Unofficial mod updates


Hello! I'm just wondering if anyone has or is willing to make an unofficial update to the Reverse Proposal mod made by GreenOnion24, and the Post Wedding Dates mod by Blams? I would also need an update for the Quest Framework mod by PurrplingCat for the Post Wedding dates mod to fully work, but the Reverse Proposal mod is my top priority right now, haha.

Here are the links to the mods I mentioned above :
Reverse Proposal -
Post Wedding Dates -
Quest Framework -

Thanks in advance! :)


Does anyone know if there's been or will be any further updates for this unofficial spritemaster, it has none of the previous options.
There's a mod called Clear Glasses that seems to be a spiritual successor to Spritemaster. It's throwing a few errors in the console but I haven't had any crashes so far. Mod options are available via menus, maybe try that one and see if it has the options you're looking for.

Zydar C.

I looked into it and it seems you need Custom Ore Nodes to get it to work. Unfortunately the Custom Ore Nodes need an update, so hopefully someone can do that and it will work again :) I need my custom nodes and custom resource clumps xD
Oh dear, that's one of aedenthorn's mods. Well, let's hope it'll get an unofficial update, or if he decides to come back to modding, however unlikely that may be.
Ugh my brain is mush but I finally got these working as CP conversions. The main files haven't been updated in years so I think it's safe to share them. I have a couple more I'm working on but I gotta take a break.

P.S. Also, they're not perfect CP conversions. You still need JA and PFM for these for their products and such. Sorry
I only tested Phoenixes, but it seems their items aren't spawning. Do we know if there's a way to direct CP item spawns to a JA item? I think that's the issue
Hello! I'm just wondering if anyone has or is willing to make an unofficial update to the Reverse Proposal mod made by GreenOnion24, and the Post Wedding Dates mod by Blams? I would also need an update for the Quest Framework mod by PurrplingCat for the Post Wedding dates mod to fully work, but the Reverse Proposal mod is my top priority right now, haha.

Here are the links to the mods I mentioned above :
Reverse Proposal -
Post Wedding Dates -
Quest Framework -

Thanks in advance! :)
The author of the Reverse Proposal mod was active on Nexus a few days ago, you may be able to find out if they plan to release an official update of it for 1.6 by leaving a post on the mod there.


a question, is there a mod for buff stacking= i mean: if i eat a river gelee i get a buff, but iff i then eat a sea gelee, the river buff was override. but i want a mod that the buffs stacks so i can get more then one buff
I wrote an updated Phoenix mod using the converter as a base. I only included blue and red atm. I adjusted the pricing a little to try and match vanilla better and also tried adjusting the feather drop rate by copying over the duck feather drop rate. Still don't understand gift tastes, so those are default.

EDIT: typo


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You were right! I removed the mod and that fixed the issue! Thank you, friend! I downloaded Vibrant Pastel Recolor because A Wittily Named Recolor was having issues and wanted a replacement that was just as cute. However, I just saw that someone who used to make sprites for Wittily posted some fixes for it if you want to give that mod a go instead

User tvisland's unofficial update is in the comment section and it works beautifully :)
i will check it out thank you!! im glad the issue is resolved, i was super sad that the fireplaces werent working anymore! <3


I believe that is an issue with most pre v1.6 cellar mods. I'm using another one right now, and the creator released an update to fix that. Acerbicon seems be occupied with updating their mods, so it's possible the Ace's Expanded Cellars (Content Patcher) mod will eventually be updated for 1.6 with the necessary fix. In the meantime, you can try using other cellar expansion mods. But if you want to keep on using Ace's Expanded Cellars, then I would recommend the (slightly cheaty) Noclip Mode mod.
I've been having this issue with Boogie's Farm Cave Extension, where the basement of the cave won't let me use the casks in there anymore. It's relieving to know it sees to be a global issue with cellar-based mods, but still I hope these mods will be updated soon.
Spacious Greenhouse Unofficial Update
So sorry to bother, but there seems to be an issue with the update. SMAPI says, "[Content Patcher] SMAPI blocked a 'Maps/Greenhouse' map load: the 'Spacious Greenhouse' content pack reordered the original tilesheets, which often causes crashes. Technical details for mod author: Expected order: paths, untitled tile sheet. See for help."

I apologize in advance if it's something wrong on my end! :)