Lew Zealand
Remember though that Steam also counts time that you have the game paused but still on. If you do that while attending to other things in life, then that kinda plumps up your hours a bit. So you're totally not an addict. Not at all.Ha! Today I learned that since the game is played via Steam, I can find out how long I have been playing for. I started playing on August 19th, just over two months ago. And I have played a total of 778 hours... YIKES @%^%$#(*^(&!@#@%(*^$)(@&*$)$ (that is over 12 hours a day!!!!!!)
You can quit at any time.
We have several 12 step programs available, like My Time at Portia, and Slime Rancher, and Terraria.
Here have a brochure...