Unofficial mod updates


Hi guys, so the Skill Prestige mod stopped working after the 1.6.9 update and the author does not appear to be active as a lot of users are commenting on it needing an update with no responses. Not only that, but the last update is from May 18th of 2024. I was wondering if anyone could please make an unofficial update to this mod? I would very much appreciate it.

I feel incomplete in the game without the ability to gradually obtain all the professions over time and my main file has already prestiged many skills multiple times. I really don't wanna continue playing my main file without this mod.
There is a custom fix in the comments, you can download.
Hello I believe there is an updated version for 1.6 available in the comments. A wonderful person had updated the mod and removed those dependencies and fixed a few things as well. It's available on the second page of comments!
Ah, thank you! Somehow I checked the comment pages for all the dependency mods but didn't think to check comments for the mod itself... whoops, haha. That said, if you're referring to the ZeChocobo update in the comments, I believe it's the same one that downloads from the mod page itself. On further experimentation, SMAPI only seems to require Anti-Social NPCs to load the mod itself (and Content Patcher and Mail Framework Mod I guess, but I use those anyway), but gives the following errors:
[SMAPI] Skipped mods
[SMAPI] --------------------------------------------------
[SMAPI] These mods could not be added to your game.

[SMAPI] - Custom Patio for Toshinori 1.0.5 because it requires mods which aren't installed (aedenthorn.CustomSpousePatio, aedenthorn.CustomSpousePatio).
[SMAPI] - Toshinori 1.6\Alternative Portraits because it's an empty folder.
[SMAPI] - Toshinori Locations 1.0.5 because it requires mods which aren't installed (TMXL Map Toolkit:
As far as I can gather, the patio one is obsolete and got fixed in the unofficial update, but I'm not sure about the locations one.
Ah, thank you! Somehow I checked the comment pages for all the dependency mods but didn't think to check comments for the mod itself... whoops, haha. That said, if you're referring to the ZeChocobo update in the comments, I believe it's the same one that downloads from the mod page itself. On further experimentation, SMAPI only seems to require Anti-Social NPCs to load the mod itself (and Content Patcher and Mail Framework Mod I guess, but I use those anyway), but gives the following errors:

As far as I can gather, the patio one is obsolete and got fixed in the unofficial update, but I'm not sure about the locations one.
I am pretty sure they removed the dependency for those mod and it is safe to delete those files. The custom patio and tmxl files. I am not sure tbh, last time I checked they had removed the dependencies and it was working but then again it was a few months ago so sorry if am wrong.


Would anyone be able to do an update of this more goldfish mod?



i believe the author is working on an update right now ^^ and if no one is working on an update for 1.6.9+, could someone update festival of the mundane? it's one of my favorite mods!
One of mine too! So much so, that yesterday I decided to learn how to mod Stardew just so I could update this mod to be compatible with 1.6.9. I saw some other posts mention that this used JsonAssets, and that ContentPatcher is better, so in addition to upgrading, I've also converted this over to use ContentPatcher. Hopefully this helps it to maintain better compatibility down the line.

From what I can tell, everything seems to be working (though I'll admit I've only really played around for an hour or so with this), but let me know if there are any troubles, and I'll see what I can do to fix this up! Just note that as this now uses ContentPatcher, the item IDs of the hats/masks will have changed, and will need to be re-purchased.

I've also punched through a pull request to the authors repository with all the changes made (though this repo hasn't been updated in 5 years, I doubt this will get merged in) - you can view this here

EDIT: A new version of this unofficial mod update has been released (v2), which fixes a bug triggered when talking to hat mouse


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From what it sounds like in the comments, this mod appears to be abandoned. Would someone be willing to recreate it? Custom Critters was so cute, I loved having little fireflies flying around at night


Hi!! could someone update Kimchi Maker:

So this took way longer than I expected (yay irl stuff) but just posted Kimchi Maker Continued to Nexus. Hope you enjoy :)

Does anyone have Champagne Wishes update???
Also heh-heh funny story...this is actually the mod I am working on right now! I got in touch with Fwippy and got their permission to make an official conversion for it. Hopefully that'll be up soon, I estimate I'm about 75% of the way done with it