Unofficial mod updates


Can anyone help me with the update of the mod “Lost Trees and Crops”?
It seems to me that the problem is that the mod “does not see” the original game file “Objects”, from which it should get the information for the code line “Product”.
Please help


I believe that is an issue with most pre v1.6 cellar mods. I'm using another one right now, and the creator released an update to fix that. Acerbicon seems be occupied with updating their mods, so it's possible the Ace's Expanded Cellars (Content Patcher) mod will eventually be updated for 1.6 with the necessary fix. In the meantime, you can try using other cellar expansion mods. But if you want to keep on using Ace's Expanded Cellars, then I would recommend the (slightly cheaty) Noclip Mode mod.



A few months ago, I made an unofficial update for Eemie's map recolor. I tried contacting Minervamaga and Eemie with other members of the community to ask for permission, but we didn't get a reply. Because of that, I haven't uploaded it to the public.
Hey, are you able to share Eemie's map recolour privately? I would really love it too! ♥


Hello! Would anyone here be interested in updating the mod Movie Theatre Tweaks by aedenthorn? I know aedenthorn has retired from modding so they're not updating it but I would really love to play with this mod, and I can't find any others that let you go into the theater lobby without buying a ticket or more than once a week 🙏 I would appreciate it so much and there might be others out there that would as well. Thank you!

Agent Lyoko

Anyone know of any Adopt 'N' Skin unofficial updates? I absolutely luv that mod but also I understand y it hasn't been officially updated :crab:
Most of Adopt N Skin's functions have been replicated - multipet is vanilla in 1.6, there's a mod for Multiple Horses, breeds/other pet skins can be added via Content Patcher or pet skins can be changed with Alternative Textures, I can go on - is there a specific function of Adopt N Skin you're looking for so we can recommend a mod?
Hello!! I would like to ask for a favor and ask if anyone has these wisteria town buildings mod?

I have been looking for it for a long time and found out it's in naver cafe which I can't access unfortunately but I absolutely love these buildings and if someone has them, could you please send it to me privately!(Do not send it here) Thank you very much in advance and I will be really grateful to you!
Hey did anyone see any 1.6 mods for the Valley Herbalist?
It looks so cool but has no updates have been released since 2020 and idk if I could still use it but I'd love for someone to update it!!


Could someone update Show Birthdays or recommend an alternative? Theres so many birthdays with ridgeside, sve, and the other expansions. I currently get the error "This mod failed in the Display.MenuChanged event."
Thanks for any help that can be provided :D


Hello!! I would like to ask for a favor and ask if anyone has these wisteria town buildings mod?
View attachment 24234
I have been looking for it for a long time and found out it's in naver cafe which I can't access unfortunately but I absolutely love these buildings and if someone has them, could you please send it to me privately!(Do not send it here) Thank you very much in advance and I will be really grateful to you!
You're in luck I did a reverse Google image search and it was literally posted on nexus just today. Enjoy!



Hellooo!! I would like to know if someone can update this mod?? Vanilla Accent Interface the Cozy Accent Interface version, the author uploaded the files in case someone wants to update it, this mod is very beautiful in that version, if someone could update it, I really need it and many more too


Oh my bad I guess if you really want it badly, you could go thru the process of making a naver account? Someone posted instructions here:

It might take a few days to get verified but after that you should be able to access the naver stardew cafe and get the town buildings mod.
I do have a account on naver, it just doesn't allow me to access Naver cafe in particular. It not possible in my country.