Hey there! I've been doing some testing myself on how to convert the products and I think I got it.
Under each animal entry you'll find the items they produce:
"ItemId": "Name of animal product" (only change it if it has a name. If it has a number, it's referring to a vanilla asset)
Change it to something like this:
"ItemId": "(UniqueID from the Manifest)_(Item name with no spaces)"
example: "ItemId": "sakialyn.BFAVconversion_SuperAwesomeItem"
Then at the very bottom, after the animal sprites, add the below. This will give CP the specifics of the item:
"LogName": "Load data for (Item name with spaces)",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Objects",
"Entries": {
"(UniqueID from the Manifest)_(Item name with no spaces)": {
"Name": "(UniqueID from the Manifest)_(Item name with no spaces)",
"DisplayName": "(Item name with spaces)",
"Description": "(Copy the description over, you can find this in the object.json for each product)",
"Type": "objects",
"Category": (Honestly, I do not know which numbers correspond to which categories, so this might require some trial and error to find the right one.)
"Price": (Price for the product),
"Texture": "(UniqueID from the Manifest)/(Item name with no spaces)",
"SpriteIndex": 0,
"Edibility": (You can find this in the object.json for each product),
"IsDrink": false,
"Buffs": null,
"GeodeDropsDefaultItems": false,
"GeodeDrops": null,
"ArtifactSpotChances": null,
"ExcludeFromFishingCollection": false,
"ExcludeFromShippingCollection": false,
"ExcludeFromRandomSale": false,
"CustomFields": null
I've been adding in each product this way, and once you have them all, underneath you will add the below. This will tell CP where to load the sprites:
"LogName": "Load Object Sprites for (Item name with spaces)",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "(UniqueID from the Manifest)/(Item name with no spaces)",
"FromFile": "assets/(whatever you named the sprite).png"
As an example:
"LogName": "Load data for Super Awesome Item",
"Action": "EditData",
"Target": "Data/Objects",
"Entries": {
"sakialyn.BFAVconversion_SuperAwesomeItem": {
"Name": "sakialyn.BFAVconversion_SuperAwesomeItem",
"DisplayName": "Super Awesome Item",
"Description": "Item is so awesome, it's a game breaker.",
"Type": "objects",
"Category": -18
"Price": 9000,
"Texture": "sakialyn.BFAVconversion/SuperAwesomeItem",
"SpriteIndex": 0,
"Edibility": 50,
"IsDrink": false,
"Buffs": null,
"GeodeDropsDefaultItems": false,
"GeodeDrops": null,
"ArtifactSpotChances": null,
"ExcludeFromFishingCollection": false,
"ExcludeFromShippingCollection": false,
"ExcludeFromRandomSale": false,
"CustomFields": null
"LogName": "Load Object Sprites for Super Awesome Item",
"Action": "Load",
"Target": "sakialyn.BFAVconversion/SuperAwesomeItem",
"FromFile": "assets/SuperAwesomeItem.png"
Make sure to rename each item and throw them into the 'assets' folder and that should do it.