Unofficial mod updates


I am working on it, unofficial. I have it working in 1.5. I have run it for about 14 game days without any issues. I am trying to get it to place nice with "Change Profession" at the moment. The only glitch I have encountered was when the Winery is first built the entrance is on the left side at the rear. After the first day it moves to the proper place. If anyone is interested in beta testing it (I have never used it before) I can put up an beta tomorrow.
Prsim you are a rock star!!!

Count me in; I'll help you beta test it if you want.


I'm running the Immersive Farm 2 Remastered map and are using Grandpa's Shed and have been able to take the casks out of the cellar and put the casks into there.

When I boot up the game later on I'll see if I can place some casks in other places and get back to you.
I have neither of those, lol.


The growing length of this thread has made searching difficult so I have compiled a list of mods referenced in this thread and where you will find the latest post # info about them within this thread. The reference may not always be an updated file, but will provide reference to relevant info regarding the mod. Remember, the number is the post number in this thread which you will find on the top right of each post.

Always keep SMAPI and Content Patcher updated as well as TMXL and PYTK if required (all updated on Nexus).
A Vibrant Pastoral Recolor #296
Adapt Skin #116
AdoptSkin_3.2.0-Beta.1.4 #439
Always On #237
Animal Chooser #376
Animal Sitter #313 #526
Auto Animal Doors #311
Auto Farm Screenshot #157 #527
Better Fruit Trees #118 #529
Better Ranching #113
BFAV check Here
Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion for All Friend-able Characters #464
Cat Gifts #113 #369
Child to NPC #256
Climates of Ferngill #178
Convenient Chests #126 & #462
Crab Net #424 #528
Crop Transplant Mod #341
Daily Task Report #371 #463 #524
Delux Autograbber #408 & #418 & #450
Dynamic Night Time #94
Expanded Fridge #119
Experience Bars #273
Generic Mod Config Menu #305 Official update located Here
Hilltop Immersive Farm #344
Horse Whistle #65 Added to version 1.5
Huggable Scarecrows #379
Industrial Furniture Set #358
Ladder Locator #377
Line Sprinklers #271
Loved Labels #337
Luck Skill #299
Mi’s & Magimatica Country Furniture #358
Murder drone #517 #525
Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety #62
Plantable Mushroom trees #419 Plantable mushroom added to version 1.5
Reset Terrain Features #225
Seasonal Garden Farmhouse v2 #388
Skill Prestige Mod #262 #522
Skull Cavern Elevator #285
Stack to Nearby Chests #94
Stardew Notifications #279
TehPers Fishing Overhaul #359 & #406
Tool Geodes #231
UI Info Suite #61
Vintage Interface Multipack #45
What Are You Missing #113
Witchyfarm #80

I hope that this can help people find what they are looking for. The Mod Compatibility list will undoubtedly be updated when time permits so always refer to that.

What I posted and millsj13 updated and reposted is simply a reference within this thread to specific mods that people are querying and saving them from trolling through the 25+ pages of messages. A number of them have unofficial update files attached, some simply have further information. I saw the need for a quick message reference for this thread until the mod compatibility database was updated.

Because of the amazingly quick response of the various modders on this site, this list will get outdated quickly. Always check the original mod upload site and the mod compatibility list.
Re-posted and updated


So, about the "Adopt 'n' Skin 1.4 Beta" - I've tested this now several times. In the 1.4 version of the unofficial mod there isn't any stray to buy in Marnie's Ranch even when I set the possibility for it to 100% in the config file. I quit the game without saving and switched to the older 1.2 version of the mod with same config (100% for strays) and started the same day again. There I can adopt a new pet at Marnie's Ranch if I want.
No error log here because it isn't a real error, in 1.4 version there are just no strays to adopt/buy. I thought I let you know @corrin or maybe all others using the unofficial update to test for their own. Maybe it's just me in the end.


Hey guys!

I'm sorry for showing up just now, I've been trying to get my account validated since yesterday hahaha.

I've been following @Strobe and Deluxe Auto-grabber and I managed to get it to work with 1.5 without the need to replant any crops, with Global Forage set to ON and without causing issues with Golden Walnuts, I've uploaded my version below, it uses the source from here:
bless you, this mod is one of my crucial ones. BUT, while it does work for me in 1.5, it also reduces my framerate the longer i play. after a couple of hours yesterday i was running at 1-2 frames a second, it was barely playable. i disabled it and the game was fine. SMAPI wasn't showing any errors or anything, so i'm not sure what the problem was.


It looks like the SMAPI Mod compatibility list has been recently updated to include a number of the unofficial updates recently raised in this thread.

It would be a good idea to check there first to see what the status is of the mod you are enquirying about and then check any further comments here.

SMAPI Mod Compatibility list


Yeah, the mod is running alright but depending on the map there seems to be some dead spots.

I'm running the Immersive Farm 2 Remastered map and there are a number of dead fishing spots that have only 100% rubbish. I just loaded the Mermaid Island map expansion which is 100% dead of fish too.

I'm not sure if that is something that needs to be adjusted in the fishing mod or in the mods of the maps themselves, but with the number of different maps available I have a feeling that this is going to be a long term problem until someone goes through each map individually (for which I and many others who use this mod would be eternally grateful).
Literally the same person who made this unofficial update warned that he only made it compatible with 1.5 and that you have to include the content of 1.5, because it is only up to 1.4. I hope someone can include the content of the 1.5 because this mod seems incredible to me.


Can Casks Everywhere also be updated, please? Thank you!

OK; I've run my game and checked the mod out at various places on the map.

Currently you can place casks down anywhere (not sure if that can be done without this mod or not) but you can't place anything in the cask unless it is in the cellar. I guess that is the issue that you are having. So the mod isn't working as it originally intended.

One way to get around this until an update occurs, which is what I am using, is to run the mod Automate and place a chest next to the cask and put the wine/cheese/whatever into the chest. It will automatically transfer the product into the cask and put the end product back into the chest once it's matured. This can be done anywhere on the map no matter what map you are using. I love the Automate mod and use it extensively to make all kinds of automated combinations, but it will provide a work-around for your problem even if you don't use the Automate mod for anything else. I would also suggest using the mod Chests Anywhere to access the chests easily. Both of the mods I mentioned are by Pathoschild so you can guarantee they are top-knotch and stable.
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OK; I've run my game and checked the mod out at various places on the map.

Currently you can place casks down anywhere (not sure if that can be done without this mod or not) but you can't place anything in the cask unless it is in the cellar. I guess that is the issue that you are having. So the mod isn't working as it originally intended.

One way to get around this until an update occurs, which is what I am using, is to run the mod Automate and place a chest next to the cask and put the wine/cheese/whatever into the chest. It will automatically transfer the product into the cask and put the end product back into the chest once it's matured. This can be done anywhere on the map no matter what map you are using. I love the Automate mod and use it extensively to make all kinds of automated combinations, but it will provide a work-around for your problem even if you don't use the Automate mod for anything else. I would also suggest using the mod Chests Anywhere to access the chests easily. Both of the mods I mentioned are by Pathoschild so you can guarantee they are top-knotch and stable.
Yup, I can't place my masses of cheese and wine (stacks and stacks and stacks of 999 at this point...) in them because they're not in the Farmhouse cellar. The way I have my sheds configured to maximize the space may make Automate a pain but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for checking!
So, about the "Adopt 'n' Skin 1.4 Beta" - I've tested this now several times. In the 1.4 version of the unofficial mod there isn't any stray to buy in Marnie's Ranch even when I set the possibility for it to 100% in the config file. I quit the game without saving and switched to the older 1.2 version of the mod with same config (100% for strays) and started the same day again. There I can adopt a new pet at Marnie's Ranch if I want.
No error log here because it isn't a real error, in 1.4 version there are just no strays to adopt/buy. I thought I let you know @corrin or maybe all others using the unofficial update to test for their own. Maybe it's just me in the end.
That's strange. I haven't been having any problems with Adopt n' Skin's unofficial version. I haven't built the horse stable so I can't test it with horses, but cats frequently show up for me at Marnie's. I didn't adjust the config from whatever the default is either.


Ah thanks. Doesn't seem to open and close at the right time even after I did the right click prompt but probably something I messed up on my end. I'll fiddle with it later
Ah thanks. Doesn't seem to open and close at the right time even after I did the right click prompt but probably something I messed up on my end. I'll fiddle with it later
No, this will not work at the right time. If it exceeds the time you set, the mouse will be checked until it is turned on/off when the time is changed.


I'm not sure how updating the wiki/smapi page works, but would the time spent compiling the lists here of updates be better spent just... updating the wiki/smapi page directly? Or is that something only moderators/update authors/etc can do?


Hello, try this one for 4 animals more in each barn and coop:
Unfortunately that one doesn't do all the things I would like. I am using it in the meantime but it doesn't allow more animals than it's set to and doesn't allow me to set the cost and upgrades for it :). That mod does link to this one in the description for those who want more. It would be fab if someone was able to upgrade it. :D Thanks for the suggestion :).


I'm not sure how updating the wiki/smapi page works, but would the time spent compiling the lists here of updates be better spent just... updating the wiki/smapi page directly? Or is that something only moderators/update authors/etc can do?
I think that it can only be done by the moderators which would make sense to minimise errors in the document.

The SMAPI Mod Compatibility page is up-to-date now. The last unofficial update file attached in this thread was post #529 for Better Fruit Trees which is linked to on the wiki page, so it now has the latest data.

The lists on this thread did their job of giving some indexed guidance while the requests for updates and the responding updated files were being hurtled around in posts at a frantic rate just after the 1.5 update; but now that the wiki page has caught up, these lists aren't needed as the wiki page has all the info needed.


Just a note about Casks Everywhere. It works great with Automate, with a small caveat if also using the CJB Cheats mod. Iridium quality items require an overnight stay in the casks, or to remove the items manually and place them back into the chest feeding the casks for each improvement. @Pathoschild has stated that this will be fixed in the upcoming release of CJB Cheats 1.26.1.


Unofficial update for 1.5
This is based on the 1.9 update unlike my previous post which was based on 1.8.4
@Strobe, do you have the code changes you made posted to git? There's a problem with the experience gain display in local splitscreen where it just pops up infinitely on both sides in the bottom right corner and it doesn't honor the don't display exp gain option in that situation. Personally I just planned to commend out the draw code for actually displaying the gain because I don't use it anyway


Yeah, there are some issues with multiplayer that still need to be ironed out. Can you give an example log from the times it's crashed? Also, you can try this newer build. It doesn't fix all of the multiplayer issues, but should hopefully be at least a bit better.
apologies if it's already been mentioned and i didn't spot it - but i'm using this version of adopt n skin and my sheep are all defaulting back to the vanilla sprites when sheared lol. any ideas?