Suggestions for Luau Potluck?

fair-weather psuedo wizard-fashion Mr. Potato Head out-of-town real estate prospector who's clearly already eaten 7 or 8 full Luau soups
Does this remind anybody else of that Puss in Boots, The Last Wish scene? If you don't get what I'm talking about, look at the spoiler (if you really want to know). But it is kinda true. All the governor does is eat your Luau soup and move on to the next town. Maybe, just maybe (probably not but maybe) in an update of Stardew Valley he'll be given a larger role.
The scene where Goldilocks and Baby start arguing and roasting each other.


However, when Gold and Big Milk quality Cauliflower is out of your reach, don't despair! There are alternative options that can keep you victorious! If your farmer also has an obsession with the art of fishing then Gold quality Catfish, Gold quality Sturgeon and Gold quality Super Cucumber will be the undisputed choices. Indulge visitors with the wonders of the brilliant sea and unparalleled plant luxuries

I am a godkin descended from a god, the "SEPUH" of Stardew Valley ( ̄⊿ ̄)╭


The first thing I always do when I start a new game is get a Deluxe Barn and some pigs. Truffles count as forage and I try to get up to max forage by the luau so I end up with an Iridium truffle. That always gets the Wow response from the governor.