't been yet.


Aquired knowledge: left-clicking a dressed mannequin with an empty hand will swap your whole outfit you're wearing with it (hat, shirt, pants, boots), and it's brilliant.

Also I remembered to get the hat on spring 17 this time and not be completely distracted by the desert festival. 😆 I did manage to pick up a couple of the new items from the villager vendors. I actually made a list using the predictor for all of them and when I could get each one, except the vendor schedule is one of the odd-random things the predictor has a large error margin on (not a complaint, it says so on the page and I always go the the festival anyway). Did you know you can buy the furniture catalog from Robin for 1000 calico eggs? 🤔 I do kinda wish your calico eggs could carry over to the next year, I'm always buying random stuff on the last day to use them up.

I am most of the way through making my completionist master list of things I'm missing.
I do kinda wish your calico eggs could carry over to the next year, I'm always buying random stuff on the last day to use them up.
Same. I just finished that festival for the fourth time (over three saves, second on this specific save) and I just ended up buying a bunch of bombs since none of the villagers selected had much I wanted. What I do now is check what's available and then skip some of the calico egg gaining opportunities (like the race or question guy) in favor of skull caverns if there isn't anything I want that requires a lot of eggs. I did get another fossil for the museum form Vincent though. I only have four or five more artifacts to go for the museum now!
Finally arrived at winter, year four. My immediate plan is to remove sprinklers and bee boxes from the Big Island where I have a complicated setup (my stable, big field, orchard, bee boxes, tappers) as step one of moving my coop and barn there. Then I'll go back to the Ginger Islands for the first time in probably a year.


I found the fish I mentioned yesterday -- and, indeed, it was in a place where I had not fished before.

Also spent several days trying to find a dino egg, but didn't even see a single Pepper Rex (my favourite enemy name).

Saw a ghost who lit four candles and gave me a weird purple thing.
I have tons of iridium but I'm too cheap to upgrade my tools from gold. I'm saving up for a desert obelisk, and only have 740k or so.

During one of my SC adventures I found a cracker that I gave to my fish. Unfortunately, said fish currently want an item I can only find in winter (unless the travelling cart happens to have one), and it's spring 12 or so... but, at least the fish still produce roe.

I only have a handful of villagers left to get to 10 or 8 hearts, so that's coming along very nicely.

The museum puzzles me: there are 8 empty slots, but I have found all minerals and all but 7 artifacts. I check every mineral and artifact I find to make sure nothing says "Gunther can tell you more".
Maybe there's a secret there I need to uncover -- but first I'll need those missing artifacts.


The museum puzzles me: there are 8 empty slots, but I have found all minerals and all but 7 artifacts. I check every mineral and artifact I find to make sure nothing says "Gunther can tell you more".
Maybe there's a secret there I need to uncover -- but first I'll need those missing artifacts.
No secret, just extra spaces. I was similarly confused before myself. 😆
Last night I was able to move my stable next to the house, and my barn, coop, and silo to the big island, and I've started plonking down sprinklers. Although I thought I would be losing a bit of acreage, I'm actually going to need more sprinklers to maximize use of the new terrain! :D Unfortunately when I was chopping trees down to make room for the buildings, I started wailing away at one stand and realized ---- THOSE ARE ORCHARD TREES YOU FOOL!

Lew Zealand

Last night I was able to move my stable next to the house, and my barn, coop, and silo to the big island, and I've started plonking down sprinklers. Although I thought I would be losing a bit of acreage, I'm actually going to need more sprinklers to maximize use of the new terrain! :D Unfortunately when I was chopping trees down to make room for the buildings, I started wailing away at one stand and realized ---- THOSE ARE ORCHARD TREES YOU FOOL!
If you're playing v1.6, you'll get the Sapling back for those Fruit trees, and they'll retain their star value once they mature. So there's a lot less lost value in chopping down orchard trees now if you really want to move them.

Lew Zealand

Aquired knowledge: left-clicking a dressed mannequin with an empty hand will swap your whole outfit you're wearing with it (hat, shirt, pants, boots), and it's brilliant.
Yes it's the reason v1.6 was made! The rest of the content stuff is nice and sure it's supergood CA added it but v1.6 is the Mannequin Update. Hoo boy and luckily CA also decided that the house should get some walk-in closets so I could cram a few manniqs in for a quick outfit change. How's I gonna choose anything if I can't see it?

Bobbi's Closet (newly expanded!):


I forgot to mention I found a basilisk paw (two of them, actually). I already had the slime charmer ring, but the paw provides additional protection.

Today, I hit 100 hours played on Bat Hollow Farm, participated in my first Desert Festival (I only fixed the bus in summer of year 2 or so because I had better uses for the money), and got dino eggs that I can actually keep instead of donating to the museum.

I've been carrying two swords in the Skull Cavern: my Galaxy Sword and a Holy Sword I found somewhere. Mummies are a breeze now that I don't need to waste bombs on them.

I sold my rabbit, and a dino hatched to replace it.
I found a second animal cracker and gave it to my sheep. Soon thereafter, she gave birth to a lamb.

Unlocked the fifth out of five.

Watched a movie.
If you're playing v1.6, you'll get the Sapling back for those Fruit trees, and they'll retain their star value once they mature. So there's a lot less lost value in chopping down orchard trees now if you really want to move them.
Oh, thanks! I might actually try that -- they're rather ungainly where they are, and I have to stand in the right spot or risk the apples (etc) falling into the river.


Yes it's the reason v1.6 was made! The rest of the content stuff is nice and sure it's supergood CA added it but v1.6 is the Mannequin Update. Hoo boy and luckily CA also decided that the house should get some walk-in closets so I could cram a few manniqs in for a quick outfit change. How's I gonna choose anything if I can't see it?

Bobbi's Closet (newly expanded!):
View attachment 23480
Love it. :toothy: I actually prefer chests over dressers for the same reason, can't see everything properly in dressers. I mostly use them for a particular item each that I have a lot of... and then I still have a chest 'for display' anyway. 😆


A couple days ago (both in-game and IRL), I was doing the legendary fishing Qi quest, and after having very little trouble catching four of the five, I ended up taking at least 40 casts to finally hook (and catch) the Radioactive Carp.

Now, I'm doing that quest again (because the advanced fishing rod and the fish smoker makes it very easy and very lucrative, but anyway), I go on the hunt for the seemingly sociophobic Radioactive Carp. And who it is that I hook on my very first cast of the day? Three guesses, and the first two don't count :bored:

Also, while doing a Stardew wiki walk, I learned that the little blob the legendary fish have on their heads while reeling them in is a crown, which makes sense. For the longest time I thought it was a helmet and was confused as to why that specifically was the marker instead of a star or something. The more you learn...