1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


I'm grinding on Ginger island for Golden Walnuts and Dragon's Teeth. I had possibly the most frustrating Volcano run ever. I already hate the Volcano, and the new maps in 1.6 make it suck even more. On more than one occasion, I've had to take a screenshot just to find the damn exit. I'm thinking I'll just gather walnuts until I can do the thing to be able to catch a stingray, then farm Dragon's Teeth from stingray ponds. If it takes a year, at least I can minimize my time in the Volcano.
IKWYM! Those new volcano maps SUCK! I hope new players don’t get those maps if they did I’d never go in there again. You wander in endless circles jumping over hot lava islands with nothing but a spotty cooled path by your precious watering can. I keep thinking if I didnt have the bottomless enchantment I’d die on some island or broken lava path from lack of water. What on earth? These should be challenge runs, like the dangerous challenge shrines in the regular mines and SC not for beginners. I don’t know how many times I died before I learned those volcano maps and sped through most of it on a double speed rush. Then learned to love it. Now on that same rush I barely make it out before the clock strikes 2 and I pass out on the way to the farm. lol. Mr Qi is behind it all and laughing menacingly through those spyglass eyeball looking things of his on that purple blue face of his lol.😂
Yes it's the reason v1.6 was made! The rest of the content stuff is nice and sure it's supergood CA added it but v1.6 is the Mannequin Update. Hoo boy and luckily CA also decided that the house should get some walk-in closets so I could cram a few manniqs in for a quick outfit change. How's I gonna choose anything if I can't see it?

Bobbi's Closet (newly expanded!):
View attachment 23480
aww lew are you making an outfit for every hat


I finally ended up getting that note from Marnie saying I could adopt more pets. I went all out and got one of each! 😂. I justified it cause somebody needs to watch those babies of Harvey’s and mine. Can’t leave them home alone with just one guard/sitter/playmate. 😉

ETA: I found a PERFECT magic quiver and you barely need a sword that thing takes down everything within sight even the other side of the mine where two magnet rings can’t pickup the goods.
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Yes it's the reason v1.6 was made! The rest of the content stuff is nice and sure it's supergood CA added it but v1.6 is the Mannequin Update. Hoo boy and luckily CA also decided that the house should get some walk-in closets so I could cram a few manniqs in for a quick outfit change. How's I gonna choose anything if I can't see it?

Bobbi's Closet (newly expanded!):
View attachment 23480
lol they’re taking over the whole house! Did you move the kids to the cellar after all or squeeze them in somewhere else 😂

Lew Zealand

aww lew are you making an outfit for every hat
No I wasn't but this is an excellent idea. So I do believe I am doing this now, thanks!

lol they’re taking over the whole house! Did you move the kids to the cellar after all or squeeze them in somewhere else 😂
I sure did. :toothy:

Cleared out the Fish Tanks, rearranged the Fish as I'd recently added some new tanks where I'd previously removed the indoor Coffee Plantation. Moved kiddos down to the cellar and extended Bobbi's closet. I'm not sure I want it any bigger as it's already making the house a little too monothematic but those Clothes gotta go somewhere!
Okay, so, the good news is Elliot stopped with the ugly furniture. The bad news is he's moved on to ugly flooring.
Screenshot from 2024-05-16 15-46-30.png
"I don't think you want to know what I think of it, dear."

I tried changing the rug out to make it less Joker-y but it still doesn't match anything.
Screenshot from 2024-05-16 15-50-11.png

Also, a meteor landed in my crop island, destroying four plants.
Screenshot from 2024-05-16 15-23-52.png

Not the best day, but I smoked a lot a of fish, killed a lot of serpents in sc, and got half the skeletons I needed to for Clint's quest in one day, so not terrible either.
Okay, so, the good news is Elliot stopped with the ugly furniture. The bad news is he's moved on to ugly flooring.
"I don't think you want to know what I think of it, dear."

I tried changing the rug out to make it less Joker-y but it still doesn't match anything.
Arggh they are painful like that

Also, a meteor landed in my crop island, destroying four plants.
View attachment 23518

Not the best day, but I smoked a lot a of fish, killed a lot of serpents in sc, and got half the skeletons I needed to for Clint's quest in one day, so not terrible either.


I found out it's surprisingly tricky to catch normal or silver quality Extended Family fish. But I also got lucky and landed Ms Angler and Radioactive Carp roe in fishing treasure chests, and the iridium quality Legend II. Going to age one of each roe as I get them for my 'Really Rare Roe' collection. :cool:


Okay, so, the good news is Elliot stopped with the ugly furniture. The bad news is he's moved on to ugly flooring.
"I don't think you want to know what I think of it, dear."

I tried changing the rug out to make it less Joker-y but it still doesn't match anything.
Harvey keeps dumping furniture in dumb places too. It was kinda cute at first.

Came home from a Ginger island trip yesterday to find a houseplant placed artistically in the middle of the sitting room. If he starts messing with the wallpaper like that I'll get real mad.

Lew Zealand

Harvey keeps dumping furniture in dumb places too. It was kinda cute at first.

Came home from a Ginger island trip yesterday to find a houseplant placed artistically in the middle of the sitting room. If he starts messing with the wallpaper like that I'll get real mad.
Waitiminute! I've been married to Emily for about 2 years now and she hasn't added or redecorated a thing! She's the 4th different spouse in a playthrough long enough to get that and the other 3 all started with the Pink Dentists' Chair and then some Wallpaper or Flooring. Maybe there's sooo much stuff in the house already that she just hasn't wanted to go through the hassle? Or does Emily not redecorate?
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Harvey keeps dumping furniture in dumb places too. It was kinda cute at first.

Came home from a Ginger island trip yesterday to find a houseplant placed artistically in the middle of the sitting room. If he starts messing with the wallpaper like that I'll get real mad.
Elliot likes to place his ugly furniture smack in the middle of the bedroom. Apparently, I had it too easy being able to walk to and fro without dodging a purple office chair or random end table that matches nothing else in the house.

My farmer married Alex in another save, and at least his furniture matches the house decor and was placed out of the way.

Could be worse, though. A friend of mine was married to Shane and woke up one day to discover he had changed the bedroom floor to that black and white galaxy flooring (in their woodland themed house). And she didn't have a catalog to change it back.


Waitiminute! I've been married to Emily for about 2 years now and he hasn't added or redecorated a thing! She's the 4th different spouse in a playthrough long enough to get that and the other 3 all started with the Pink Dentists' Chair and then some Wallpaper or Flooring. Maybe there's sooo much stuff in the house already that she just hasn't wanted to go through the hassle? Or does Emily not redecorate?
She does, but very rarely for me (I think twice in... 20ish years?). She buys furnture, 9/10 times it's a houseplant.

edit: I have gone through with the divorce in pursuit of the spouse portraits personal quest. Krobus has just moved in. He stands on the porch to watch the rain and comments what a beautiful day it is. Yes, yes it is. (I love the rain.) :rain::umbrella:

edit x2: Massive rainstorm just started IRL. 😆
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Elliot likes to place his ugly furniture smack in the middle of the bedroom. Apparently, I had it too easy being able to walk to and fro without dodging a purple office chair or random end table that matches nothing else in the house.

My farmer married Alex in another save, and at least his furniture matches the house decor and was placed out of the way.

Could be worse, though. A friend of mine was married to Shane and woke up one day to discover he had changed the bedroom floor to that black and white galaxy flooring (in their woodland themed house). And she didn't have a catalog to change it back.
Harvey likes chairs, plants and side tables. Also flooring. I just change the flooring back if too ugly. The furniture is always in the middle of room or a doorframe. I usually move it to some out of the way location, so I don’t get messy house dialogues. Then he often will put another one in the same location.


Finished the last few days of Winter Year 2 and reached Day 11 of Spring before doing a floor of the Skull Cavern for the first time and getting killed.

Starting day 11 again now :smile:
I just finished Spring of Year 3.

Leo moved to the Valley. I opened the cove on GI that allowed me to catch one of the fish I was missing for Master Angler. So now I just need a Red Snapper. I also got all the walnuts from the dice game, finished the rain bird thing, and accidentally harvested the melon I needed for the toad.

Back on the farm (riverlands), I'm making more gold than I need so I decided to cull half the crop island to put in five more fish ponds. I already have Robin working on the first! And now six ducks have animal crackers. I might have to build more mayo machines. Or start collecting eggs every day.

I also changed the flooring in the kichen back from whatever that was Elliot changed it to.


I figured out how to progress on Ginger Island! I was showing my farm to my husband, and also wanted to show him what the island is like (because last time I tried it was a festival day and I couldn't get to the beach). I had only been there once before, and couldn't figure out how to get past the lava stream in the volcano. Well, this time I spotted something that gave me an idea, but I didn't have what I needed with me.

I exited the game, restarted the day, and went back to the island, this time taking with me what my idea required. And it worked! I had some of my questions about where to find some things answered when I explored the dungeon, which was great.

However, I am still no closer to finding out what to "feed" that one thing...


Did anyone else know that apparently 'House Plant 13' if you win it from the crane game, if you right-click it when placed it'll actually cycle through other house plant appearances? (not tested it myself)

Randomly, does anyone else love the greenhouse wallpaper? I've got a greenhouse-styled shed but there wasn't a wallpaper that seemed to fit quite right. Now it does, and my house now has a conservatory. :cool:


A kind of interesting story just happened for me. Since it started getting pretty hot here I left my windows opened. It was well past dark IRL when I settled for a late Stardew session, and as night fell on Pelican town, I got a waft of fresh evening-smelling air from the window. That was a cool multisensory gaming experience.

Apart from that, there was barely any rain in Fall so I'll have to wait for Spring to catch one specific fish I need to cook one of my currently uncrafted cooked dish. I'll make sure to keep a rain totem nearby this time.